共找到6條詞條名為王水的結果 展開

















1. Wang S, Ding YB, Chen GY, Xia JG, Wu ZY. Hypermethylation of Syk gene in promoter region associated with oncogenesis and metastasis of gastric carcinoma. World J Gastroenterol, 2004, 10(12), 1815-1818
2. Ling LJ, Wang S*, Liu XA, Shen EC, Ding Q, Lu C, Xu J, Cao QH, Zhu HQ, Wang F. A novel mouse model of human breast cancer stem-like cells with high CD44+CD24- /lower phenotype metastasis to human bone. Chin Med J (Engl), 2008, 121(20), 1980-1986
3. Ding Q, Yang LX, Yang HW, Jiang C, Wang YF, Wang S*. Cytotoxic and antibacterial triterpenoids derivatives from Clematis ganpiniana. .J Ethnopharmacol, 2009, 126(3), 382-385
4. Wang J, Xia TS, Liu XA, Ding Q, Du Q, Yin H, Wang S*. A novel orthotopic and metastatic mouse model of breast cancer in human mammary microenvironment. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 2010, 120(2), 337-344
5. Xia TS, Wang J, Yin H, Ding Q, Zhang YF, Yang HW, Liu XA, Dong M, Du Q, Ling LJ, Zha XM, Fu W, Wang S*.Human tissue-specific microenvironment: an essential requirement for mouse models of breast cancer. Oncol Rep, 2010, 24(1), 203-211.
6. Liu X, Wang Z, Yu J, Lei G, Wang S*. Three polymorphisms in interleukin-1beta gene and risk for breast cancer: a meta-analysis Breast Cancer Res Treat, 2010, 124(3), 821-825
7. Zhu J, Meng X, Yan F, Qin C, Wang M, Ding Q, Li P, Yang J, Ju X, Zhang Z, Wang S*, Yin C. A functional epidermal growth factor (EGF) polymorphism, EGF serum levels and renal cell carcinoma risk in a Chinese population. J Hum Genet, 2010, 55(4), 236-240
8. Ling LJ, Lu C, Zhou GP, Wang S*. Ectopic expression of RhoBTB2 inhibits migration and invasion of human breast cancer cells. Cancer Biol Ther, 2010, 10(11), 1115-1122
9. Zhou WB, Yin H, Liu XA, Zha XM, Chen L, Dai JC, Tao AD, Chen L, Ma JJ, Ling LJ, Wang S*. Incidence of chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea associated with epirubicin, docetaxel and navelbine in younger breast cancer patients. BMC Cancer, 2010, 10, 281
10. Zou J, Zhang X, Yang H, Zhu Y, Ma H, Wang S*. Rapamycin-loaded nanoparticles for inhibition of neointimal hyperplasia in experimental vein grafts. Ann Vasc Surg, 2011, 25(4), 538-546
11. Zhou WB, Ding Q, Chen L, Liu XA, Wang S*. Toremifene is an effective and safe alternative to tamoxifen in adjuvant endocrine therapy for breast cancer: results of four randomized trials. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 2011, 128(3), 625-631
12. Zhou WB, Liu XA, Dai JC, Wang S*. Meta-analysis of sentinel lymph node biopsy at the time of prophylactic mastectomy of the breast. Can J Surg, 2011, 54(5), 300-306.
13. Zhou WB, Xue DQ, Liu XA, Ding Q, Wang S*. The influence of family history and histological stratification on breast cancer risk in women with benign breast disease: a meta-analysisJ Cancer Res Clin Oncol, 2011, 137(7), 1053-1060
14. Ni XJ, Xia TS, Zhao YC, Ma JJ, Zhao J, Liu XA, Ding Q, Zha XM, Wang S*. Postmenopausal hormone therapy is associated with in situ breast cancer risk Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2012, 13(8), 3917-3925
15. Wang M, Zhou W, Zhao Y, Xia T, Zha X, Ding Q, Liu X, Zhao Y, Ling L, Chen L, Wang S*.A novel finding of sentinel lymphatic channels in early stage breast cancer patients: which may influence detection rate and false-negative rate of sentinel lymph node biopsy. PLoS One, 2012, 7(12), e51226.
