



出生年月: 1956年
學 位:博士學位
學科 專業:遺傳學、植物發育生物學


1、遺傳學:生命科學學院本科生基礎課(6學時/周/2x54學時 5屆)
2、生命科學導論:理工科全校通識課(3學時/周/36學時 5屆 1100人)


3. 植物基因組學與蛋白質組學





4.國家自然科學基金項目:雲南紫稻細胞質雄性不育系胞質的遺傳基礎與利用. (30571143,2006-2008)
5.國家自然科學基金項目:新型紫稻細胞質雄性不育系的遺傳機理與應用基礎研究. (30340079,2004-2005)
6.國家自然科學基金項目:中國近緣野生大麥基因組的遺傳多樣性研究. (30270709,2003-2005)
8.國家教育部科學技術重點項目:紫稻細胞質無花粉雄性不育系的遺傳機理與應用. (03109,2003-2005)
9.高校博士點基金:幾種模式生物胚胎細胞發育早期的多光譜顯微定量分析. (20060486022,2007-2009)


1. 2011年湖北省科技進步一等獎一項(排名5);
2. 2010年度武漢市科技進步獎二等獎一項(2010J-118-2-42-035-01);
3. 2009年獲農業部中華農業科技獎二等獎一項(KJ2009-G2-012-08);
4. 2009年獲湖北省高等學校教學成果獎三等獎一項(排名1);
5. 2002年獲國家技術發明二等獎一項(證書號2002-F-201-2-02-05);
6. 1997年獲國家教委科技進步二等獎一項(證書號96-126);


1.水稻無花粉細胞質雄性不育系的選育方法,專利號 ZL99120003.9
3.雜交水稻三系超級稻恢復系的選育方法,專利號:ZL 00 1 31189.1



1.主編教材:與路鐵剛主編 《分子遺傳學》2008年,高教出版社;


