共找到2條詞條名為Drug的結果 展開
- Drug
- 用以預防治療及診斷疾病的物質
A drug is a substance which is taken into the body. Some drugs are taken for illnesses and some are taken for fun. Usually a doctor will give you a drug for an illness to make you well. People take drugs for fun because they affect their body or thoughts in unusual ways. Fun drugs are called "recreational" and drugs for illnesses are called "therapeutic".
Drugs can be taken by eating, smoking or injecting them. Drugs often have bad effects as well as the good effect - these bad effects are called side-effects.
Drugs need to be taken in theright amount. The amount of the drug you take is called a dose. If you take too much of a drug, you can get very sick or even die. If a doctor tells you how much of a drug (the right dose) to take, you should only take that amount. It is also very important to keep taking the drug until the doctor says to stop, because even if you feel better you may still be sick. When a doctor tells you what drug you need to take, how much, and for how long, it is called a prescription.
在美國,drug一詞多用於表示有治療性的藥品,同medicine。如果看到Pharmacy的字樣,等同於Drug Store。若是毒品則有其他的慣用俚語表示。
Drug-Substances other than food that change the structure or function of the body or mind.
antiviral drug 抗病毒藥物 ; 抗病毒藥
PRESCRIPTION DRUG 處方葯 ; 處方藥物 ; 醫囑藥品 ; 處方藥品
Antihypertensive drug 抗高血壓葯 ; 抗高血壓藥物 ; 降壓藥 ; 降壓藥物
drug test 興奮劑檢查 ; 藥物測試 ; 興奮劑檢測 ; 葯檢
Psychedelic drug 致幻劑 ; 迷幻劑
drug trafficker 毒梟 ; 販毒分子 ; 犯毒的人
drug trafficking 毒品走私 ; 販毒 ; 毒品交易 ; 走私販毒
drug treatment 藥物治療 ; 藥物療法 ; 戒毒
antibacterial drug 抗菌葯 ; 抗菌藥物
They injected every possible drug into him.
Right now, we have no idea of the impact of these drug residues or what we can do about them.
Them when they took it and won against a series of standards for the performance of deodorant drug diary.