共找到20條詞條名為顧軍的結果 展開
1985 - 1988 , 理學博士 , 北京大學生化系 1982 - 1985 , 理學碩士 , 中國農業大學生化系。
1977 - 1982 , 學習 , 農學系 , 黑龍江農墾大學 ,工農兵學員。
2000 - now , 教授 , 北京大學生命科學學院。
1999 - 2000 , 負責人 , 國家人類基因組北方研究中心。
1997 - 1999 , 主任,教授 , 中山大學分子醫學研究中心。
1989 - 1997 , 博士后,研究員 , 美國國立健康研究院(NIH)。

顧軍 教授
分子生物學研究進展 , 講課 , 北京大學 , 秋季學期。
分子生物學, 主持 , 北京大學 , 秋季學期。
1 炎症及炎症相關疾病(心血管,癌症等)的發生髮展機制。
2 基因工程及基於生物技術的疾病治療方法研究。
3 炎症是機體的免疫反應。炎症失控和過度可以損傷機體甚至產生致死,同時炎症又和許多疾病的發生髮展關係密切。我們的研究興趣主要集中在先天免疫的信號通路是如何參與炎症調控的,這些信號通路是如何與炎症相關疾病發生關聯的。哪些信號分子和基因可以作為藥物靶點。研究和發現這些靶點以及作用這些靶點的內源分子是我們另一研究領域。同時我們在利用現代生物技術發展治療方法上進行相關研究。
Research Description:
1. Cellular signal transduction and apoptosis. We focus on the signal pathways in innate immune system and inflammation related diseases。
2. The cloning and functional study of disease related genes. We are interested in the genes related to aging、inflammation and cancer。
3. Gene medicine and gene therapy. We are developing recombinant protein and peptide against tumor、inflammation and thrombus as well as gene therapy model。
1.Wang J, Wu S, Jin X, Li M, Chen S, Teeling JL, Perry VH, Gu J , Retinoic Acid-Inducible Gene-I Mediates Late Phase Induction of TNF- by Lipopolysaccharide , J Immunol , 2008 , Jun 15;180(12):8011-9。
2.Yufei Zou, Yahui Chen, Yongqiang Jiang Jin Gao and Jun Gu , Targeting Matrix Metalloproteinases and endothelial cells with a fusion peptide against tumor , Cancer Res , 2007 , 67:7295-7300。
3.He J, Chen S. and Gu J , Identification and characterization of Harobin, a novel fibrino(geno)lytic serine protease from a sea snake (Lapemis hardwickii) , FEBS Lett , 2007 , 581(16):2965-73。
4.Ziqiang Yang, Wei Cheng, Lixin Hong, Shengcai Lin, Jiahuai Han, Huamin Zhou and Jun Gu , Adenine nucleotide (ADP/ATP) translocase 3 participates in the tumor necrosis factor-induced apoptosis of MCF-7 cells , Molecular Biology of the Cell , 2007 , 18: 4681-89。
5.Jiang YQ, Wang HR, Li HP, Hao HJ, ZhangYL and Gu J , Targeting of hepatoma cell and suppression of tumor growth by a novel 12mer peptide fused to superantigen TSST-1 , J. Mol Med , 2006 , 12, 81-87。
6. Wei JX, Sun ZG, Chen QL and Gu J. , Serum deprivation induced apoptosis in macrophage is mediated by autocrine secretion of type I IFNs , Apoptosis , 2006 , 11(4):545-54。
7.Jing Fu, Ziqiang Yang,Jinxue Wei,Jiahuai Han and Jun Gu. , NP60 nuclear protein regulates p38 MAPK activity. , J Cell Sci. , 2006 , 119(Pt 1):115-23。
8.Fu WX, Wei JX and Gu J. , MEF2C mediates the activation induced cell death (AICD) of macrophage. , Cell Res. , 2006 , 16, 559-565。
9.He JY, Deng J, Zheng J and Gu J , A synergistic effect on the production of S-adenosyl-l-methionine in Pichia pastoris by knocking in of S-adenosyl-l-methionine synthase and knocking out of cystathionine-beta synthase , J Biotechnol , 2006 , 126(4), 519-527。
10.Xue-Dong Wang, Jian-Guo Tang, Xiao-lei Xie, Ji-Chun Yang, Shuai Li, Jian-Guo Ji and Jun Gu , A comprehensive study of optimal conditions for naked plasmid DNA transfer into skeletal muscle by electroporation. , J Gene Med , 2005 , 7:1235-1245。
11.Liu BN, Tang JG, Ji JG, and Gu J , The expression of functional human parathyroid homone in a gene therapy model for osteoporosis , Cell Tissue Res , 2004 , 317, 57-63。
12.Kegang Shang, Xiaoke wang, and Jun Gu , Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cell to Astrocytes Visualized by Green Fluoresent Protein Fuchou Tang , Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology , 2002 , 22: 95-101。
13.J.Sun, MT,LI, J.Han and J,Gu. , Sensitization of differentiated PC12 cells to apoptpsis by presenilin-2mediated by p38 , Biochem. Biophy. Res. Com. , 2001 , 287; 536-541, 2001。
14.J,Gu et al,in International Human Genome Consortium , Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome , Nature , 2001 , 409:860-921。
15.W.Zhu, J.S.Downey, J,GU, F.D.Padova, H.Gram and J.Han , Regulation of TNF expression by multiple MAP kinase pathway , J. Immunology , 2000 , 164:6349-6358。