16. Chen L, Zhou WB, Zhao Y, Liu XA, Ding Q, Zha XM, Wang S*. Cancer/testis antigen SSX2 enhances invasiveness in MCF-7 cells by repressing ERalpha signaling Int J Oncol, 2012, 40(6), 1986-1994
17. Zhou W, Zha X, Liu X, Ding Q, Chen L, Ni Y, Zhang Y, Xu Y, Chen L, Zhao Y, WangS*. US-guided percutaneous microwave coagulation of small breast cancers: a clinical study. Radiology, 2012, 263(2), 364-373.
18. Wang X, Wang G, Zhao Y, Liu X, Ding Q, Shi J, Ding Y, Wang S*. STAT3 mediates resistance of CD44(+)CD24(-/low) breast cancer stem cells to tamoxifen in vitro. Biomed Res, 2012, 26(5), 325-335
19. Xu L, Ju XB, Li P, Wang J, Shi ZM, Zheng MJ, Xue DD, Xu YJ, Yin YM, Wang S*, You YP. Association between the Ku70-1310C/G promoter polymorphism and cancer risk:a meta-analysis. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2012, 13(2), 683-687
20. Zhao YC, Ni XJ, Wang MH, Zha XM, Zhao Y, Wang S*. Tumor-derived VEGF-C, but not VEGF-D, promotes sentinel lymph node lymphangiogenesis prior to metastasis in breast cancer patients. Med Oncol, 2012, 29(4), 2594-2600
21. Zhou W, He Z, Xue J, Wang M, Zha X, Ling L, Chen L, Wang S*, Liu X. Molecular subtype classification is a determinant of non-sentinel lymph node metastasis in breast cancer patients with positive sentinel lymph nodes. PLoS One, 2012, 7(4), e35881
22. Zhou W, Ding Q, Liang X, He Z, Zha X, Liu X, Wang S*. The risk of amenorrhea is related to chemotherapy-induced leucopenia in breast cancer patients receiving epirubicin and taxane based chemotherapy. PLoS One, 2012, 7(5), e37249
23. Zhou W, Ding Q, Liu X, Jiang Y, Chen L, Zhang Y, Xia T, Wang S*. Percutaneous microwave coagulation for eradication of VX2 tumors subcutaneously in rabbits. World J Surg Oncol, 2012, 10, 97
24. Zheng MJ, Wang J, Chen YW, Xu L, Xue DD, Fu W, Zhang YF, Du Q, Zhao Y, Ling LJ, Ding Q, Liu XA, Zha XM, Zheng W, Xia TS, Wang S*.A novel mouse model of gastric cancer with human gastric microenvironment Cancer Lett, 2012, 325(1), 108-115
