1979 - 1983 哈爾濱師範大學,理學學士;
1983 - 1986 中科院大連化學物理研究所,理學碩士;
1986 - 1990 中科院大連化學物理研究所,理學博士;
1989 英國Birmingham大學作訪問學者。
1990 - 1993 中科院大連化學物理研究所,助研;
1993 - 1995 中科院大連化學物理研究所,副研;
1995 - 至今 中科院大連化學物理研究所,研究員;
2001 美國Univ. of Southern California作訪問學者。
長期從事無機膜與膜催化基礎及應用研究工作。基礎研究:在Science、JACS、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Adv. Mater.、AIChE J.、J. Membr. Sci.等權威雜誌上發表SCI文章300餘篇,SCI引用10,000餘次,H-index 55;英文專著1部(Springer)和中文專著1部(科學出版社);應用研究:專利授權60餘件;在國際上,首次實現微波合成分子篩膜工業放大;完成了多套萬噸級有機物分子篩膜脫水工業應用示範以及10萬噸/年乙醇分子篩膜脫水工業應用。
應邀分別在 12 Int'l Conf. on Inorganic Membranes (ICIM) (2012,荷蘭)和14 ICIM (2016,美國)等本領域重要國際會議上作大會邀請報告;應邀在第十九屆全國分子篩學術大會上作大會報告。任 6 Int'l Conf. on Catal. in Membrane Reactor (2002, Dalian)和7 Int'l Zeolite Membrane Meeting (2016, Dalian)國際會議主席以及多個與膜和膜過程相關的系列重要國際會議學術委員或顧問。
Peng Y, Li YS, Ban YJ, Jin H, Jiao WM, Liu XL,Yang WS,Metal-organic framework nanosheets as building blocks for molecular sieving membranes,Science, 346(6215)(2014)1356-1359
Peng Y, Li YS, Ban YJ,Yang WS,Two-Dimensional Metal-Organic Framework Nanosheets for Membrane-Based Gas Separation,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 56(2017)9757-9761
Li WP, Zhu XF, Chen SG,Yang WS,Integration of Nine Steps into One Membrane Reactor to Produce SynthesisGases for Ammonia and Liquid Fuel,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 55(30)(2016)8566-8570
Ban YJ, Li ZJ, Li YS, Peng Y, Jin H, Jiao WM, Guo A, Wang P, Yang QY, Zhong CL,Yang WS,Confinement of Ionic Liquids in Nanocages: Tailoring the Molecular Sieving Properties of ZIF-8 for Membrane-Based COCapture,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 54(51)(2015)15483
Yu TW, Chu WL, Cai R, Liu YC,Yang WS,InSitu Electrochemical Synthesis of Oriented and Defect-Free AEL Molecular-Sieve Films Using Ionic Liquids,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 54(44)(2015)13032-13035
Liu Y, Zhu XF, Li MR, Liu HY, Cong Y,Yang WS,Stabilization of Low-Temperature Degradation in Mixed Ionic and Electronic Conducting Perovskite Oxygen Permeation Membranes,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 52(11)(2013)3232-3236
Liu XL, Li YS, Zhu, GQ, Ban YJ, Xu LY,Yang WS,An Organophilic Pervaporation Membrane Derived from Metal-Organic Framework Nanoparticles for Efficient Recovery of Bio-Alcohols,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 50(45)(2011)10636-10639
Liu Y, Li YS,Yang WS,Fabrication of Highly b-Oriented MFI Film with Molecular Sieving Properties by Controlled In-Plane Secondary Growth,J. Am. Chem. Soc., 132(6)(2010)1768
Liu Y, Ban YJ,Yang WS,Microstructural Engineering and Architectural Design of Metal-Organic Framework Membranes,Adv. Mater., 29(2017)1606949
Xu XC,Yang WS, Liu J, Lin LW,Synthesis of a High-permeance NaA Zeolite Membrane by Microwave Heating,Adv. Mater.,12(3)(2000)195-198
Liu Y, Zhu XF, Li MR, O'Hayre RP,Yang WS,Nanoparticles at Grain Boundaries Inhibit the Phase Transformation of Perovskite Membrane,Nano Lett., 15(11)(2015)7678-7683
Li WP, Cao ZW, Cai LL, Zhang LX, Zhu XF,Yang WS,HS-tolerant oxygen-permeable ceramic membrane for hydrogen separation with performance comparable to palladium-based membranes,Energy Environ. Sci., 10(1)(2017)101-106
Zhu Y, Li WP, Liu Y, Zhu XF,Yang WS,Selectionof Oxygen Permeation Models for Different Mixed Ionic-Electronic ConductingMembranes,AIChE J., 63(9)(2017)4043-4053
Li WP, Cao ZW, Zhu XF,Yang WS,High-rate hydrogen separation using an MIEC oxygen permeable membrane reactor,AIChE J., 63(4)(2017)1278-1286
Liu Y, Zhu Y, Li MR, Zhu XF,Yang WS,Oxygen Transport Kinetics of MIEC Membranes Coated with Different Catalysts,AIChE J., 62(8)(2016)2803-2812
Liu Y, Zhu XF,Yang WS,Degradation Mechanism Analysis of BaSrCoFeOMembranes at Intermediate-Low Temperatures,AIChE J., 61(11)(2015) 3879-3888
Zhu XF, Liu HY, Cong Y,Yang WS,Permeation model and experimental investigation of mixed conducting membranes,AIChE J., 58(6)(2012)1744-1754
He YF, Zhu XF,Yang WS,The Role of A-Site Ion Nonstoichiometry in the Oxygen Absorption Properties of SrCoFeOOxides,AIChE J., 57(1)(2011) 87-95
He YF, Zhu XF, Li QM,Yang WS,Perovskite Oxide Absorbents for Oxygen Separation,AIChE J., (55)(12)(2009) 3125-3133
Zhu XF,Yang WS,Composite membrane based on ionic conductor and mixed conductor for oxygen permeation,AIChE J., 54(3)(2008)665-672