共找到2條詞條名為西域歷史語言研究集刊的結果 展開







Foreword. i
Karénina Kollmar-Paulenz and Shen Weirong
Klaus Sagaster - Bibliography. 1
compiled by Karénina Kollmar-Paulenz, with the help of Helmut Eimer
[Notes on the Main Passages of the "Stele Inscription for the Stūpa with Spiritual Influence of ?akya Relics Built Especially on Imperial Command"] (chines.). 17
安海燕 An Haiyan
A Brief Introduction to a Manuscript of ?nd?r Gegen's Biography Kept by Prof. Ts. Shagdarsürüng. 53
Agata Bareja-Starzyńska
An Imperial Treasure: The Zhigongtu as a Source of 18th Century Social History. 65
Christine Bell, Hartmut Walravens
[On the Textual Formation and Transmission of the Chinese Translation of ?ombiheruka's Sahajasiddhi] (chines.). 79
柴冰 Chai Bing
The Mongol Bard in Society: Customs and Behaviour. 87
Elisabetta Chiodo
[The Yuan Emperor Toγan temür and the Great Tibetan Buddhist Master Bu ston] (chines.). 101
黨寶海 Dang Baohai
Fragmente eines Supplementbandes zum Wanli-Kanjur in der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin. 111
Helmut Eimer
Tharchin's Tibet Mirror: A Christian oriented Newspaper? 129
Isrun Engelhardt
Wer war Nikan Wailan - der 'China-Sekret?r'? 157
Martin Gimm
Christian Missionaries in Qinghai and Gansu: Sources for Tibetan and Mongol Studies. 163
Bianca Horlemann
The Problem of Sanskrit as the Canonical Language in Buddhism. 193
Pochi Huang
[The Months' Names in Ancient Mongolian Language] (chines.). 207
Irin?in, tr. Chen Xiaowei
Bonner Tibetica: Die tibetischen Blockdrucke und Handschriften aus Solu-Khumbu (Nepal) im Besitz der Abteilung Mongolistik und Tibetstudien des IOA der Universit?t Bonn. 211
Rudolf Kaschewsky
Eine kurze Analyse zur Verbesserung der sozio?konomischen Kooperationen zwischen Korea und der Mongolei - im Bereich der "Green Energy Industry" und "Migration". 273
Kim Sunho
?inggis Qan, der Mann des Jahrtausends? 279
Karénina Kollmar-Paulenz
[The Japanese Scholars' Search for the Manchu and Mongolian Old Books until 1945] (chines.). 301
仲見立夫 Nakami Tatsuo
[On the Word KILBAR (?INK, IIQ-A) in ?aγan Teüke] (chines.). 311
Borjigidai Oyunbilig
[Heroine Epic of Ehirid-Bolgad] (chines.). 321
Dasheng yaodao miji and Studies in Tibetan Buddhist History of the Tangut Xia, Mongol Yuan and Ming Dynasties. 331
Shen Weirong
Paying with Karma in the Buddha's Flower Shop: Spiritual Economics in Early Indian Buddhism. 361
Jens Schlieter
Овоγв социальной структуре монгольского улуса 12-13 вв. 379
Tatiana D. Skrynnikova
A Personal View of a Description of Samarkand in the Babur-nāma. 403
Münevver Tekcan
[On Identifying Sonom Gara/Kara (< *Sonom Gra/Kra) with Suonanyiluo and Deducing the Existence of Middle Mongol Tantric Corpus] (chines.). 417
Hoong Teik Toh
Further Notes on the Bodhicittavivara?a and Some Comments on Its Verses 4-5: Apropos of a Non-Buddhist Ontological Commitment. 431
Leonard W. J. van der Kuijp
China in Berlin: The Private Library of the Great Elector and its Development. 451
Hartmut Walravens
List of Contributors. 459