




Debris(Minutes to Midnight Demo)收錄在Linkin Park2012發表的專輯《LP Underground 12》中。


My blood feels like it's sitting still in my veins
My motivation is gone before you even came
Today, yesterday it both seem the same
And no matter how I try I just can′t change
Give me one reason I should go outside
Everything will be the same no matter how what I try
Some people will live, some people will die
Some people will build their whole life on a lie
I used to blame you for the things that I thought you would say
So now I can't blame you for going away
Cause these memories of the blood beating under my skins
Repeating the same thoughts again and again
Again and again
Said we couldn't last long enough for be strong enough
Again and again
Said our voices weren't loud enough
and we've had enough because
We want our future back
We want our own mistakes
To take our own path
We want to do it again
Again and again
Said we couldn't last long enough or be strong enough
Again and again
Said our voices weren't loud enough
and we've had enough because
We want our future back
We want our own mistakes
To take our own path
We want to do it again
Again and again
Said we couldn't last long enough or be strong enough
Again and again
Said our voices weren't loud enough
and we've had enough because
We want our future back
We want our own mistakes
To take our own path
We want to do it again


Linkin Park Underground是新金屬樂隊Linkin Park的官方歌迷俱樂部。用戶能夠在其網站提供的論壇上分享有關Linkin Park動態與專輯消息。會員同時擁有一個電子郵箱,通過這個郵箱會員能夠先於公眾得到樂隊的新消息。贈品還包括得到Linkin Park預售產品諸如:專輯、衣飾以及一些書籍之類的小物品。
Linkin Park Underground由Linkin Park於2001年成立,LPU作為Linkin Park歌迷與樂隊分享激情的平台,其每年都有新的會員禮包。第一年,LPU重新發行《Hybrid TheoryEP》作為給註冊用戶的禮物。前500名LPU會員還收到了有樂隊親筆簽名的EP專輯作為答謝。2005年1月31日之前,LPU還有一個供歌迷交易LP商品的論壇,然而這個論壇由於與某些會員的糾紛而被關閉。