共找到58條詞條名為林偉的結果 展開
- 周口市青年畫家協會理事
- 中國香港男演員
- 莆田市公安局治安支隊支隊長
- 廣東鷹牌陶瓷集團總裁
- 廣西地大集團有限公司董事長
- 中國科學院地質地球所研究員
- 寧波市委組織部人才工作處處長
- 溫州市住房和城鄉建設委員會副主任
- 國家質量監督檢驗檢疫總局辦公廳主任
- 開國少將
- 江蘇省教育考試院原黨委書記、院長
- 上饒市體育局局長
- 松陽縣人民法院黨組書記
- 高級工藝美術師
- 電子商務維棉CEO
- 旭輝集團股份有限公司副董事長
- 祥謙鎮鳳港村經濟合作社主任
- 海南省紀委、省監察廳巡視員
- 寧波市人力資源和社會保障局巡視員
- 福州大學土木工程學院教授
- 廣州醫學院第二附屬醫院副教授
- 浙江省麗水市中級人民法院辦公室主任
- 福建泉州師範學院黨委副書記
- 美術家
- 福州大學工業設計系副教授
- 台州學院副教授
- 浙江省人民醫院副院長
- 河北省省直書法家協會副主席
- 無錫職業技術學院機電學院教研室主任
- 東港市市公安局政工監督室副主任
- 蘇州大學附屬第一醫院副主任醫師
- 華東理工大學副教授
- 麗水中學生物教師
- 昌江縣人民政府副縣長
- 廣東省人民醫院血液科教授
- 寧德師範學院外語系講師
- 陝西省食葯監局巡視員
- 南京大學新聞學院副教授
- 福州大學副研究員
- 重慶市永川區金融工作辦公室主任
- 上饒市體育局黨組書記
- 樂山市數字經濟發展局副局長
- 廣東工業大學副教授
- 國內某大型互聯網安全公司攻防實驗室主任
- 武漢理工大學副教授
- 福州市科學技術局原副局長
- 中國駐南蘇丹大使館武官
- 山東省實驗中學教師
- 中央電視台特效導演
- 福州市守來醫院院長
- 福建省高級人民法院刑事審判第一庭副庭長
- 西北工業大學理學院副教授
- 青海省交通醫院骨科原主任
- 攝影師、導演
- 洛陽市地震局局長
- 中國石油新疆油田分公司准東採油廠沙南作業區林偉班班長
- 中國美術家協會會員
- 福州市中級人民法院民事審判第四庭原副庭長
1993.9-1996.9 南京大學地球科學系,理學碩士學位;
1997.1-2000.5 法國奧爾良大學地球科學系,理學博士學位;
1995.07-1996.6 中國石油天然氣總公司石油勘探研究院實習並完成碩士論文;
2000.05-2002.04 中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所博士后研究;
2002.5-2002.10 法國奧爾良大學地球科學系博士后;
2002.10-2004.10 日本學術振興會特別研究員,日本名古屋大學地球科學系。
1. 超高壓變質岩的構造折返歷程:
2. 造山帶與盆地動力學:盆山耦合系統的構造解析(天山和塔里木盆地,大別山及其前陸)
3. 地球早期的構造演化剖析
4. 陸內造山帶的構造剖析(以華南-華東地區為例)
-Structural analysis of ductile and brittle deformation;
-Tectonics of orogenic belts;
-Geodynamics of continental lithosphere and plate evolution.
1. Wei Lin,Yonghong Shi and Qingchen Wang,2008. Exhumation tectonics of the HP-UHP orogenic belt in Eastern China: New structural-petrological insights from the Tongcheng massif,Eastern Dabieshan. Lithos. doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2008.10.007
2. Wei Lin,Michel Faure,Yonghongshi,Qincheng Wang,Zhong Li,2008. Paleozoic Tectonics of Southwestern Chinese Tianshan: New insights from a structural study of the high-pressure/low-temperature metamorphic belt. International journal of Earth Sciences. DOI 10.1007/s00531-008-0371-7.