25. Liu X, Qin Z, Shen H, Xue J, Jiang Y, Hu Z, Shen H, Wang S*. Genetic variants at 5p12 and risk of breast cancer in Han Chinese. J Hum Genet, 2012, 57(10), 638-641
26. Xia TS, Shi JP, Ding Q, Liu XA, Zhao Y, Liu YX, Xia JG, Wang S*, Ding YB. Reactivation of Syk gene by AZA suppresses metastasis but not proliferation of breast cancer cells. Med Oncol, 2012, 29(2), 448-453
27. Chen L, Zhou WB, Zhao Y, Liu XA, Ding Q, Zha XM, Wang S*. Bloody nipple discharge is a predictor of breast cancer risk: a meta-analysis. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 2012, 132(1), 9-14
28. Cui YY, Qian JM, Yao AH, Ma ZY, Qian XF, Zha XM, Zhao Y, Ding Q, Zhao J, Wang S*, Wu J. SOD mimetic improves the function, growth, and survival of small-size liver grafts after transplantation in rats. Transplantation, 2012, 94(7), 687-694
29. Xia TS, Wang GZ, Ding Q, Liu XA, Zhou WB, Zhang YF, Zha XM, Du Q, Ni XJ, Wang J, Miao SY, Wang S*. Bone metastasis in a novel breast cancer mouse model containing human breast and human bone. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 2012, 132(2), 471-486
30. Ni X, Ma J, Zhao Y, Wang Y, Wang S*. Meta-analysis on the association between non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug use and ovarian cancer. Br J Clin Pharmacol, 2013, 75(1), 26-35
31. Pan H, Xia K, Zhou W, Xue J, Liang X, Cheng L, Wu N, Liang M, Wu D, Ling L, Ding Q, Chen L, Zha X, Liu X, Wang S*. Low serum creatine kinase levels in breast cancer patients: a case-control study. PLoS One, 2013, 8(4), e62112
32. Zhou W, Pan H, Liang M, Xia K, Liang X, Xue J, Cheng L, Xue J, Chen S, Liu X, Ding Q, Ling L, Wang S*. Family history and risk of ductal carcinoma in situ and triple negative breast cancer in a Han Chinese population: a case-control study. World J Surg Oncol, 2013, 11, 248
33. Ni X, Zhao Y, Ma J, Xia T, Liu X, Ding Q, Zha X, Wang S*. Hypoxia-induced factor-1 alpha upregulates vascular endothelial growth factor C to promote lymphangiogenesis and angiogenesis in breast cancer patients. J Biomed Res, 2013, 27(6), 478-485
