共找到3條詞條名為羅曉光的結果 展開





羅曉光 性別:男 所屬部門:電子科學與微電子系 職稱:講師 學歷:博士
個人簡介: 2007年畢業於燕山大學,同年到信息學院任教


1. 國家重點實驗室開放課題,新型亞穩材料BC4N的結構、物性及相變研究,2008-2010
2. 教育部博士點新教師基金金剛石和硅的壓縮變形的第一性原理研究,2008-2010
3. 國家自然科學青年基金,超高壓下BCxN三元化合物的製備和相變機制研究,2010-2012
1. X. G. Luo, X. J. Guo, Z. Y. Liu, J. L. He, D. L. Yu, B. Xu, H. T. Wang, and Y. J. Tian. Refined crystal structure and mechanical properties of superhard BC4N crystal: First-principles calculations. Journal of Physical Chemistry C (Accepted).
2. X. G. Luo, X. J. Guo, Z. Y. Liu, J. L. He, D. L. Yu, B. Xu, H. T. Wang, and Y. J. Tian. First-principles study of wurtzite BC2N. Physical Review B 76(9), 092107 (2007).
3. X. G. Luo, X. J. Guo, B. Xu, Q. H. Wu, Q. K. Hu, Z. Y. Liu, J. L. He, D. L. Yu, H. T. Wang, and Y. J. Tian. Prediction of the body-centered superhard BC2N polymorph by the first-principle method. Physical Review B 76(9), 094103 (2007).
4. X. G. Luo, X. J. Guo, Z. Y. Liu, J. L. He, D. L. Yu, Y. J. Tian, and H. T. Wang. Ground-state properties and hardness of high density BC6N phases originating from diamond structure. Journal of Applied Physics, 101(8), 083505 (2007).
5. X. G. Luo, Z. Y. Liu, X. J. Guo, J. L. He, D. L. Yu, Y. J. Tian, J. Sun, and H. T. Wang. Ab initio study of the structural and electronic properties of hexagonal BC2N. Chinese Physical Letters, 23, 2175 (2006).
6. X. G. Luo, J. X. Zhang, X. J. Guo, G. Z. Zhang, J. L. He, D. L. Yu, Z. Y. Liu, Y. J. Tian. Synthesis of B-C-N nanocrystalline particle by mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering. Journal of Materials Science, 41, 8352 (2006).