Laura Shigihara

Laura Shigihara

從2005年起,勞拉·鴫原就成為了一個遊戲界的自由的譜曲人和音響設計師。勞拉是熱門單機遊戲《植物大戰殭屍》(Plants vs. Zombies)的設計師George Fan的女友,同時也是這款遊戲的音樂製作人和主題曲《Zombies on Your Lawn》的主唱。2011年獨立製作RPG名作《To the moon》配曲《Everything's alright》也是由其演唱。


除,閑暇,勞腦,“  ”,希底(線)。勞周彈鋼琴,偶附近耀爵俱件唱歌彈鋼琴。空餘,喜歡燒烤、徒步旅、跳舞、畫畫、冒險,遊戲(,空輪、星際爭霸、耀島(譯:超級奧?)、聖劍傳、洛克人系列、幻想水滸傳、街霸2、星之海洋,等等)。


1.Zombies on Your Lawn
2.Uraniwa ni Zombies ga!
3.Ultimate Battle
4.Braniac Maniac
5.Kitanai Sekai
6.Look up at the Sky
9.Secret Labs
10.Watery Graves
11.Mountains (main theme)
12.Plants vs. Zombies
15.Zombotany (unreleased track)


註:個人專輯 / 未正式發售
Album: Melolune: Original Soundtrack
Release Date: Sep 2010
#01 Silent Melodies (free)
#02 Eclipse and Starlight
#03 Melolune (vocal)
Laura Shigihara
Laura Shigihara
#04 Leeble Village#05 Tense
#06 Sweet Unlucky (Battle theme)
#07 Victory (free)
#08 The Calm Before (free)
#09 Upperland Forest (full)
#10 Ultimate Battle
#11 Premonition
#12 The Great World
#13Carya de Mio (vocal)
#14 The Mines of the Orderian Engineers
#15Taezu Freedom Fighters
#16Traces (vocal)
#17 Little Fish
#18 Transformation
#19 Caleigh
#20 Blue Starlight
Album: My Blue Dream +
Release Date: Jul 2004
#1 Faster
#2 Haunting (Haunted House Remix)
#3 Call Me Home
#4 Look up at the Sky
#5 2.75
#6 The best it can be (free)
#7 Starshine (New Beginnings) (free)
#8 Stay the Same
Album: Laura Shigihara (self-titled)
Laura Shigihara
Laura Shigihara
Release Date: 2004
Studio: 510 Studios
#1 Haunting (haunted house remix)
#2 Look up at the sky
#3 2.75
#4 Faster
#5 Call me home
#6 Call me home (instrumental)
#7 Haunting (Haunted House Remix)
Album: My Blue Dream
Release Date: 2002
#1 Haunting
#2 The best it can be
#3 Another time
#4 It can’t be
#5 If you say goodbye
Album: 夢だった (日本語 の demo)
Release Date: 2002
#1夢だった (yume datta)
#2 Find me
#3 This is the end
#4 I will never forget you