



主 演:Basia Antos Doug Bradley Ken Camroux Kaaren de Zilva John B. Destry Rachel Hayward Sarah Hayward Ashley Laurence
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對 白:英語
顏 色:彩色
聲 音:DTS Dolby Digital
時 長:86 分鐘
類 型:恐怖
分 級:瑞典:15 德國:16 芬蘭:K-18 美國:R 挪威:18 冰島:16


In the fifth sequel of the "Hellraiser" series, the puzzle box, best known as the "Lament Configuration," has been solved again and the demonic Pinhead (Doug Bradley) has returned to Earth again with his legion of Cenobites to bring torture and death to those who stand in his way and to release Hell on Earth once more. But Kirsty Cotton (Ashley Laurence), the only person who has defeated Pinhead twice, is back and ready to fight Pinhead and the Cenobites once again.
Much better than Hellraiser IV and V. This movie is a lot more intelligent that it first seems and doesn't have a half bad plot. Kirsty makes an appearance also. Once again this is not a demon movie like Hellraiser I-III.
在"猛鬼追魂"系列的第5集中,手拿魔方,以"製造悲傷"著稱,有魔力的Pinhead(道格·布拉德利)已經返回,準備再次用他的大批的Cenobites給地球上的人們帶來地獄般的惡夢、折磨和死亡。但是Kirsty科頓·(阿什利·勞倫斯),唯一已經戰勝二次Pinhead的人回來,準備再一次跟Pinhead 和Cenobites作戰。