3. Wei Lin,Qingchen Wang,Ke Chen,2008. Phanerozoic Tectonics of South China Block: New insights from the polyphase deformation in the Yunkai Massif. Tectonics. VOL. 27,TC6004,doi:10.1029/2007TC002207
4. Wei Lin,Faure M.,Monie P.,Scharer U.,Panis D.,2008. Mesozoic extensional tectonics in Eastern margin of Eurasia continent,the Case study of South-Liaodong peninsula dome,NE China. Journal of Geology 116,134-154.
5. W徠ei Lin,Michel Faure,Sébastien Nomade,Qinghua Shang,Paul Randall Renne,2008. Permian-Triassic Amalgamation of Asia: insights from NE China sutures and their place in the final collision of North China and Siberia. C.R.Acad. Sciences Paris. 340,190-201.
6. Wei Lin,Faure M.,Monie P.,Wang Q. 2007,Polyphase Mesozoic tectonics in the eastern part of North China Block: insights from the Eastern Liaoning Peninsula massif (NE China). In: Mesozoic Sub-continental Lithospheric Thinning Under Eastern Asia. Geological Society London,Special Publications,280,153-169. DOI 10.1144/SP280.7
7. Wei LIN,Masaki Enami,Michel Faure,Urs Scharer,and Nicolas Arnaud,2007,Survival of eclogite xenolith in a Cretaceous granite intruding the Central Dabieshan migmatite gneiss dome (Eastern China) and its tectonic implications. International journal of Earth Sciences. 96 (4),707-724. DOI: 10.1007/s00531-006-0129-z.
8. Wei LIN,Wang Qinchen. 2006,Late Mesozoic extensional tectonics in North China Block - Response to the Lithosphere removal of North China Craton? Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France,177 (6),287-297.
9. LIN Wei and Masaki ENAMI,2006,Prograde P-T trajectory of jadeite-bearing eclogite and associated HP/LT rocks from western Tianshan,NW China. Island Arc. 15,483–502.
10. Lin Wei,Michel Faure,Qingchen Wang,Patrick Monie,Dominique Panis,2005,Polyphase deformation in the Feidong–Zhangbaling Massif (Eastern China) and its place in the collision between North China and South China Blocks. Journal of Asia Earth Sciences,25,121-136.
11. Lin Wei,Michel Faure,Patrick Monié,Nicole Le Breton,2004,Discussion of the paper ’High- to Ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) ductile shear zones in the Sulu UHP metamorphic belt,China: implications for continental subduction and exhumation’ by Zhao et al. Terra Nova 17(1),86-88.
12. Lin Wei,Yan Chen,Michel Faure and Qingchen Wang,2003,Tectonic implications of new Late Cretaceous paleomagnetic constraints from Eastern Liaoning Peninsula,NE China Journal of Geophysical Research,Vol. 108(B6),doi: 10.1029/2002JB002169,EPM5-1 to 5-17.
13. Lin Wei,Michel Faure,Q. C. Wang,N. Arnaud,2005,Tectonic Evolution of Dabie Orogeny,in the view from Polyphase Deformation of Beihuaiyang Metamorphic zone,Science in China (D). 48(7),886-899.
14. 林偉,王清晨, M. Faure,N. Arnaud,2005,從北淮陽構造帶的多期變形透視大別山構造演化,中國科學(D). 35(2),127-139.
15. 林偉,王清晨,石永紅,2005大別山-蘇魯碰撞造山帶構造幾何學、運動學和岩石變形分析。岩石學報, 21(4),1195-1214.
16. 林偉, Michel Faure,王清晨,2003,膠東半島中生代構造演變的幾何學和運動學,地質科學, 38(4):495-505.
17. 林偉,王清晨, Faure M.,孫岩,舒良樹, Urs Scharer,2003a,大別山的構造變形期次和超高壓變質岩折返的動力學。地質學報, 2003,77(1): 44-54.
18. Lin Wei,Michel Faure,Yan SUN,and Liangshu SHU,2001,Compression to Extension switch during the Triassic Orogeny: the case study of the Juilingshan massif in the S. foreland of the Dabieshan (SE China),Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,20,31-43.
19. Lin Wei,Michel Faure,Patrick Monié,Urs Schärer,and Liansheng Zhang,2000,Tectonic of SE China,new insights from the Lushan massif (Jiangxi province). Tectonics,Vol.19 (5),852-871.