34. Zhou W, Liang M, Pan H, Liu X, Jiang Y, Wang Y, Ling L, Ding Q, Wang S*. Comparison of ablation zones among different tissues using 2450-MHz cooled-shaft microwave antenna: results in ex vivo porcine models. PLoS One, 2013, 8(8), e71873
35. Zhou W, Liu X, Ding Q, Zha X, Wang S*. Long-term outcomes of breast cancer ablationRadiology, 2013, 269(1), 309-310
36. Zhou W, Ding Q, Pan H, Wu N, Liang M, Huang Y, Chen L, Zha X, Liu X, Wang S*. Risk of breast cancer and family history of other cancers in first-degree relatives in Chinese women: a case control study. BMC Cancer, 2014, 14, 662
37. Ni X, Xia T, Zhao Y, Zhou W, Wu N, Liu X, Ding Q, Zha X, Sha J, Wang S*. Downregulation of miR-106b induced breast cancer cell invasion and motility in association with overexpression of matrix metalloproteinase 2. Cancer Sci, 2014, 105(1), 18-25
38. Miao SY, Zhou W, Chen L, Wang S*, Liu XA. Influence of ABO blood group and Rhesus factor on breast cancer risk: a meta-analysis of 9665 breast cancer patients and 244,768 controls. Asia Pac J Clin Oncol, 2014, 10(2), 101-108
39. Yang T, Xu F, Zhao Y, Wang S*, Yang M, Chen Y. A liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry-based targeted proteomics approach for the assessment of transferrin receptor levels in breast cancer. Proteomics Clin Appl, 2014, 8(9-10), 773-782
40. Ren Y, Han X, Yu K, Sun S, Zhen L, Li Z, Wang S*. microRNA-200c downregulates XIAP expression to suppress proliferation and promote apoptosis of triple-negative breast cancer cells. Mol Med Rep, 2014, 10(1), 315-321
41. Chen J, Jiang P, Wang HJ, Zhang JY, Xu Y, Guo MH, Zhang B, Tang CY, Cao HY, Wang S*. The efficacy of molecular subtyping in predicting postoperative recurrence in breast-conserving therapy: a 15-study meta-analysis. World J Surg Oncol, 2014, 12, 212
42. Zhou W, Jiang Y, Chen L, Ling L, Liang M, Pan H, Wang S, Ding Q, Liu X, Wang S*. Image and pathological changes after microwave ablation of breast cancer: a pilot study. Eur J Radiol, 2014, 83(10), 1771-1777
