

王一峰:男,電子科技大學副教授。2004/09-2008/06 山東師範大學心理學院,應用心理學,學士2008/09-2011/06 西南大學心理學院,基礎心理學,碩士2012/09-2015/12 電子科技大學生命科學與技術學院,生物醫學工程,博士2016/02-至今 電子科技大學生命科學與技術學院,特聘副研究員



1. 低頻穩態腦響應的認知神經機制研究,國家自然科學基金(No. 31600930).
2. 注意網路訓練及腦可塑性模型,中央高校基本科研業務費(No.ZYGX2016KYQD120).
01. Wang, Y, Long, Z, Cui, Q, Liu, F, Jing X, Chen, H, Guo X, Yan, J, Chen, H. (2016). Low Frequency Steady-State Brain Responses Modulate Large Scale Functional Networks in a Frequency-Specific Means. Human Brain Mapping. 37, 381-394.
02. Chan J, Wang Y*(co-first author), Yan J, Chen H. (2016). Developmental implications of children’s brain networks and learning. Reviews in the Neurosciences. 27(7), 713-727.
03. Wang, Y, Jing X, Liu, F, Li, M, Long, Z, Yan, J, Chen, H. (2015). Reliable Attention Network Scores and Mutually Inhibited Inter-network Relationships Revealed by Mixed Design and Non-orthogonal Method. Scientific Reports. 5, 10251.
04. Wang, Y, Dai, G, Liu, F, Long, Z, Yan, J, Chen, H. (2015). Steady-state BOLD Response to Higher-order Cognition Modulates Low Frequency Neural Oscillations. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 27 (12), 2406-2415.
05. Wang, Y, Liu, F, Long, Z, Duan, X, Cui, Q, Yan, J, Chen, H. (2014). Steady-state BOLD response modulates low frequency neural oscillations. Scientific Reports. 4, 7376.
06. Wang, Y, Cui, Q, Liu, F, Huo, Y, Lu, F, Chen, H, Chen, H. (2014). A new method for computing attention network scores and relationships between attention networks. PLoS ONE. 9, e89733
.07. Wang, Y. Liu, F, Li, R, Yang, Y, Liu, T, Chen, H. (2013). Two-stage processing in automatic detection of emotional intensity: a scalp event-related potential study. Neuroreport. 24, 818-821.
08. 荊秀娟,王一峰*(通訊作者). (2015). 注意網路間的關係及其心理與生理機制. 心理科學進展. 23(9), 1531-1539.
09. 王一峰, 李紅. (2011). 歸納推理合理性的心理學辯護. 自然辯證法通訊. 33, 19-24.
10. 王一峰, 王榮燕, 李紅. (2011). 感數的認知機制: 從注意到工作記憶. 心理科學進展. 19, 967-975.
11. 王一峰, 張麗, 劉春雷, 李紅. (2010). 空間量化的心理表徵. 心理科學進展. 18, 560-568.