共找到2條詞條名為劉煥明的結果 展開
- 香港中文大學物理系講座教授
- 江南大學社會科學處處長
人物名,著名人物為香港中文大學物理系講座教授,男,博士,香港中文大學物理系講座教授,理學院院長,許昌學院客座教授。 1976年本科畢業於香港中文大學化學系,1982 獲University of British Columbia化學博士學位。1986-1993年任加拿大西安大略大學Surface Science Western高級研究員;1993-1995年任加拿大西安大略大學材料工程系副教授,1995-1997年任加拿大西安大略大學材料工程系教授;1997-2000年任香港中文大學材料科學系教授、系主任。
已發表SCI收錄論文200餘篇(包括Physical Review Letters, JACS 和Advanced Materials等),組織多次國際會議,並任2009年第17屆國際SIMS會議主席,擁有10項美國專利,其中兩項已在生產中被應用,成立了兩家高科技產品公司。其負責的Surface Science Western實驗室被譽為“西安大略大學材料科學研究桂冠上的明珠”,目前科研經費平均每年達200-300萬加元。2010年獲得安大略研究創新部研究經費合1200萬人民幣,研究新穎聚合物綠色納米技術,並負責西安大略大學ISO-9001認證工業材料研發諮詢,每年向200家公司作近1000份機密報告。 2010年入選中組部專家,擔任中國工程物理研究院計算中心教授和中物院(成都)綠色能源與綠色技術中心主任,獲得3000萬元人民幣資助,領導柔性薄膜太陽能電池和先進綠色製造技術的研究和產業化。
1.R.W.M. Kwok and W.M. Lau, “Method for selectively removing hydrogen from
molecules”, US Patent application, filed in March 2002.
2.Leo W.M. Lau and Wai Kwong Au, “Decorative hard coating and method for
manufacture”, US Patent application, filed in October 2001.
3.Biwu Sun and Leo W.M. Lau, “Method for Nucleation and Deposition of
Diamond using Hot-filament DC plasma”, US Patent 6200652, issued on March 13,
2001; licensed in 1998.
4.Biwu Sun and Leo W.M. Lau, “Apparatus and Method for Nucleation and Deposi
-tion of Diamond using Hot-filament DC plasma”, US Patent 6161499, filed on
July 7, 1997; issued on December 19, 2000; licensed in 1998.
1.X.L. Fan, Y.F. Zhang, W.M. Lau, and Z.F. Liu, "Adsorption of triplet O2 on
Si(100): the crucial step in the initial oxidation of a silicon surface",
Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 016101(2005).
2.H.R. Wang, C.W. Ong, Y.C. Tsui, and W.M. Lau, "Manually operated scratch
tester for characterization of mechanical properties of thin films", Rev.
Sci. Instrum. 76, 016101(2005).
3.Z. Zheng, X.D. Xu, X.L. Fan, W.M. Lau, and R.W.M. Kwok, "Ultrathin polymer
film formation by collision-induced cross-linking of adsorbed organic
molecules with hyperthermal protons", J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 126, 12336-12342
4.S.F. Wong, C.W. Ong, G.K.H. Pang, Q. Li, and W.M. Lau, "Removal of sp2
-boron nitride transition layer in the growth of cubmic boron nitride films”, Dia. Rel. Mater. 13, 1632-1637(2004).
5.S.F. Wong, C.W. Ong, G.K.H. Pang, K.Z. Baba-Kishi, and W.M. Lau, "Effects
of the insertion of a thick sp2 buffer layer on the adhesion of cBN-rich
film”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 22, 676-682(2004).
6.W.J. Yu, W.M. Lau*, S.P. Chan, Z.F. Liu, and Q.Q. Zhang, "Ab initio studies
of phase transformation of boron nitride", Phys. Rev. B, 67, 14108(2003).
7.X.Y. Deng, W.M. Lau, KY. Wong, K.H. Low, H.F. Chow, Y. Cao, "High
efficiency low operating voltage polymer light-emitting diodes with
aluminium cathode”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 3522-3524(2004).
8.C.W. Ong, H. Huang, B. Zheng, R.W.M. Kwok, Y.Y. Hui, and W.M. Lau*, "X-ray
photoemission spectroscopy of non-metallic materials: Electronic structures
of boron and BxOy”, J. Appl. Phys. 95, 3527-3534(2004).
9.K.W. Wong, H. L. Yip, Y. Luo, K.Y. Wong, W.M. Lau*, K.H. Low, H.F. Chow, Z.Q. Gao, W.L. Yeung, and C.C. Chang, “Blocking reactions between indium-tin
-oxide and poly (3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene) :poly (styrene sulphonate)
with a self-assembly monolayer”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 2788-2790(2002).
10.W.M. Lau and R.W.M. Kwok, Intern. J. Mass Spectroc. 174, 245 (1998).
11.W.M. Lau, Nucl. Instr. And Meth. B 131, 341 (1997).
12.P. Nowak, N.S. McIntyre, D.H. Hunter, I. Bello, and W.M. Lau, Surf.
Interface Anal. 23, 873 (1995).
13.J.Q. Sun, I. Bello, S. Bederka, and W.M. Lau, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 14,
1382 (1996).