



1、1990—1994 西北大學數學系本科。
2、1994—至今 西北大學任教。
3、1996—1999 西北工業大學應用數學系碩士。
4、2000—2005 西安交通大學理學院博士。



1. 陝西省教育廳自然科學專項基金,決策系統知識發現的統計分析(No.04JK131),2004.07----2006.12,主持
2. 國家自然科學基金,基於形式背景的概念格約簡與規則提取方法研究(No.60703117),2008.01----2010.12,主持
3. 國家自然科學基金,格值形式背景概念格的構建理論與方法(No.11071281),2011.01----2013.12,主持


魏玲, 師義民. 巴斯卡分佈參數的Bayes估計. 純粹數學與應用數學, 1999, 15(2): 13-16.
魏玲, 師義民. 對數正態分佈無失效數據的可靠性分析. 西北大學學報(自然科學版), 2000, 30(1): 1-3.
Wei Ling, Qi Jian-jun, Shi Yi-min. The EB Estimation of Scale-Parameter for the Two-Parameter Exponential Distribution Under the Type-Ⅱ Censoring Life Test. MATHEMATICA APPLICATA, 2001, 14(4): 66-70.
LING WEI, JIAN-JUN QI, WEN-XIU ZHANG. Knowledge Discovery of Decision Table Based on Support Vector Machine. In: Proceedings of 2003 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. IEEE, 2003, 1195-1200.
魏玲, 祁建軍, 張文修. 基於支持向量機的決策系統知識發現. 西安交通大學學報, 2003, 37(10): 995-998.
魏玲, 張文修. 基於支持向量機集成的分類. 計算機工程, 2004, 30(13): 1-2,17.
魏玲, 師義民. LINEX損失下一類分佈族參數漸近最優的EB檢驗. 西北大學學報(自然科學版), 2004, 34(5): 517-521.
Ling Wei, Wen-xiu Zhang. Attribute Reduction Based on Equivalence Relation Defined on Attribute Set and its Power Set. In: B. Dunin-Keplicz, A. Jankowski, A. Skowron, and M. Szczuka (eds.). International Workshop on Monitoring, Security and Rescue Techniques in Multiagent Systems MSRAS 2004, Advances in Soft Computing. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2005, 317-326.
Ling Wei, Wen-xiu Zhang. A Novel Statistical Method on Decision Table Analysis. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (AI 2004), 2004, 3339: 973-978.
魏玲, 張文修. 決策表分析的統計依據. 計算機科學, 2005, 32(4): 19-21.
魏玲, 祁建軍, 張文修. 概念格與粗糙集的關係研究. 計算機科學, 2006, 33(3): 18-21.
魏玲. 概念格屬性約簡理論與方法.// 張文修, 姚一豫, 梁怡. 粗糙集與概念格. 西安: 西安交通大學出版社, 2006: 357-380.
魏玲, 張文修. 粗糙集約簡的閉運算元方法. 計算機科學, 2007, 34(1): 159-162,182.
Ling Wei, Hong-Ru Li, Wen-Xiu Zhang. Knowledge Reduction Based on the Equivalence Relations Defined on Attribute Set and Its Power Set. Information Sciences, 2007, 177(15): 3178-3185.
魏玲, 祁建軍, 張文修. 決策形式背景的概念格屬性約簡. 中國科學E輯: 信息科學, 2008, 38(2): 195-208. WEI Ling, QI Jianjun, ZHANG Wenxiu. Attribute reduction theory of concept lattice based on decision formal contexts. Science in China Series F: Information Science, 2008, 51(7): 910-923.
Ling Wei, Jian-Jun Qi. Combination and Decomposition Theories of Formal Contexts Based on Same Attribute Set. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (RSKT 2008), 2008, 5009: 452-459.
Ling Wei, Guang Yao, Wei Zhao. Object oriented concept lattice construction through the combination of formal contexts. In: Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. IEEE, 2009, 2127-2131.
Ling Wei, Xiao-Hua Zhang, Jian-Jun Qi. Granular Reduction of Property-Oriented Concept Lattices. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ICCS 2010), 2010, 6208: 154-164.
Ling Wei, Sheng-Nan Wang, Wei Zhao. Methods to construct several kinds of concept lattices. In: Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. IEEE, 2010, 91-96.
Ling Wei, Hui-Yan Hong, Wei Zhao. The relationship between property-oriented concept lattice and partition. In: Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. IEEE, 2010, 122-127.
Ling Wei, Jian-Jun Qi. Relation between concept lattice reduction and rough set reduction. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2010, 23(8): 934-938.
Ling Wei, Jing Zhang, Hong-Ying Zhang. Comparison of concept lattice reduction based on discernbility matrixes. In: Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. IEEE, 2011, 1118-1123.
Ling Wei, Qiang Li. Covering-Based Reduction of Object-Oriented Concept Lattices. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (RSKT 2011), 2011, 6954: 728-733.
