王以政:中科院神經科學研究所神經信號轉導研究組組長、研究員。是中國科學院“傑出人才基金”(2001-2003)、“國家傑出青年基金”(2003- 2006)獲得者。
王以政 博士
王以政博士1982年畢業於中國醫科大學,1985獲中國軍事醫學科學院碩士學位,1991在加拿大 Laval 大學獲生物化學和實驗醫學博士。1991年至1994年分別在美國 Case Western Reserve 大學和法國 Nice 大學從事博士后工作。1995年至2001年先後在加拿大National Research Council 和美國 Thomas Jefferson 大學任職,主要研究谷氨醯胺的信號傳導通路與神經元存活和死亡的機制等,其主要研究成果發表在《Nature》等國際著名學術雜誌上。2001年8月回國后,任中國科學院神經科學研究所神經信號轉導研究組組長,研究員,博士生導師,所教育委員會委員、所科研計劃委員會委員等職。
王以政博士是中國科學院“傑出人才基金”(2001-2003)、“國家傑出青年基金”(2003- 2006)獲得者。“國家重點基礎研究發展規劃--腦發育和可塑性的基礎研究(2002- 2005)”項目的子課題的負責人。
離子通道的激活,尤其是下游信號通路級聯事件的發生直接影響到神經元的存活。本研究組正在進行的課題包括:TRP (transient receptor potential) 通道和鉀通道在神經元存活、分化以及細胞增殖過程中的作用;涵蓋了從分子、細胞到整體,由機制到功能的研究,具體手段包含:分子生物學、細胞生物學、生物化學、電生理、原代神經元培養以及在體動物實驗。從分子機制到整體功能的研究結果將豐富人們對神經元存活的理解,並在此基礎上揭示臨床運用價值。
1. Shi, Y., Ding, X., He, ZH., Zhou, KC., Wang, Q., and Wang, YZ. (2009) Critical role of TRPC6 channels in G2 phase transition and the development of human esophageal cancer. GUT 58: 1443-1450.
2. Cai, R., Ding, X., Zhou, KC., Shi, Y., Ge, RL., Ren, G., Jin, YN., and Wang, YZ. (2009) Blockade of TRPC6 channels induced G2/M phase arrest and suppressed growth in human gastric cancer cells. Int. J. Cancer 125: 2281-2287.
3. Ge, RL., Tai, YL., Sun, YY., Zhou, KC., Yang, SL., Cheng, TL., Zou, QF., Shen, F., and Wang, YZ. (2009) Critical role of TRPC6 channels in VEGF-mediated angiogenesis. Cancer Lett. 283: 43-51.
4. Tai, YL., Feng, SJ., Du, WL., and Wang, YZ. (2009) Functional roles of TRPC channels in the developing brain. Pflugers Arch. 458: 283-289. (Review)
5. Yang, SL., Cao, Q., Zhou, KC., Feng, YJ., and Wang, YZ. (2009) Transient receptor potential channel C3 contributes to the progression of human ovarian cancer. Oncogene. 28: 1320-1328.
6. Yao, HL., Zhou, KC., Yan, D., Li, MT., and Wang, YZ. (2009) The Kv2.1 channels mediate neuronal apoptosis induced by excitotoxicity. J. Neurochem. 108, 909-919.
7. Tai, YL., Feng, SJ., Ge, RL., Du, WL., Zhang, XX., He, ZH., and Wang, YZ. (2008) TRPC6 channels promote dendritic growth via the CaMKIV-CREB pathway. J. Cell Sci. 121, 2301-2307.
8. Zhou, J., Du, WL., Zhou, KC., Tai, YL., Yao, HL., Jia YC., Ding, YQ., and Wang, YZ. (2008) Critical role of TRPC6 channels in the formation of excitatory synapses. Nat. Neurosci. 11, 741-743.
9. Yao, YQ., Ding, X., Jia, YC., Huang CX., Wang, YZ., and Xu, YH. (2008) Anti-tumor effect of b-elemene in glioblastoma cells 3 depends on p38 MAPK activation. Cancer Lett. 264, 127-134
10. Huang, CX., Yang, SL., Ge, RL., Sun, HW., Shen, F., and Wang, YZ. (2008) ZNF23 induces apoptosis in human ovarian cancer cells. Cancer Lett. 266, 135-143.
11. Shen, B., Zhou, KC., Yang, SL., Xu, TL., and Wang, YZ. (2008) The Kv4.2 mediates excitatory activity-dependent regulation of neuronal excitability in rat cortical neurons. J. Neurochem. 105, 773-783.
12. Wang, ZH., Shen, B., Yao, HL., Jia, YC., Ren, J., Feng, YJ., and Wang, YZ. (2007) blockage of intermediate-conductance-Ca2+-activated K+ channels inhibits progression of human endometrial cancer. Oncogene. 26, 5107-5114.
13. Jia, YC., Zhou, J., Tai, YL., and Wang, YZ. (2007) TRPC channels promote cerebellar granule neuron survival. Nat. Neurosci. 10, 559-567.
14. Huang, CX., Jia, YC., Yang, SL., Chen, B., Sun, HW., Shen, F., and Wang, YZ. (2007) Characterization of ZNF23, a KRAB-containing protein that is downregulated in human cancers and inhibits cell cycle progression. Exp. Cell Res.313, 254-263.
15. Guo, L., and Wang, YZ. (2007) Glutamate stimulates glutamate receptor interacting protein 1 degradation by ubiquitin-proteasome system to regulate surface expression of GluR2. Neurosci. 145: 100-109.
16. Yan, D., Guo, L., and Wang YZ. (2006) Requirement of dendritic Akt degradation by the ubiquitin-proteasome system for neuronal polarity. J. Cell Biol 174, 415-424.
17. Yang, QY., Yan, D. and Wang, YZ. (2006) K+ Regulates DNA Binding of transcription factors to control gene expression related to neuronal apoptosis. Neuroreport 17, 1199-1204.
18. Tao, YM., Yan, D., Yang, QY. and Wang YZ. (2006) Low K+ Promotes NF-К B/DNA Binding in Neuronal Apoptosis Induced by K+ Loss. Mol. Cell Biol. 26(3), 1038-1050.
19. Tao, YM., Zeng, R., Shen, B., Jia, JM., and Wang YZ. (2005) Neuronal transmission stimulates the phosphorylation of Kv1.4 channel at Ser229 through protein kinase A1. J. Neurochem. 94,1512-1522.
20. Li. Y, Jia, YC, Cui, K, Li, N, Zheng, ZY, Wang, YZ, Yuan, XB (2005) Essential role of TRPC channels in the guidance of nerve growth cones by brain-derived neurotrophic factor. Nature. 434, 894-898.
21. Ye, YZ., Xi, W., Peng, YQ., Wang, YZ., and Guo, AK. (2004) Long-term but not short-term blockade of dopamine release in drosophila impairs orientation during flight in a visual attention paradigm. Eur. J. Neurosci. 20, 1001-1007.