共找到2條詞條名為陳潔潔的結果 展開











1. 污染物催化轉化的界面調控與機理解析
J. F. Xie, J. J. Chen, Y. X. Huang*, X. Zhang, W. K. Wang, G. X. Huang, H. Q. Yu*, Selective electrochemical CO2reduction on Cu-Pd heterostructure. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental2020,270, 118864.
W.-K. Wang, J.-J. Chen, Z.-Z. Lou, S. Kim, M. Fujitsuka**, H.-Q. Yu**, T. Majima**, Single-molecule and -particle probing crystal edge/corner as highly efficient photocatalytic sites on a single TiO2particle. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.2019,116, 18827-18833.
C. Liu, Y. Min, A.-Y. Zhang*, Y. Si, J.-J. Chen*, H.-Q. Yu, Electrochemical Treatment of Phenol-Containing Wastewater by Facet-Tailored Tio2: Efficiency, Characteristics and Mechanisms. Water Research2019,165, 114980.
L. J. Tian, Y. Min, W. W. Li*, J. J. Chen*, N. Q. Zhou, T. T. Zhu, D. B. Li, J. Y. Ma, P. F. An, L. R. Zheng, H. Huang, Y. Z. Liu, H. Q. Yu, Substrate metabolism-driven assembly of high-quality CdSxSe1-xquantum dots in Escherichia coli: Molecular mechanisms and bioimaging application. ACS Nano2019,13, 5841-5851.
N. Habibul, J. J. Chen, Y. Y. Hu, Y. Hu, H. Yin, G. P. Sheng*, H. Q. Yu, Uptake, accumulation and metabolization of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide by ryegrass from water: Prospects for phytoremediation. Water Research2019,156, 82-91.
S. S. Yu, L. Cheng, J. J. Chen*, W. W. Li, F. Zhao, W. L. Wang, D. B. Li, F. Zhang, H. Q. Yu*, Framework of cytochrome/vitamin B-2 linker/graphene for robust microbial electricity generation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2018,10, 35090-35098.
S. S. Yu, J. J. Chen*, X. Y. Liu, H. Q. Yu*, Interfacial electron transfer from the outer membrane cytochrome OmcA to graphene oxide in a microbial fuel cell: Spectral and electrochemical insights. ACS Energy Letters 2018,3, 2449-2456.
C. Y. Wang, X. Zhang, Y. J. Zhang, J. J. Chen*, G. X. Huang, J. Jiang, W. K. Wang, H. Q. Yu*, Direct generation of hydroxyl radicals over bismuth oxybromide nanobelts with tuned band structure for photocatalytic pollutant degradation under visible light irradiation. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 2018,237, 464-472.
A. Y. Zhang, W. Y. Wang, J. J. Chen, C. Liu, Q. X. Li*, X. Zhang, W. W. Li, Y. Si, H. Q. Yu*, Epitaxial facet junctions on TiO2single crystals for efficient photocatalytic water splitting. Energy & Environmental Science2018,11, 1444-1448.
H.-C. Li, Y.-J. Zhang, X. Hu, W.-J. Liu*, J.-J. Chen*, H.-Q. Yu, Metal–organic framework templated Pd@PdO–Co3O4nanocubes as an efficient bifunctional oxygen electrocatalyst. Advanced Energy Materials2018,8, **.
W.-L. Wang, Y. Min, S.-S. Yu, W. Chen, J.-J. Chen*, X.-Y. Liu, H.-Q. Yu*, Probing electron transfer between hemin and riboflavin using a combination of analytical approaches and theoretical calculations. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics2017,19, 32580-32588.
Z.-Q. Lin, S.-J. Yuan, W.-W. Li, J.-J. Chen*, G.-P. Sheng, H.-Q. Yu*, Denitrification in an integrated bioelectro-photocatalytic system. Water Research2017,109, 88-93.
W.-K. Wang, J.-J. Chen, M. Gao, Y.-X. Huang, X. Zhang*, H.-Q. Yu*, Photocatalytic degradation of atrazine by boron-doped TiO2with a tunable rutile/anatase ratio. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2016,195, 69-76.
W.-K. Wang, J.-J. Chen, W.-W. Li, D.-N. Pei, X. Zhang, H.-Q. Yu*, Synthesis of Pt-loaded self-interspersed anatase TiO2with a large fraction of (001) facets for efficient photocatalytic nitrobenzene degradation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2015,7, 20349-20359.
L. Xiong, J.-J. Chen, Y.-X. Huang, W.-W. Li, J.-F. Xie, H.-Q. Yu*, An oxygen reduction catalyst derived from a robust Pd-reducing bacterium. Nano Energy2015,12, 33-42.
S.-J. Yuan, J.-J. Chen, Z.-Q. Lin, W.-W. Li, G.-P. Sheng, H.-Q. Yu*, Nitrate formation from atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen photocatalysed by nano-sized titanium dioxide. Nature Communications2013,4, 2249.
J.-J. Chen, W.-W. Li, H.-Q. Yu*, X.-L. Li*, Capture of H2S from binary gas mixture by imidazolium-based ionic liquids with nonfluorous anions: A theoretical study. AIChE Journal 2013,59, 3824-3833.
J.-J. Chen, W. Chen, H. He, D.-B. Li, W.-W. Li, L. Xiong, H.-Q. Yu*, Manipulation of microbial extracellular electron transfer by changing molecular structure of phenazine-type redox rediators. Environmental Science & Technology2013,47, 1033-1039.
J.-J. Chen, W.-W. Li, X.-L. Li*, H.-Q. Yu*, Carbon dioxide capture by aminoalkyl imidazolium-based ionic liquid: A computational investigation. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics2012,14, 4589-4596.
J.-J. Chen, W.-W. Li, X.-L. Li*, H.-Q. Yu*, Improving biogas separation and methane storage with multilayer graphene nanostructure via layer spacing optimization and lithium doping: A molecular simulation investigation. Environmental Science & Technology 2012,46, 10341-10348.

