Can'T Get Over
Can'T Get Over
《Can'T Get Over》是李玟演唱的一首歌曲,收錄在專輯《Just No Other Way》當中。
You got me mixed up breakin' down
You got me mixed up breakin' down
You got me mixed up breakin' down
You got me mixed up breakin' down
You got me mixed up breakin' down
Can't get over loving you boy
Can't get over loving you boy
Can't get over loving you boy
Can't get over loving you boy
Can't get over loving you boy
Can't get over
Can't get over
Can't get over
Can't get over
Can't get over
You got me mixed up breaking down
You got me mixed up breaking down
You got me mixed up breaking down
You got me mixed up breaking down
You got me mixed up breaking down
I need you to be around
I need you to be around
I need you to be around
I need you to be around
I need you to be around
Don't wanna find another
Don't wanna find another
Don't wanna find another
Don't wanna find another
Don't wanna find another
Broken heart, lost reasons
And these feelings that just won't go away
Changing times, new reason
But still holding on to dreams of someday
Cause I can't
Burning love, flames of passion
And the feeling you and I once shared
And my tears do they matter?
Tell me now, oh baby if you still care
Cause I want you back with me
And I can't know what to do
Baby, maybe we can try it again
Baby, maybe we can try it again
Cause I love you
Cause I love you
Can you take away the pain
Can you take away the pain
Can you love me once again
Can you love me once again
Cause I just can't keep living without you
Cause I just can't keep living without you
So come back to me, baby won't you please
So come back to me, baby won't you please
在千禧年即將到來的前夕CoCo將奮鬥目標轉向美國的市場,在550唱片旗下進軍國際的首張英文專輯 "Just No Other Way"。
崛起於台灣,首位進軍美國市場的華人女歌手CoCo李玟,首張英文專輯“Just No Other Way”終於問世,這是一張充滿Power與Groove作品的專輯,首支單曲“Do You Want My Love”是一首性感快樂舞曲,特別邀請Natural Elements團中的饒舌歌手A-Butta來畫龍點睛;與Kelly Price合唱的第二支單曲“Can't Get Over”,是首中板R&B作品,探索對已逝去的愛情戀戀不捨。值得一提的是Celine Dion的御用製作人Ric Wake為CoCo量身打造的“Wherever You Go”,讓這張專輯生色不少。
CoCo在“Runaway Bride 落跑新娘”電影原聲帶中首支試金作品“Before I Fall In Love”也收錄在這張專輯中。先前傳出Michael Jackson有意合唱的CoCo是否能在美國市場打下一片江山,且讓我們拭目以待!
這張專輯是一張充滿Power與Groove的作品,CoCo詮釋這些歌曲不但具有強勁力道,而且也包含著多樣變化與豐盈的情感。“Do You Want My Love”便是讓你聞歌起舞的性感快樂舞曲(此曲特別邀請Natural Elements團中的饒舌歌手A-Butta來為其畫龍點睛);與 Kelly Price合唱的“Can't Get Over”是一首探索對已逝去的愛情戀戀不捨的中板R&B作品;“All Tied Up In You”一曲中置放了濃郁深情;“Crazy Ridiculous”在70年代的復古氣氛中狂歡,而CoCo則恣意愉悅地玩著現代都市文字遊戲;Frankie Knuckles跨刀製作的“Don't You Want My Love”則是一首令舞棍汗流浹背、大呼過癮的快節奏舞曲。更值得一提的是專輯中更是力邀 Celine Dion的御用製作人Ric Wake為CoCo量身打造一首膾炙人口的“Wherever you go”,讓這張專輯生色不少。
專輯中特別收錄收錄了CoCo在“Runaway Bride 落跑新娘”電影原聲帶中躍升西洋國際樂壇的首支試金作品“Before I Fall In Love”讓專輯更具完整性與可聽性,精彩可期,喜愛CoCo的樂迷更是不可錯過她的美妙“聲”段及全新的蛻變。