

趙超,1983年12月生,中國民主促進會會員,中山大學海洋生物學博士,加州大學戴維斯分校(UC Davis)公派訪問學者、客座講師,福建農林大學副教授,生物能源研究所副所長,碩士生導師,ASFFBC學術會員,福建省傑出青年科學基金獲得者。


2011年以來在 Chem Comm、 Carbohydr Polym、 Appl Microbiol Biot、Int J Syst Evol Micr等國內外權威刊物,發表學術論文40多篇,其中SCI論文18篇(第一作者及通訊作者13篇),授權發明專利10項,申請發明專利20項(第一發明人11項,美國專利1項),獲市科技進步二等獎1項。 Food Research International、Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture、Current Organic Chemistry、Journal of Food Processing and Preservation‏ 、International Journal of Food Science and Technology、BiotechnologyandAppliedBiochemistry等SCI源期刊審稿專家。


(1) Zhao C, Wu YJ, Yu H, Shah IM, Li YH, Zeng J, Liu B, Mills DA, Chen X*. One-pot multienzyme (OPME) synthesis of human blood group H antigens and a human milk oligosaccharide (HMOS) with highly active Thermosynechococcus elongatus a1–2-fucosyltransferase. Chem Comm. 2016, 52:3899 -3902.
(2) Zhao C, Gao LY, Wang CY, Liu B, Jin Y*, Xing Z*. Structural characterization and antiviral activity of a novel heteropolysaccharide isolated from Grifola frondosa against enterovirus 71. Carbohydr Polym. 2016, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1016/j.carbpol.2015.12.005
(3) Zhao C, Ruan LW*. Biodegradation of Enteromorphaprolifera by mangrove degrading micro-community with physical-chemical pretreatment. Appl Microbiol Biot. 2011, 92 (4):709-716.
(4) Zhao C, Gao Z, Qin Q, Li F, Ruan L*. Desulfobaculumxiamenensisgen. nov., sp. nov., a member of the family Desulfovibrionaceaeisolated from marine mangrove sediment. Int J Syst Evol Micr. 2012, 62(Pt7):1570-1575.
(5) Zhao C, Gao Z, Qin Q, Ruan L*. Mangroviflexusxiamenensis gen. nov., sp. nov., a member of the family Marinilabiaceae isolated from mangrove sediment. Int J Syst Evol Micr. 2012, 62(Pt8):1819-1824.
(6) Zhao C, Ruan LW*. Combinations of spectrofluorometry and polymerase chain reaction for rapid detection of medium chain length polyhydroxyalkanoate accumulating bacteria. Afr J Microbiol Res. 2011, 5(28):5053-5056.
(7)Liu B*, Zhang N, Zhao C, Lin BX, Xie LH, Huang YF. Characterization of a recombinant thermostable xylanase from hot spring thermophilic Geobacillus sp. TC-W7. J Microbiol Biotechn. 2012, 22(10):1391-1397.
(8)Zeng F, Zhao C, Pang J, Lin ZX, Huang YF, Liu B*. Chemical properties of a polysaccharide purified from solid state fermentation of Auricularia auricular and its biological activity as a hypolipidaemic agent. J Food Sci. 2013, 78(9):H1470-1475. ( Equal Contribution)
(9) Zhao C, Zhao K, Liu XY, Huang YF*, Liu B*. In vitro antioxidant and antitumor activities of polysaccharides extracted from the mycelia of liquid-cultured Flammulina velutipes. Food Sci Technol Res. 2013, 19(4):661-667.
(10) Zhao C*. Purification and composition analysis of polysaccharide from edible seaweed Enteromorphaprolifera and polysaccharides depolymerized enzymes from microorganisms. Res J Biotechnol. 2014, 9(1):30-36.
(11) Zhao C, Liao Z, Wu X, Liu Y, Liu X, Lin Z, Huang Y*, Liu B*. Isolation, purification, and structural features of a polysaccharide from Phellinus linteusand its hypoglycemic effect in alloxan-induced diabetic mice. J Food Sci. 2014, 79(5):H1002-1010.
(12) Zhao C, Deng Y, Wang X, Li Q, Huang Y*, Liu B*. Identification and characterization of an anaerobic ethanol-producing cellulolytic bacterial consortium in Great Basin hot spring with agricultural residues and energy crops. J Microbiol Biotechnol. 2014, 24(9):1280-1290.
(13)Liu YL, Zhao C, Lin DM, Lin H, Lin ZX*. Effect of water extract from spent mushroom substrate after Ganoderma balabacense cultivation by using JUNCAO technique on production performance and hematology parameters of dairy cows. Anim Sci J.2015, 86(9):855-862.
(14)Ding L, Zhao C, Qu J, Li Y, Sugiarto G, Yu H, Wang J, Chen X*. A Photobacterium sp. α-2-6-sialyltransferase (Psp2,6ST) mutant with an increased expression level and improved activities in sialylating Tn antigens. Carbohydr Res. 2015, 408:127-133.
(15) Zhao C, Lu X, Deng YJ, Huang YF*, Liu B*. Purification and characterization of thermostable cellulase from consortium XM70 in terrestrial hot spring with sugarcane bagasse. Trop J Pharm Res. 2015, 14 (4):591-598.
(16)Liu ZB, Zhao C, Deng YJ, Huang YF* and Liu B. Characterization of a thermostable recombinant b-galactosidase from a thermophilic anaerobic bacterial consortium YTY-70. Biotechnol Biotec Eq. 2015, 29(3):547-554.
(17)Liu YL, Zhao C, Lin DM, Lan HJ, Lin ZX*. Analytical study on effect of Ganoderma balabacense spent mushroom substrate extract on immunoglobulin milk and serum, plasma antioxidant capacity of dairy cows. Trop J Pharm Res. 2015, 14 (6):1049-1055.
(18) Zhao C*, Wu YJ, Yang CF, Liu B and Huang YF. Hypotensive, hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects of bioactive compounds from microalgae and marine microorganisms. Int J Food Sci Tech. 2015, 50(8):1705-1717.