20. Michel Faure,Wei Lin,Patrick Monié,Sébastien Meffre,2008. Paleozoic collision between the North and South China Blocks,Early Triassic tectonics and the problem of the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism. C.R.Acad. Sciences Paris. 340,139-150.
21. Wang Qingchen,Shi Yonghong,Lin Wei,Guo Jinghui,2008. Exhumation of the Dabieshan Terrance,China. International Geology Review,50,15-31.
22. Trap P.,M. Faure,W. Lin and P. Monié,2007,Late Paleoproterozoic (1900-1800 Ma) nappe stacking and polyphase deformation in the Hengshan-Wutaishan area: implications for the understanding of the Trans-North-China Belt,North China Craton. Precambrian Research,156,85-106
23. Michel Faure,Pierre Trap,Wei Lin,Patrick Monié,Olivier Bruguier,2007,Polyorogenic evolution of the Paleoproterozoic Trans-North China Belt,new insights from the Lüliangshan-Hengshan-Wutaishan and Fuping massifs. Episodes,Vol. 30,nos. 2,95-106.
24. Michel Faure,Lin Wei,Patrick Monié,Olivier Bruguier,2004,Paleoproterozoic collision tectonics in NE China: new evidence for a 2Ga magmatic arc in Liaodong Peninsula,Terra Nova,16,75-80. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3121.2004.00533.x.
25. Michel Faure,Wei Lin,Patrick Monié,Nicole Le Breton,Stéphane Poussineau,Dominique Panis,Etienne Deloule,2003,Exhumation tectonics of the ultra high-pressure metamorphic rocks in the Qinling orogen in E. China. New petrological-structural-radiometric insights from the Shandong peninsula. Tectonics,22(3),1018,doi: 10.1029/2002TC001450.
26. Michel FAURE,Wei LIN,Urs SCHÄRER,Liangshu SHU,Yan SUN and Nicolas ARNAUD,2003,Insight into continental subduction and exhumation of UHP rocks from structural and radiometric data of the Dabieshan (E. China). Lithos,70,213-241.
27. Faure,M.,Lin Wei,Le Breton,N.,Monie P. 2002. Where is the N. China-S. China Blocks boundary in Eastern China? Reply to the Discussion by M. Zhai. Geology,30,667.
28. Michel FAURE,Nicole LE BRETON,Wei LIN,2000,Where is the North China-South China Blocks boundary in Eastern China? Geology,v.29 (2),119-122.
29. Michel Faure,Wei LIN,Liangshu Shu,Yan Sun,Urs Schärer,1999,Tectonics of the Dabieshan and its bearing on the exhumation of the ultra high-pressure rocks,Terra Nova,Vol. 11,No.6,251-258.
30. Michel Faure,Wei LIN,Yan sun,1998,Doming in the southern foreland of the Dabieshan (Yangtze block,China),Terra Nova,Vol. 10,No.6,307-311.
31. Jean-Yves Talbot,Yan Chen,Michel Faure and Wei Lin,2000,AMS study of the Pont-de-Montvert – Borne prophyritic granite pluton (France Massif Central) and its tectonic implications,Geophysics Journal international,140,677-686.
32. 王清晨,林偉,2002,大別山碰撞造山帶的地球動力學,地學前緣,9(4),255-265.
33. 石永紅,王清晨,林偉,2006,大別山太湖地區榴輝岩岩石學、礦物成分和P-T條件特徵及其所揭示的構造含義。岩石學報, 22(3),414-432.
34. 石永紅,林偉,王清晨,2006,桐城-源潭鋪地區高壓榴輝岩的峰期變質P-T條件及其構造歸屬。岩石學報,22,2315-2324. Shi Y.,LIN W.,Wang QC.,2006,Peak P-T conditions for eclogites across the Tongcheng-Yuantanpu Region and its tectonic setting. Acta Petrologica Sinica,22,2315-2324.
35. 石永紅,林偉,王清晨,2007. 大別山太湖地區宿松變質雜岩中石榴斜長角閃岩的P-T軌跡及反映的俯衝過程。地質科學, 42,518-531.
36. 石永紅,王清晨,林偉。2006. 南大別太湖地區榴輝岩峰期變質溫壓條件及所揭示的構造含義。岩石礦物學雜誌, 25,127-136.