共找到3條詞條名為張顯東的結果 展開







2010.07, 博士,鹿特丹管理學院,荷蘭伊拉斯姆斯大學(Erasmus University Rotterdam)
1997.01, 博士,管理工程, 同濟大學
1992.07, 學士,管理科學與工程系, 東南大學


2008.01--2008.08, 訪問學者, 荷蘭伊拉斯姆斯大學,義大利博科尼大學
2001.08--2001.12, 訪問學者, 美國麻省理工學院斯隆管理學院


2001.06, 復旦大學世紀之星, 復旦大學


1. Bo Chen and Xiandong Zhang. 2019. Scheduling with time-of-use costs.European Journal of Operational Research274(3).900-908.
2. Zhongyi Jiang, Fangfang Chen, and Xiandong Zhang. 2017. Single-machine scheduling with times-based and job-dependent learning effect.Journal of the Operational Research Society68(7).809–815.
3. Amir Hossein Gharehgozli, Yugang Yu, Xiandong Zhang, and René de Koster. 2017. Polynomial time algorithms to minimize total travel time in a two-depot automated storage/retrieval system.Transportation Science51(1).19-33.
4. Xiandong Zhang,Yeming (Yale) Gong,Shuyu Zhou,René de Koster, and Steef van de Velde. 2016. Increasing the revenue of self-storage warehouses by optimizing order scheduling.European Journal of Operational Research252(1).69–78.
5. Xiandong Zhang and Steef van de Velde. 2015. Two-machine interval shop scheduling with time lags.Journal of Scheduling18(4).359-368.
6. Shuyu Zhang, Xiandong Zhang, Bo Chen, and Steef van de Velde. 2014. Tactical fixed job scheduling with spread-time constraints.Computers & Operations Research47.53-60.
7. Yiqian Huang, Yanming Ge, Xiandong Zhang, and Yifan Xu. 2013. Overbooking for parallel flights with transference.International Journal of Production Economics144(2).582-589.
8. Xiandong Zhang and Steef van de Velde. 2012. Approximation algorithms for the parallel flow shop problem.European Journal of Operational Research216(3).544-552.
9. Zheng, R., H. Li, X. Zhang. 2012. Scheduling an unbounded batching machine with family jobs and setup times.Journal of the Operational Research Society63(2).160-167.
10. Yugang Yu, George Q. Huang, Zhaofu Hong, and Xiandong Zhang. 2011. An integrated pricing and deteriorating model and a hybrid algorithm for a VMI (vendor-managed-inventory) supply chain.IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering8(4).673-682.
11. Xiandong Zhang and Steef van de Velde. 2010. Polynomial-time Approximation Schemes for Scheduling Problems with Time Lags.Journal of Scheduling13(5).553-559.
12. Xiandong Zhang and Steef van de Velde. 2010. On-line Two-machine Open Shop Scheduling with Time Lags.European Journal of Operational Research204(1).14-19.
13. Xiandong Zhang, Steef van de Velde. 2010. On-line Two-machine Job Shop Scheduling with Time Lags.Information Processing Letters110(12-13).510-513.


1. Xiandong Zhang, Jatinder N.D. Gupta. 2007. Two-machine Shop Floor Scheduling Problem with Multi-predecessor Constraints. Paris, France 538-545.
2. 姜國平,張顯東. 2005. Analysis of Supply Chain SD Model:the Impact of Forecasting,Price,and Inventory. Vol. (11) .


Xiandong Zhang. 2010. Scheduling with Time Lags. Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands.


2017.04 - 2020.04, 第九屆理事會理事, 中國運籌學會排序專業委員會 .
2013.10 - 2017.04, 第八屆理事會理事, 中國運籌學會排序專業委員會.
2010.01—2011.12, 評審專家, 教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金