1.Qian Qian, Lin Huang, Rong Yi, Shuzhen Wang, Yi Ding*. Enhanced resistance to blast fungus in rice (Oryza sativa L.) by expressing the ribosome-inactivating protein alpha- momorcharin. Plant Science 2014,217-218: 1-7
2.Xiaojun Chen, Jihong Hu, Hongyuan Zhang, Yi Ding*. DNA methylation changes in photoperiod - thermo-sensitive male sterile rice PA64S under the two different conditions.Gene 2014, 537(1):143-148
3. Jihong Hu, Lulu Sun, Zhixuan Zhu, Yuan Zheng, Wei Xiong, Yi Ding*. Characterization of conserved microRNAs from five different cucurbit species using computational and experimental analysis. Biochimie 2014,102:137-144
4. Zhihua Wu, Songtao Gui, Shuzhen Wang, Yi Ding*. Molecular evolution and functional characterisation of an ancient phenylalanine ammonia-lyase gene (NnPAL1) from Nelumbo nucifera: novel insight into the evolution of the PAL family in angiosperms. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2014, 14:100
5. Junjie Yan, Han Tian, Shuzhen Wang, Jinzhen Shao, Yinzhen Zheng, Hongyuan Zhang, Lin Guo, Yi Ding*. Proteomics analysis identified pollen developmental defects in the rice ZD-CMS line. Journal of Proteomics 2014,108:110-123
6. Junjie Yan, Hongyuan Zhang, Yinzheng Zheng, Yi Ding*.Comparative expression profiling of miRNAs between the cytoplasmic male sterile line MeixiangA and its maintainer line MeixiangB during rice anther development.Planta 2014(in press)
7.Rong Yi, Zhixuan Zhu, Jihong Hu, Qian Qian, Jincheng Dai and Yi Ding*. Identification and expression analysis of microRNAs at the grain filling stage in rice(Oryza sativa L.)via deep sequencing.PLOS ONE 2013, 8(3): e57863
8. Jihong Hu, Rong Yi, Hongyuan Zhang, Yi Ding*.Nucleo-cytoplasmic interactions affect RNA editing of cox2, atp6 and atp9 in alloplasmic male-sterile rice (Oryza sativa L.) lines. Mitochondrion 2013,13:87-95
9. Jihong Hu, Hongyuan Zhang, Yi Ding*. Identification of conserved microRNAs and their targets in the model legume Lotus japonicas. Journal of Biotechnology 2013,164:520-524
10. Ying He, Shuzhen Wang, Yi Ding*.Identification of novel glutelin subunits and a comparison of glutelin composition between japonica and indica rice (Oryza sativa L.).Journal of Cereal Science 2013,57:362-371
11. Ying He, Yubo Zhang, Shuzhen Wang , Hanlai Zeng *& Yi Ding*.Characterization of a Novel Glutelin Subunit OsGluBX by the Experimental Approach and Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Appl Biochem Biotechnol 2013,169:1482–1496
12. Shuzhen Wang, Yinzhen Zheng, Xiaojun Chen, Junjie Yan, Zhixuan Zhu, Yi Ding*. Alpha-momorcharin, a ribosome-inactivating protein from Momordica charantia, possessing DNA cleavage properties.Protein & Peptide Letters,2013,20(11):1257-1263
13. Jihong Hu*, Lulu Sun, Yi Ding*.Identification of conserved microRNAs and their targets in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.).Plant Signaling & Behavior 2013, 8: e23604
14. Yun Wang, Guangyi Fan, Yiman Liu, Fengming Sun, Chengcheng Shi, Xin Liu, Jing Peng, Wenbin Chen, Xinfang Huang, Shifeng Cheng, Yuping Liu, Xinming Liang, Honglian Zhu, Chao Bian, Lan Zhong, Tian Lv, Hongxia Dong, Weiqing Liu, Xiao Zhong, Jing Chen, Zhiwu Quan, Zhihong Wang, Benzhong Tan, Chufa Lin, Feng Mu, Xun Xu, Yi Ding*, An-Yuan Guo*, Jun Wang* & Weidong Ke*.The sacred lotus genome provides insights into the evolution of flowering plants. The Plant Journal,2013,76:557-567
15. Jihong Hu, Lei Pan, Honggao Liu, Shuzhen Wang, Zhihua Wu, Weidong Ke, and Yi Ding*. Comparative analysis of genetic diversity in sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.) using AFLP and SSR markers. Mol Biol Rep 2012,39:3637–3647
16. Shuzhen Wang, Yubo Zhang, Honggao Liu, Ying He, Junjie Yan, Zhihua Wu, and Yi Ding*. Molecular cloning and functional analysis of a recombinant ribosome-inactivating protein (alpha-Momorcharin) from Momordica charantia. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2012,96:939–950
17. Jun-jie Yan & Yu-bo Zhang & Yi Ding.* Binding mechanism between Hsp90 and Sgt1 explored by homology modeling and molecular dynamics simulations in rice. J Mol Model (2012) 18:4665–4673
