共找到26條詞條名為陳瓊的結果 展開
- 陳沫吾
- 閩劇表演國家一級演員
- 民生銀行黨委副書記
- 上海中醫藥大學附屬龍華醫院內科主任醫師
- 海南廣播電視總台總工程師
- 湖南師範大學物理與信息科學學院副教授
- 宜昌市農業局局黨組成員
- 廣東省湛江市房產管理局局長、黨委書記
- 新疆昌吉回族自治州第二中學校長
- 英科醫療總經理
- 青年畫家
- 中國科學技術大學管理學院工商管理系副教授
- 合肥市南門小學教師
- 海滄出入境檢驗檢疫局副局長、黨組成員
- 原中共東陽縣委宣傳部長兼金華縣委書記
- 廣東省第十三屆人民代表大會代表
- 安徽省桐城市司法局范崗司法所副所長
- 明光市安全監管局副主任科員
- 華中師範大學化學學院副教授
- 廣西民族大學教授
- 池州學院音樂與教育學院教師
- 舒城縣南港鎮東衖村文書
- 仁壽愛瑞眼科醫院醫生
- 深圳市寶安區市容環境綜合管理服務中心職工
- 仙樂健康科技股份有限公司董事
- 臨滄市市委宣傳部紀檢監察組副組長
Q. Chen, W. L. Yang, M. Feng, “Generation of macroscopic entangled coherent states for distant ensembles of polar molecules via effective coupling to a superconducting charge qubit”,Phys. Rev. A86, 045801(2012).
Q. Chen, W. L. Yang, M. Feng, “Controllable quantum state transfer and entanglement generation between distant nitrogen-vacancy-center ensembles coupled to superconducting flux qubits”,Phys. Rev. A 86, 022327(2012).
Q. Chen, W. L. Yang, M. Feng, and J. F. Du, "Entangling separate nitrogen-vacancy centers in a scalable fashion via coupling to microtoroidal resonators",Phy. Rev. A 83, 054305(2011).
Q. Chen, Z. Y. Xu and M. Feng. “Entanglement generation of nitrogenvacancy centers via coupling to nano resonators and a superconducting interference device”, Phy. Rev. A82, 014302 (2010).
Q. Chen and M. Feng. “Quantum-information processing in decoherence-free subspace with low-Q cavities”.Phy. Rev. A82, 052329 (2010).
Q. Chen and M. Feng. “Quantum gating on neutral atoms in low-Q cavities by a single-photon input-output process”, Phy. Rev. A79,064303 (2009).
Q. Chen, W. L. Yang, M. Feng, “Quantum gate operations in decoherence-free fashion with separate nitrogen-vacancy centers coupled to a whispering-gallery mode resonator”,Euro. Phys. J D, 66, 238 (2012).
Q. Chen, K. Hai and W. Hai, “Controlling quantum motions of a Paul trapped ion via a double rf driving”. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.,43, 455302(2010).
K. Hai, Q. Chen and W. Hai, “Instability inducing directed tunneling of a single particle in a bipartite lattice”. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44, 035507 (2011).
K. Hai, W. Hai and Q. Chen, “Controlling transport and entanglement of two particle in a bipartite lattice”. Phy. Rev. A, 82, 053412(2010).
Y. M. Hu, Q. Chenand M. Feng. “Grover searchin decoherence-free subspace with low-Q cavities”. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.44, 035507 (2011).
W. L. Yang, Z. Q. Zhang, Q. Chen,C. Y. Chen and M. Feng. “Two-mode squeezing of distant nitrogen-vacancy-center ensembles by manipulating the reservoir”.Phys. Rev. A 85,022324 (2012)
W. Hai, K. Hai, and Q. Chen, “Transparent control of an exactly solvable two-level system via combined modulations”, Phy. Rev. A 87, 023403 (2013).