在教學中,注重教學方法的改進,充分利用多媒體教學技術、提問與討論的啟髮式教學方法,並結合相關課程的研究前沿,及時補充和豐富教學內容,教學效果好,深受學生的好評,2008年度被評為嘉興學院“我心目中的好老師”、嘉興學院講課比賽優勝。積極開展科學研究,自本科畢業以來,一直從事無機材料的研究工作,合成了多種新穎的無機有機雜化材料,並將低品質的天然沸石分子篩改性成為高性能的離子交換劑,用於氨氮廢水的處理,解決水體富營養化污染問題。目前已在《Journal of Hazardous Materials》、《Journal of Coordination Chemistry》和《高等學校化學學報》等國內外刊物上發表和錄用SCI論文8篇。主持嘉興市科技計劃項目一項——“黃酒中非生物混濁的預測與處理方法的研究”、浙江省高等學校優秀青年教師資助計劃一項。此外,還曾經參與了一個國家自然科學基金資助項目——“核酸鹼基在磷酸鹽水溶液中的新型光化學反應及其機理的研究”和兩個橫向課題的研究——“黃酒沉澱機理及其處理工藝的研究”和“啤酒中蛋白質含量及其分子量的分佈研究”,研究領域較廣。積極參與學術交流,掌握研究領域的最新動態。曾參與了多次國際學術會議,包括International Symposium on Solid State Chemistry in Chinese & 8th Chinese National Conference on Solid State Chemistry and Inorganic Synthesis(中國長春)和The 14th International Conference on the Origin of Life(中國北京),等。
1. Yifei Wang, Feng lin. Synthesis of high capacity cation exchangers from a low-grade Chinese natural zeolite. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 166(2009): 1014-1019.
2. Yifei Wang, Feng Lin, Wenqin Pang. Ion exchange of ammonium in natural and synthesized zeolites. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 160 (2008): 371-375.
3. Yifei Wang, Feng Lin, Wenqin Pang. Ammonium exchange in aqueous solution using Chinese natural clinoptilolite and modified zeolite. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 142 (2007): 160-164.
4. Yifei Wang, Feng Lin, Wenqin Pang. Removal of ammonium ions from wastewater using modified zeolites. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 16 (2007): 24-28.
5. Yifei Wang, Feng Lin and Wenqin Pang, Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure of a layered coordination polymer: [Zn2 (C2O4)2(C3N2H4)2] n, J. Coord. Chem., 2006, 59, 499.
6. Yifei Wang, Feng Lin and Wenqin Pang, Crystal structure of diethylenetriamine-penta[zinc(II), cobalt(II)] tetraphosphate, (C4H14N3)(Zn4.04Co0.96)(PO4)4, Z. Kristallogr. NCS, 2004, 219, 387.
7. Feng Lin, Zhimin Wang, Yifei Wang, New photochemical reaction of uracil in phosphate-buffered saline under UV irradiation, Chem. J. Chin. Univ., 2004, 25, 926.
8. Feng Lin, Yifei Wang, Under far UV Irradiation the passible role of phosphates in Chemical Evolution, The 14th International Conference on the Origin of Life, Beijing, 2005, 62.