43. 王水,張保康,趙同生, Hassab 手術后肝硬變大鼠動脈血酮體比改變的意義, 南京醫學院學報, 1991, (04), 302-305
44. 王水,劉訓良,陸輝,孔連寶, B 型 Niemann-Pick 病脾臟切除一例, 南京醫學院學報, 1993, (02), 186
45. 王水,沈亞勛, 老年原發性膽囊癌誤診 27 例分析, 南京醫科大學學報, 1997, (02), 77
46. 王水,查小明,武正炎, 原發性甲狀旁腺機能亢進症術后低鈣血症及其處理, 江蘇醫藥, 2001, (03), 180
47. 王水,查小明, 三苯氧胺對絕經后乳腺癌患者子宮和卵巢的影響, 南京醫科大學學報, 2001, (04), 320-321
48. 王水,林紅軍,查小明, 三苯氧胺對乳腺癌患者子宮卵巢的影響, 中國腫瘤臨床, 2001, (05), 389-390
49. 王水,武正炎,范萍,查小明, 血管內皮細胞生長因子在乳腺癌組織中的表達及其生物學意義, 南京醫科大學學報, 2001, (06), 503-505
50. 王水,查小明,范萍,武正炎, 乳腺癌染料法前哨淋巴結活檢的臨床意義, 中華腫瘤雜誌, 2002, (02), 90
51. 王水,劉曉,劉曉安,查小明,符德元,甄林林,范萍,武正炎,乳腺癌前哨淋巴結活檢染料和手術時機選擇,腫瘤學雜誌, 2002, (06), 332-335
52. 王水,劉曉安,武正炎,影響染料法乳腺癌前哨淋巴結活檢成功率的一些因素外科理論與實踐, 2004, (02), 107-109
53. 王水,范萍,武正炎,乳腺癌前哨淋巴結淋巴細胞亞群的初步研究,中華腫瘤雜誌, 2004, (04), 31-33
54. 王水,劉曉安,趙燕超,武正炎,採用異硫藍和美藍行乳腺癌前哨淋巴結活檢的臨床價值,江蘇醫藥, 2004, (07), 506-507
55. 王水,范萍,劉曉安,武正炎,乳腺癌骨髓和前哨淋巴結微小轉移檢測的臨床研究,中華普通外科雜誌, 2004, (09), 54-55
56. 耿強,王水,范萍,劉曉安,鄭偉,乳腺癌前哨淋巴結和骨髓和外周血微小轉移的聯合檢測,腫瘤防治雜誌, 2005, (02), 85-88
57. 徐鯤,劉曉安,王水,張小林,陸輝,乳腺癌前哨淋巴結活檢染料選擇的實驗研究,南京醫科大學學報(自然科學版), 2005, (03), 201-203
58. 徐鯤,劉曉安,王水,王振中,乳腺癌前哨淋巴結活檢常用染料效果實驗研究,現代腫瘤醫學, 2005, (04), 433-435
59. 徐鯤,劉曉安,王水,周青,耿強,中華墨汁作為乳腺癌前哨淋巴結活檢示蹤劑的實驗研究,腫瘤防治雜誌, 2005, (05), 321-324
60.王水,劉曉安,早期乳腺癌治療中前哨淋巴結活檢應用價值探討,中國實用外科雜誌, 2006, (04), 312-314
61. 王水,趙佳,劉曉,甲狀腺炎合併甲狀腺功能亢進的手術治療,中國實用外科雜誌, 2006, (07), 503-505
62. 王水,劉曉安,趙佳,耿強,劉力嘉,染料法乳腺癌前哨淋巴通道的研究,中華外科雜誌, 2006, (11), 748-750
63. 曹勤洪,王水,徐鯤,劉曉安,劉力嘉,中華墨汁作為前哨淋巴結活檢新型示蹤劑的實驗研究,The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2006, (01), 36-39
64. 郝漢霞,王水,劉力嘉,范萍,杜青,張偉民,王聰,乳腺癌腫瘤相關巨噬細胞中 HIF-2α/EPAS1 表達與血管生成的關係,中華腫瘤防治雜誌, 2006, (03), 169-172
65. 王鋒,王水,陸輝,鄭偉,孫琳,乳腺癌組織中 p21~(WAF1)、CDK4 的表達及臨床意義,江蘇醫藥, 2006, (06), 520-522
66. 趙佳,劉曉安,王水,劉力嘉 免疫組織化學和RT-PCR法檢測乳腺癌骨髓和前哨淋巴結微小轉移的臨床研究現代腫瘤醫學, 2006, (07), 813-816
67. 鄒漢青,王水,林紅軍,張智弘,劉曉安,彭曉靜,活體兔肌肉組織微波固化后病理學變化的實驗研究 中華腫瘤防治雜誌, 2006, (07), 489-491
68. 凌立君,魏惠華,曾莉,劉曉安,王鳳良,趙佳,賈曉斌,王水,鹽酸川芎嗪微囊的製備及質量控制,中成藥, 2006, (11), 1692-1693
69. 趙佳,王水,劉曉安,劉力嘉,IHC 和 PCR 法聯合檢測乳腺癌前哨淋巴結的微轉移,中華腫瘤防治雜誌, 2006, (16), 1229-1231
70. 王水,劉曉安,趙佳,耿強,劉力嘉,聯合法觀察前哨淋巴通道的臨床研究,中華乳腺病雜誌(電子版), 2007, (01), 35-38
