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- 世界摔跤娛樂公司電視節目
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- 英文單詞
RAW是世界摔跤娛樂公司(World Wrestling Entertainment,簡稱:WWE)旗下歷史最悠久的節目品牌。自1993年首播至今已已經播出了超過1000期,是北美職業體育歷史上壽命最長的電視節目。“Raw is War”是Raw品牌最早的品牌含義。通俗地說,就是利用了War這樣的一個單詞來表現自己品牌節目的硬朗和激烈程度。由於頂尖選手的出色發揮,RAW這個品牌很快就深入人心,成為了WWE的標誌。

RAW節目的變化雖然讓大批成年觀眾失望,但是卻贏得了更多觀眾的掌聲。越來越多的少年兒童開始成為RAW節目的電視觀眾。RAW品牌的選手大多是WWE的一線巨星,主要選手包括約翰·塞納(John Cena)、蘭迪·奧頓( Randy Orton))、布洛克·萊斯納(Brock Lesnar)、HHH (Triple H)、送葬者(Undertaker)、衛盾組合(The Shield)、希莫斯( Sheamus)、凱恩(kane)和丹尼爾·布萊恩(Daniel Bryan)、CM朋克(CM Punk)等。
在2012年,好萊塢動作電影巨星德懷恩·強森(Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson)回歸擂台,在兼職的狀態下完成了一系列RAW節目的錄製,延續了RAW節目的輝煌。進入2013年以來,雖然德懷恩·強森(Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson)、CM 朋克(CM Punk)等人相繼因為傷病問題退齣節目的演出,但是布洛克·萊斯納(Brock Lesnar)、HHH(Triple H)、保羅·海曼(Paul Heyman)、送葬者(Undertaker)等老將的出色發揮還是讓電視觀眾對RAW充滿期待。
WWE環球冠軍:Brock Lesnar(布洛克·萊斯納)
WWE洲際冠軍:seth rollins(塞斯·羅林斯)
RAW雙打冠軍:AOP(Akam and Rezar)
RAW女子冠軍:Ronda Rousey(隆達羅西)
《The Night》
《Burn It To The Ground》
well it's midnight, damn right, we're wound up too tight
i've got a fist full of whiskey, the bottle just bit me
that shit makes me bat shit crazy
we've got no fear, no doubt, all in balls out
we're going off tonight
to kick out every light
to get anything that we want
to drink everything in sight
we're going till the world stops turning
while we burn it to the ground tonight
we're screaming like demons, swinging from the ceiling
i got a fist full of fifties, the tequilia just hit me
we got no class, no taste, no shirt, and shit faced
we got it lined up, shot down, firing back straight crown
we're going off tonight
to kick out every light
to get anything that we want
to drink everything in sight
we're going till the world stops turning
while we burn it to the ground tonight
ticking like a time bomb, drinking till the nights gone
well get you hands off of this glass, last call my ass
no chain, no lock, and this train won't stop
we got no friend, no tab, all in balls out
we're going off tonight
to kick out every light
to get anything that we want
to drink everything in sight
we're going till the world stops turning
while we burn it to the ground tonight
we're going off tonight
to kick out every light
to get anyything that we want
to drink everything in sight
we're going till the world stops turning
while we burn it to the ground tonight