黎巴嫩歌手Amar 帶著她的2010新專輯《Helwa》回來了!專輯中的歌曲來自於黎巴嫩和埃及的一些老歌。歌曲《El Ataba Gazaz 》的MV是在土耳其拍攝剪輯的,導演 Fabien DuFils 對Amar在MV中的表演大加褒獎,她灑脫即興的舞蹈動作加上多變的服飾,展示了其美麗性感的一面。(圖為她在MV中的造型)《El Ataba Gazaz》是一首埃及老歌,由Hani AlSaghir 作詞,Mohammad Raheem作曲。專輯共11首歌曲,曲風都是歡快的節奏,適合喜歡載歌載舞的Amar。

Amar is a lebanese singer who looks like haifa wehbeh.
Just when we thought we had seen the last of these new comers to the ''artistic'' scene, a new music sensation appears.
Haifa, or Amar Rotana like she is sometimes called, now has to face a tough and much younger rival that goes by the similar name of Amar. This new contender does not only bear a comparable name but surprisingly sings in the same professional manner. She utters the lyrics and notes just the way Haifa does, with a blurred pronunciation, and a sensual attitude escorted by expressive sighs here and there. One has to understand that all this is merely a sign of the high level of creative maturity involved in such productions, necessary for the successful delivery of the artistic message or ''el rissala al faniya''. Similarly, one cannot help but praise Amar on her imitation skills and her mastery in identity theft. Perhaps Fayrouz was a role model in the past, but Haifa has obviously become the latest archetype of success and excellence in the entertainment and music industry.
Amar did not just count on her grand vocal abilities and notable physical resemblance to Haifa (she might even be prettier) for her first appearance. No, she was also fortunate enough to work on her latest release ''Naro Btehri''ny'' with video director Mirna Khayat,also known for her originality!
As usual, Mirna Khayat blows us away with her clever and unique story board ;) When will the mass production cease Mirna? But at least she knows how to make female singers look beautiful, to satisfy their aching ego and this is mostly what is needed here.

Amar 2008單曲(Al Y3ne )
Amar 2010專輯(Helwa )美麗的月球
發行公司:Rumi Hits
01. Helwa
02. Shertellak
03. Nefsi Aoulou
04. Aho Enta
05. Eshrab Elli Talabto
06. El Ataba Gazaz
07. El Shams Talaa
08. Oh La La
09. Mabakhafsh
10. Bitaa Banat
11. Ehna Men Malamehna