71. 王鋒,王水,宣卓琦,孫琳,陸輝,乳腺癌細胞中 p53、C-erbB-2、p21~(WAF1)和 CDK4 的表達及臨床意義,南京醫科大學學報(自然科學版), 2007, (01), 70-73
72. 凌立君,趙佳,王水,劉曉安,核素法前哨淋巴通道的研究,中華乳腺病雜誌(電子版), 2007, (02), 16-18
73. 王鋒,夏添松,夏建國,陳國玉,王水胃腸道間質腫瘤伴肝轉移 18 例臨床分析,臨床腫瘤學雜誌, 2007, (03), 191-193
74. 許健,王水,許立生,杜青,劉曉安,乳腺癌細胞系中腫瘤幹細胞相關亞群初步研究,南京醫科大學學報(自然科學版), 2007, (04), 350-355
75. 謝錫駒,王水,鄭偉,查小明,乳腺癌患者血清 IGF-Ⅱ水平及其在腫瘤組織中的表達,江蘇醫藥, 2007, (07), 672-674
76. 王鳳良,凌立君,沈恩超,劉曉安,王水,血清 Tracp5b 診斷乳腺癌骨轉移的臨床價值,南京醫科大學學報(自然科學版), 2007, (07), 702-705
77. 許健; 王水;許立生,杜青,劉曉安,趙佳,雌激素對 MCF-7 中腫瘤幹細胞相關亞群影響的實驗研究,中華腫瘤防治雜誌, 2007, (09), 650-652
78. 陳龍舟,趙佳,王鳳良,凌立君,劉曉安,王水 淋巴結陰性乳腺癌骨髓微小轉移聯合檢測的臨床研究,南京醫科大學學報(自然科學版), 2007, (09), 939-942
79. 許立生,王水,許健,杜青,無血清懸浮法培養MCF-7細胞系並篩選該細胞系中腫瘤幹細胞相關亞群的初步研究,中華腫瘤防治雜誌, 2007, (10), 736-740
80. 謝暉,曹勤洪,夏鍇,劉曉安,王水乳腺癌組織 APRG1 基因表達的初步研究,江蘇醫藥, 2007, (10), 1006-1008
81. 劉月仙,夏添松,李俊芳,王水,共刺激分子 B7-2 基因轉染抑制乳腺癌生長和轉移的實驗研究,南京醫科大學學報(自然科學版), 2007, (11), 1228-1232
82. 孫蓉,凌立君,劉曉安,趙佳,耿強,王水,聯合法前哨淋巴通道的臨床研究,中華腫瘤防治雜誌, 2007, (17), 1328-1330
83. 王鳳良,王水,凌立君,沈恩超,劉曉安,血清 Tracp5b 診斷乳腺癌骨轉移及評價雙膦酸鹽治療療效的臨床意義,中華腫瘤防治雜誌, 2007, (21), 1628-1631
84. 王水,趙佳,乳腺癌前哨淋巴結活檢的研究進展,中華普外科手術學雜誌(電子版), 2008, (02), 147-152
85. 王水,趙佳,早期乳腺癌前哨淋巴結活檢術的進展,中華乳腺病雜誌(電子版), 2008, (03), 255-261
86. 王水,重視老年甲狀腺疾病診斷與治療,實用老年醫學, 2008, (04), 243-244
87. 李昌文,劉曉安,林紅軍,章宜芬,王水冷循環微波固化家豬乳腺實驗研,南京醫科大學學報(自然科學版), 2008, (01), 16-19
88. 沈恩超,凌立君,王水,劉曉安,朱海清,李鳳山,SDF-1、CXCR4 在乳腺癌組織及轉移淋巴結中的表達及其意義,江蘇醫藥, 2008, (04), 367-369
89. 錢超,夏鍇,張靜靜,杜青,劉曉安,王水缺氧條件下雷帕黴素抗人乳腺癌 MCF-7 細胞增殖作用的研究,南京醫科大學學報(自然科學版), 2008, (06), 742-746
90. 高澤俊,袁小青,沈捷,馬向華,王水,MAPKs通路在Leptin促人乳腺癌細胞系增殖中的機制研究,南京醫科大學學報(自然科學版), 2008, (11), 1410-1414
91.劉學敏,王水,夏添松,王珏,劉曉安 慢病毒轉染綠色熒光蛋白對乳腺癌細胞系腫瘤幹細胞相關亞群的影響,中國組織工程研究與臨床康復, 2008, (38), 7507-7510
92.王水,乳管鏡技術臨床應用及其診療價值,中國實用外科雜誌, 2009, (03), 261-263
93. 顧則娟,王水,張鎮靜,王榮,謝曉峰,朱琳,戴曉冬,葉桂華,林征,方小平,殷蓉,舒心病房護理運行模式的建立與應用,中華護理雜誌, 2009, (10), 929-931
94. 宋兵,沈歷宗,徐皓,黃華興,肇毅,史京萍,王水外科實習生出科量化考核結果的研究分析與思考,臨床和實驗醫學雜誌, 2010, (05), 353-355
95. 傅衛,王水,杜青,肇毅,查小明,劉曉安,巢式 RT-PCR 檢測乳腺癌外周血循環腫瘤細胞的臨床價值,南京醫科大學學報(自然科學版), 2010, (06), 818-821
96. 蔣超,丁強,王水,楊海偉,張煒明,FISH 檢測乳腺癌石蠟組織切片的酶消化時間的探究,現代生物醫學進展, 2010, (15), 2907-2909