Min-Qian Liu, Ling Wei, Wei Zhao. The Reduction Theory of Object Oriented Concept Lattices and Property Oriented Concept Lattices. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (RSKT 2009), 2009, 5589: 587-593.
Shengnan Wang, Ling Wei, Qiang Li. Construct New Lattices Based on Rough Set Theory. In: Proceedings of 2010 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, IEEE, 2010, 5013-5016.
Kesheng Wu, Ling Wei. Attribute Reduction Based on Interval-valued Formal Contexts. In: Proceedings of 2010 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, IEEE, 2010, 4978-4981.
趙玉鋒, 魏玲, 劉敏茜. 多背景橫向合併屬性特徵分析. 西北大學學報(自然科學版), 2009, 39(2): 181-185.
趙玉鋒, 魏玲, 王磊. 模糊形式背景橫向合併概念的生成. 計算機科學, 2009, 36(8A): 116-120.
[6 姚廣, 魏玲, 王磊. 合成背景的面向屬性概念格生成. 西北大學學報(自然科學版), 2010, 40(1): 1-4.
王磊, 魏玲, 姚廣. 橫向合成背景的概念生成. 西北大學學報(自然科學版), 2010, 40(2): 195-198.
王彬弟, 魏玲. 基於關聯格的概念格約簡理論. 山東大學學報(理學版), 2010, 45(9): 20-26.
孫昱薇, 魏玲,仇代遠. 基於基概念的面向屬性概念格建格方法. 西北大學學報(自然科學版), 2011, 41(1): 11-14,18.
師義民, 魏玲, 肖華勇. 冷貯備串聯繫統可靠性指標的估計. 西北工業大學學報, 2001, 19(1): 76-79.
趙煒, 魏玲, 許軍, 張毅. 線性加權評價與聚類分析理論及應用. 純粹數學與應用數學, 2002, 18(2): 121-125.
張文修, 魏玲, 徐萍. 廣義信息系統上的Rough集理論. 模糊系統與數學, 2004, 18(9): 29-33.
張文修, 魏玲, 祁建軍. 概念格的屬性約簡理論與方法. 中國科學E輯:信息科學, 2005, 35(6): 628-639. ZHANG Wenxiu, WEI Ling, QI Jianjun. Attribute reduction theory and approach to concept lattice. Science in China Series F-Information Science, 2005, 48(6): 713-726.
Jian-Jun Qi, Ling Wei, Zeng-Zhi Li. A Partitional View of Concept Lattice. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (RSFDGrC 2005), 2005, 3641: 74-83.
Wen-Xiu Zhang, Ling Wei, Jian-Jun Qi. Attribute Reduction in Concept Lattice Based on Discernibility Matrix. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (RSFDGrC 2005), 2005, 3642: 157-165.
Jian-Jun Qi, Ling Wei, Zeng-Zhi Li. A Computational Model of Trust. Computer Science and Telecommunications, 2005, 7(3): 16-20.
張文修, 魏玲, 祁建軍, 仇國芳. 概念格約簡泛化與概念粒逼近.// 苗奪謙, 王國胤, 劉清, 林早陽, 姚一豫. 粒計算:過去、將來與展望. 北京: 科學出版社, 2007: 243-274.
Jian-Jun Qi, Ling Wei. Attribute Reduction in Consistent Decision Formal Context. Information Technology Journal, 2008, 7(1): 170-174.
Jian-Jun Qi, Ling Wei, Yun-Bo Bai. Composition Of Concept Lattices. In: Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. IEEE, 2008, 2274-2279.
Jian-Jun Qi, Ling Wei, Yan-Ping Chen. Correlation Analysis Between Objects and Attributes. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (RSKT 2009), 2009, 5589: 594-600.
QI Jian-Jun, WEI Ling, LIU Wei. Concept lattice construction through the composition and decomposition of formal context. In: Proceedings of 2010 International Workshop on ROUGH SETS THEORY, 2010, 488-493.
Jian-Jun Qi, Ling Wei, Hui-Yan Hong. Concept lattice construction about many-valued contexts. In: Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. IEEE, 2011, 1124-1129.


1. 2008.5.12―14, 重慶,2008國際知識技術論壇(2008 International Forum on Knowledge Technology,IFKT2008)
2. 2008.5.16―19, 成都,第三屆粗糙集與知識技術國際會議(The Third International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology. RSKT2008 ) 因汶川地震改為網路會議
3. 2009.7.12―15, 保定,2009年機器學習與控制國際會議(International Conference of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. ICMLC2009)
4. 2010.7.12―14, 青島,2010年機器學習與控制國際會議(International Conference of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. ICMLC2010)
5. 2010.10.19―21, 舟山,2010年第二屆國際粗糙集理論研討會(The 2nd International Workshop on Rough Sets Theory. RST2010)
6. 2011.7.10―13, 桂林,2011年機器學習與控制國際會議(International Conference of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. ICMLC2011)