18.Jinzhen Shao, Yubo Zhang, Jianlan Yu, Lin Guo and Yi Ding*. Isolation of thylakoid membrane complexes from rice (Oryza sativa L.) by a new Double-Strips BN/SDS-PAGE and bioinformatics prediction of stromal ridge subunits interaction.PloS ONE,2011,6(5):e20342:1-12
19.Zhihua Wu, Shuzhen Wang, Jihong Hu, Feng Li, Weidong Ke, and Yi Ding*: Development and characterization of microsatellite markers for Sagittaria trifolia var. sinensis (Alismataceae). American Journal of Botany,2011,98:e36-e38
20.Honggao Liu, Jihong Hu, Lei Pan, Shuzhen Wang, Ying He, and Yi Ding*. Robust ordered mRNA differential display: an improved method for global gene expression profiling.BioTechniques, 2011,51(4):271-275
21. Lei Pan, Qiongshui Wu, Jihong Hu, G. Y. Wang, Shunan Liu, Y. He, Weidong & Yi Ding*. Genetic diversity and differentiation of lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.) accessions assessed by simple sequence repeats. Annals of Applied Biology 2011, 159:428–441
22. Zhixing Yan, Jinzheng Shao, Yi Ding*. Catalytic assays in blue native gels revealed normal ATPase but deficient NADHDehydrogenaseactivity inZidaoACMSlineofrice. Acta Physiol Plant,2011,33:2477–2484
23.Yubo Zhang, Marc Baaden, Junjie Yan, Jinzhen Shao, Su Qiu, Yingliang Wu, and Yi Ding*. The molecular recognition mechanism for superoxide dismutase presequence binding to the mitochondrial protein import receptor Tom20 from Oryza sativa involves an LRTLA motif. J. Phys. Chem.B, 2010,114,13839–13846
24.Shunan Liu,Lei Pan, Qiongshui Wu, Yaojun Hu,Xiaojun Chen,and Yi Ding*. Study of the Changes in Insoluble Polysaccharides during Pollen Development in Rice(Oryza sativa L.)by Microscopic Multispectral Imaging. Microsc. Microanal.,2010,16:488–501
25.Lei Pan, Qiuju Xia, Zhiwu Quan, Honggao Liu, Weidong Ke, and Yi Ding*. Development of novel EST–SSRs from sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn) and theirutilization for the genetic diversity analysis ofN. nucifera. Journal of Heredity, 2010, 101:71-82
26. Shuzhen Wang, Lei Pan, Kan Hu, Chanyou Chen, and Yi Ding*. Development and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite markers in Momordica Charantia (Cucurbitaceae). American Journal of Botany, 2010,97:e75-e78
1.Qian Qian, Lin Huang, Rong Yi, Shuzhen Wang, Yi Ding*. Enhanced resistance to blast fungus in rice (Oryza sativa L.) by expressing the ribosome-inactivating protein alpha- momorcharin. Plant Science 2014,217-218: 1-7
2.Xiaojun Chen, Jihong Hu, Hongyuan Zhang, Yi Ding*. DNA methylation changes in photoperiod - thermo-sensitive male sterile rice PA64S under the two different conditions.Gene 2014, 537(1):143-148
3. Jihong Hu, Lulu Sun, Zhixuan Zhu, Yuan Zheng, Wei Xiong, Yi Ding*. Characterization of conserved microRNAs from five different cucurbit species using computational and experimental analysis. Biochimie 2014,102:137-144
4. Zhihua Wu, Songtao Gui, Shuzhen Wang, Yi Ding*. Molecular evolution and functional characterisation of an ancient phenylalanine ammonia-lyase gene (NnPAL1) from Nelumbo nucifera: novel insight into the evolution of the PAL family in angiosperms. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2014, 14:100
5. Junjie Yan, Han Tian, Shuzhen Wang, Jinzhen Shao, Yinzhen Zheng, Hongyuan Zhang, Lin Guo, Yi Ding*. Proteomics analysis identified pollen developmental defects in the rice ZD-CMS line. Journal of Proteomics 2014,108:110-123
6. Junjie Yan, Hongyuan Zhang, Yinzheng Zheng, Yi Ding*.Comparative expression profiling of miRNAs between the cytoplasmic male sterile line MeixiangA and its maintainer line MeixiangB during rice anther development.Planta 2014(in press)
7.Rong Yi, Zhixuan Zhu, Jihong Hu, Qian Qian, Jincheng Dai and Yi Ding*. Identification and expression analysis of microRNAs at the grain filling stage in rice(Oryza sativa L.)via deep sequencing.PLOS ONE 2013, 8(3): e57863
8. Jihong Hu, Rong Yi, Hongyuan Zhang, Yi Ding*.Nucleo-cytoplasmic interactions affect RNA editing of cox2, atp6 and atp9 in alloplasmic male-sterile rice (Oryza sativa L.) lines. Mitochondrion 2013,13:87-95
9. Jihong Hu, Hongyuan Zhang, Yi Ding*. Identification of conserved microRNAs and their targets in the model legume Lotus japonicas. Journal of Biotechnology 2013,164:520-524
