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[1] Ying Yang, Zhengtian Gu,Ying Cao. Effects of fiber grating arameters on characteristics of cascaded long- and short-period gratings, Journal of Modern Optics,2017.09,64 (15):1519-1530
[2] Ying Yang, Zhengtian Gu,Ying Cao, Yinzhong Xie. Coupling mechanism and sensing properties of cascaded long-and short-period gratings. Optik, 2016,03,127(2016):947-9435
[3] Ying Yang. pH-sensing properties of cascaded long- and short-period fiber grating with poly acrylic acid/poly allylamine hydrochloride thin-film overlays Optical Engineering, 2014,153(11):1161121-7
[4] Ying Yang, Zhengtian Gu. Temperature and bending simultaneous sensing properties of cascaded grating. Applied Optics,2013,53 (2):165-173
[5] Ying Yang, Zhengtian Gu. Single-channel broadband and multichannel narrowband filtering characteristics of linear chirped long-period fiber gratings, Optical Engineering, 2013,52(11):116101-7
[6] Ying Yang, Zhengtian Gu. Comparing and analysis of calculation methods of long-period fiber gratings transmission spectra, Optik, 2013,124:2234-2240
[7] Ying Yang. A study on relation between ultra-wideband filtering characteristics and structural parameters for a chirped long-period fiber grating, Indian Journal of Physics, 2013, 87: 297-302