97. 陳翔,王水,乳腺癌前哨淋巴結活檢研究現狀及進展,中國普外基礎與臨床雜誌, 2011, (01), 98-102
98. 黃華興,沈歷宗,肇毅,凌立君,史京萍,徐皓,吳蔚,王水,PBL與LBL相結合在基礎外科學實踐教學中的應用,南京醫科大學學報(社會科學版), 2011, (03), 227-229
99. 崔一堯,王水,臨床推廣乳腺癌前哨淋巴結活檢技術的影響因素分析,中國醫學倫理學, 2011, (05), 611-613
100. 黃華興,沈歷宗,肇毅,凌立君,史京萍,徐皓,吳蔚,王水,外科學基礎考試模式的改革與探討,南京醫科大學學報(社會科學版), 2011, (06), 488-490
101. 崔一堯,王水,前哨淋巴結活檢在乳腺癌治療中的意義,醫學與哲學(臨床決策論壇版), 2011, (08), 41-42
102. 史京萍,夏添松,丁強,劉曉安,査小明,王水,CpG 寡核苷酸促進 Toll 樣受體 9 的表達增強乳腺癌細胞侵襲南京醫科大學學報(自然科學版), 2011, (08), 1161-1163
103. 崇梅紅,王水,乳腺癌血行微小轉移研究進展,中華臨床醫師雜誌(電子版), 2011, (10), 2970-2974
104. 崇梅紅,王水,乳腺癌淋巴結微小轉移研究進展,中華臨床醫師雜誌(電子版), 2011, (11), 3254-3257
105. 許立生,王水,黃中晶,沈恩超,錢超,人生長激素對乳腺癌細胞增殖和凋亡的影響,天津醫藥, 2011, (12), 1141-1143
106. 馬晶晶,王水,鄭明潔,繆蘇宇,徐露,王珏,乳腺癌細胞株兩種原代培養方法的比較,江蘇醫藥, 2011, (16), 1865-1867
107. 劉釗,王水,孕激素及雌激素對乳腺癌細胞 RANKL 及其受體的調節作用,江蘇醫藥, 2011, (16), 1874-1876
108. 許立生,王水,黃中晶,沈恩超,錢超,CD44~+/CD24~(-/low)/ABCG2~-乳腺癌幹細胞與臨床治療及預后的關係,實用醫學雜誌, 2011, (21), 3877-3879
109. 崇梅紅,王水,查小明,劉曉安,凌立君,肇毅,實時熒光定量PCR法檢測乳腺癌外周血循環腫瘤細胞的臨床價值,南京醫科大學學報(自然科學版), 2012, (02), 220-225
110. 趙奕華,李鑫,王水,王虹,公立醫院改革背景下醫用耗材管理的困難與對策,中國醫療設備, 2012, (11), 100-102
111.周茜,王水,錢寧,劉小豐,陸澄,骨橋蛋白在乳腺癌組織中的表達及其與臨床病理和 p53 的關係,江蘇醫藥, 2012, (20), 2387-2389
112. 許立生,王水,黃中晶,趙志泓,沈恩超,錢超,ER、PR、VEGF、CA15-3、CA125 和 CEA 水平在乳腺癌預后判斷中的臨床意義,實用醫學雜誌, 2012, (21), 3565-3567
113. 張桂普,王水,鄭明潔,王珏,“人源性”乳腺微環境促進人源性乳腺癌細胞發生上皮細胞間充質轉化,江蘇醫藥, 2012, (22), 2652-2654
114. 王水,劉釗,乳腺神經內分泌癌,中國實用外科雜誌, 2013, (03), 238-240
115. 姚秀蕾,肇毅,姚志勇,王水,超聲引導粗針活檢在觸診陰性乳腺腫瘤診斷中的臨床意義,中國醫藥導報, 2013, (02), 41-43
116. 黃華興,張永傑,沈歷宗,肇毅,王水,整合外科與解剖教學,架構臨床與基礎橋樑,南京醫科大學學報(社會科學版), 2013, (03), 273-275
117.周悅,黃華興,駱金華,陳亮,王水,胸腔鏡技術應用以提高胸心外科教學效果的研究與實踐,南京醫科大學學報(社會科學版), 2013, (05), 472-473
118. 楊小冬,黃華興,黃平,沈歷宗,王水,淺談外科學基礎實踐教學師資的選拔與培養,南京醫科大學學報(社會科學版), 2013, (06), 564-566
119. 朱倩男,夏添松,凌立君,王水,乳腺癌術後上肢淋巴水腫發生機制及預防進展,中華乳腺病雜誌(電子版), 2013, (06), 442-445
120. 王若曦,王水,乳腺癌 ER、PR 及 HER-2 在原發灶和轉移灶之間表達關係的研究進展,江蘇醫藥, 2013, (08), 958-961
121.吳丹,劉曉安,查小明,王水,乳腺淋巴瘤 12 例臨床分析,江蘇醫藥, 2013, (14), 1660-1662
122.吳蔚,沈歷宗,肇毅,凌立君,史京萍,黃華興,王水,積極心理學在外科學總論實驗教學中的應用,中國醫學創新, 2013, (34), 141-142
123.徐海萍,王娟,孫傑,王珏,王水,查小明,魯婷婷,孫茹萍,楊曉文,優化乳腺癌健康宣教的探討,江蘇醫藥, 2014, (05), 604-606

