



王愛華(1960-) 1994年被聘為副教授,1997年獲得材料學博士學位,1996年-1998年在香港理工大學從事激光加工的研究。參加完成多項國家和省部級項目,獲得一項國家發明專利,兩項教育部科技進步三等獎,一項湖北省自然科學一等獎,發表論文60多篇,第一作者的SCI論文20篇。Surface & Coating Technology, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Journal of Non-crystalline Solids等雜誌論文評閱人。


近年來發表的論文: 1. A. H. Wang, C. S. Xie, W. Y. Wang, Cracking behavior in the transitional region of laser-clad coatings on Al-Si alloy under multiple impact loading, Materials Characterization, 2003; 49(3): 247-254. 2.A. H. Wang, W. Y. Wang, C. S. Xie, W. L. Song, D. W Zeng, Microstructural characteristics of Al2O3 based refractory containing ZrO2 induced by CO2 laser melting,Applied Surface Science, 2004;221(1-4):293-301. 3.A. H. Wang, W. Y. Wang, C. S. Xie, W. L. Song, D. W Zeng, CO2 laser-induced structure changes on a zircon refractory, Applied Surface Science, 2004;227(1-4):104-113. 4.W. Y. Wang, A. H. Wang, C. S. Xie, W. L. Song, D. W Zeng,Microstructural features of an Al2O3-ZrO2-SiO2 refractory material treated with CO2 laser melting, Materials Letters, 2004; 58(22-23):2848-2851. 5.A. H. Wang, W. Y. Wang, C. S. Xie, W. L. Song, D. W Zeng, J. H. Hu, CO2 Laser-induced structure changes on an alumina -mullite- zirconia refractory,Applied Surface Science, 2004; 233(1-4):244-251. 6. Ming Zhang, Ekhard K H Salje, AiHua Wang, Xiao Jia Li, Chang Sheng Xie, Simon AT Redfern and Ren Xian LiVibrational spectroscopy of fast-quenched ZrSiO4 melts produced by laser treatments: local structures and decomposed phases, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17 (2005): 6363–6376. 7. A.H. Wang, H.B. Xia, W.Y. Wang, Z.K. Bai, X.C. Zhu, C.S. Xie, YAG laser cladding of homogenous coating onto magnesium alloy, Materials Letters 60 (2006) 850–853. 8. W.Y. Wang, A.H. Wang, D.W. Zeng, Z.K. Bai, C.S. Xie, W.L. Song, X.C. Zhu, YAG laser surface densification of a zircon refractory by adding AlN nanoparticles, Materials Characterization 56 (2006) 227–231. 9. A.H. Wang, W.Y. Wang, Z.K. Bai, C.S. Xie, D.W. Zeng, W.L. Song, YAG laser percussion drilling of a functional multi-layer thin plate, Optics & Laser Technology 39 (2007) 840–845.


1)"七五"攻關項目“發動機排氣門激光熔覆工藝研究”獲1993年國家教委科技進步三等獎。 2)"缸套激光淬火生產線的研製"獲國家教委科技進步三等獎。 3)"激光與材料交互作用形成新材料的機理與特性的研究"獲2003年獲湖北省自然科學一等獎。