長期從事釺焊、擴散焊、微連接及微電子焊接等教學、科研工作,主要研究方向包括:(1) 無鉛釺料在微電子連接中的實用研究;(2) 基於納米壓痕法在微電子組裝中的可靠性研究;(3) MIG電弧釺焊潤濕性機理機金屬學行為研究;(4) 電火花放電錶面沉積及金屬表面改性技術研究。(6) 無鉛釺料的潤濕性及動力學行為研究;(7) 鋁波導釺前儲能氬弧點固技術;(8) 微電子器件內引線鍵合技術;(9) 微電子錶面組裝SMT激光軟釺焊技術。
中國電子學會生產技術學會 副理事長
中國焊接學會 常務理事
中國焊接學會釺焊專業委員會 主 任
中國焊接標準化技術委員會釺焊分委員會 主 任
美國焊接學會(AWS)成 員
[1]H. Zhao, H. Wang, D. Sekulic, Y. Qian, Spreading kinetics of liquid solders over an intermetallic solid surface. Part 1: Eutectic lead solder, Journal of Electronic Materials, 38 (2009) 1838-1845.
[2]H. Wang, X. Ma, F. Gao, Y. Qian, Sn concentration on the reactive wetting of high-Pb solder on Cu substrate, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 99 (2006) 202-205.
[3]F. Wang, X. Ma, Y. Qian, Improvement of microstructure and interface structure of eutectic Sn-0.7Cu solder with small amount of Zn addition, Scripta Materialia, 53 (2005) 699-702.
[4]D. Sekulic, F. Gao, H. Zhao, B. Zellmer, Y. Qian, Prediction of the Fillet Mass and Topology of Aluminum Brazed Joints, Welding Journal, 83 (2004) 102S-110S.
[5]X. Ma, F. Wang, Y. Qian, F. Yoshida, Development of Cu-Sn intermetallic compound at Pb-free solder/Cu joint interface, Materials Letters, 57 (2003) 3361-3365.
[6]Y. Qian, X. Ma, F. Yoshida, The stress field characteristics in the surface mount solder joints under temperature cycling: Temperature effect and its evaluation, Welding Journal, 81 (2002) 85/S-89/S.
[7]X. Ma, Y. Qian, F. Yoshida, Effect of La on the Cu-Sn intermetallic compound (IMC) growth and solder joint reliability, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 334 (2002) 224-227.
[8]H. Liu, J. Feng, Y. Qian, Interface structure and formation mechanism of diffusion-bonded joints of SiC ceramic to TiAl-based alloy, Scripta Materialia, 43 (2000) 49-53.