10. Ying He, Shuzhen Wang, Yi Ding*.Identification of novel glutelin subunits and a comparison of glutelin composition between japonica and indica rice (Oryza sativa L.).Journal of Cereal Science 2013,57:362-371
11. Ying He, Yubo Zhang, Shuzhen Wang , Hanlai Zeng *& Yi Ding*.Characterization of a Novel Glutelin Subunit OsGluBX by the Experimental Approach and Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Appl Biochem Biotechnol 2013,169:1482–1496
12. Shuzhen Wang, Yinzhen Zheng, Xiaojun Chen, Junjie Yan, Zhixuan Zhu, Yi Ding*. Alpha-momorcharin, a ribosome-inactivating protein from Momordica charantia, possessing DNA cleavage properties.Protein & Peptide Letters,2013,20(11):1257-1263
13. Jihong Hu*, Lulu Sun, Yi Ding*.Identification of conserved microRNAs and their targets in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.).Plant Signaling & Behavior 2013, 8: e23604
14. Yun Wang, Guangyi Fan, Yiman Liu, Fengming Sun, Chengcheng Shi, Xin Liu, Jing Peng, Wenbin Chen, Xinfang Huang, Shifeng Cheng, Yuping Liu, Xinming Liang, Honglian Zhu, Chao Bian, Lan Zhong, Tian Lv, Hongxia Dong, Weiqing Liu, Xiao Zhong, Jing Chen, Zhiwu Quan, Zhihong Wang, Benzhong Tan, Chufa Lin, Feng Mu, Xun Xu, Yi Ding*, An-Yuan Guo*, Jun Wang* & Weidong Ke*.The sacred lotus genome provides insights into the evolution of flowering plants. The Plant Journal,2013,76:557-567
15. Jihong Hu, Lei Pan, Honggao Liu, Shuzhen Wang, Zhihua Wu, Weidong Ke, and Yi Ding*. Comparative analysis of genetic diversity in sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.) using AFLP and SSR markers. Mol Biol Rep 2012,39:3637–3647
16. Shuzhen Wang, Yubo Zhang, Honggao Liu, Ying He, Junjie Yan, Zhihua Wu, and Yi Ding*. Molecular cloning and functional analysis of a recombinant ribosome-inactivating protein (alpha-Momorcharin) from Momordica charantia. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2012,96:939–950
17. Jun-jie Yan & Yu-bo Zhang & Yi Ding.* Binding mechanism between Hsp90 and Sgt1 explored by homology modeling and molecular dynamics simulations in rice. J Mol Model (2012) 18:4665–4673
18.Jinzhen Shao, Yubo Zhang, Jianlan Yu, Lin Guo and Yi Ding*. Isolation of thylakoid membrane complexes from rice (Oryza sativa L.) by a new Double-Strips BN/SDS-PAGE and bioinformatics prediction of stromal ridge subunits interaction.PloS ONE,2011,6(5):e20342:1-12
19.Zhihua Wu, Shuzhen Wang, Jihong Hu, Feng Li, Weidong Ke, and Yi Ding*: Development and characterization of microsatellite markers for Sagittaria trifolia var. sinensis (Alismataceae). American Journal of Botany,2011,98:e36-e38
20.Honggao Liu, Jihong Hu, Lei Pan, Shuzhen Wang, Ying He, and Yi Ding*. Robust ordered mRNA differential display: an improved method for global gene expression profiling.BioTechniques, 2011,51(4):271-275
21. Lei Pan, Qiongshui Wu, Jihong Hu, G. Y. Wang, Shunan Liu, Y. He, Weidong & Yi Ding*. Genetic diversity and differentiation of lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.) accessions assessed by simple sequence repeats. Annals of Applied Biology 2011, 159:428–441
22. Zhixing Yan, Jinzheng Shao, Yi Ding*. Catalytic assays in blue native gels revealed normal ATPase but deficient NADHDehydrogenaseactivity inZidaoACMSlineofrice. Acta Physiol Plant,2011,33:2477–2484
23.Yubo Zhang, Marc Baaden, Junjie Yan, Jinzhen Shao, Su Qiu, Yingliang Wu, and Yi Ding*. The molecular recognition mechanism for superoxide dismutase presequence binding to the mitochondrial protein import receptor Tom20 from Oryza sativa involves an LRTLA motif. J. Phys. Chem.B, 2010,114,13839–13846
24.Shunan Liu,Lei Pan, Qiongshui Wu, Yaojun Hu,Xiaojun Chen,and Yi Ding*. Study of the Changes in Insoluble Polysaccharides during Pollen Development in Rice(Oryza sativa L.)by Microscopic Multispectral Imaging. Microsc. Microanal.,2010,16:488–501
25.Lei Pan, Qiuju Xia, Zhiwu Quan, Honggao Liu, Weidong Ke, and Yi Ding*. Development of novel EST–SSRs from sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn) and theirutilization for the genetic diversity analysis ofN. nucifera. Journal of Heredity, 2010, 101:71-82
26. Shuzhen Wang, Lei Pan, Kan Hu, Chanyou Chen, and Yi Ding*. Development and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite markers in Momordica Charantia (Cucurbitaceae). American Journal of Botany, 2010,97:e75-e78