



1990.6畢業於南京大學化學系, 獲理學博士學位。1990.7進中科院南京土壤研究所博士后流動站。1992.3-93.3作為日本科技廳特別研究員在日本國家農業環境科學研究所合作研究。現在土壤與農業可持續發展國家重點實驗室(中國科學院南京土壤研究所)從事全球變化區域響應研究。先後發表論文70多篇,其中在國際學術刊物發表30多篇。
2000年以來,採用國際先進的FCAE(Free-Air Controlled Enrichment)方法,研究農田生態系統對大氣組成以及溫度變化的響應與適應。該項研究涉及植物生理、作物栽培、土壤、生物地球化學、生態系統結構與功能演變、微氣象、系統控制等學科領域,是在國際前沿的綜合性研究。通過國際合作,2001年建成了我國第一個水稻/小麥二氧化碳FACE系統平台。就是在田間開放體系中,建立了模擬未來大氣二氧化碳濃度的3個FACE圈(面積各約200M2)和相應的對照體系,其FACE圈內的CO2濃度高於周圍大氣環境200ppmv,並由實時控制系統加以實現。由於FACE圈內外沒有任何隔離設施,氣體可以自由流通,因此系統內部通風、光照、溫度、濕度等條件十分接近於自然生態環境。FACE技術是研究生態系統對大氣組成與氣候變化響應的最佳模擬手段,FACE平台猶如未來世界的一個窗口。今年又建成了臭氧FACE系統,作為研究近地層臭氧濃度升高對生態系統影響的試驗平台,同時在設計溫度FACE方案,準備由單因子(分別模擬大氣二氧化碳、臭氧濃度升高)的研究擴展到多因子(同時模擬大氣二氧化碳與臭氧濃度、溫度升高的未來情景)的研究。


1. Biao Huang, Yongcun Zhao, Weixia Sun, Rongqing Yang, Zitong Gong, Zhong Zou, Feng Ding, and Jianping Su. 2009. Relationships between Distributions of Longevous Population’s Rate and Trace Elements in the agricultural ecosystem of Rugao County, Jiangsu, China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 31:379-390. 2. Yanbing Qi, Jeremy L. Darilek, Biao Huang*, Yongcun Zhao, Weixia Sun, Zhiquan Gu. 2009. Evaluating agricultural soil quality indices in a agricultural region of Jiangsu Province, China. Geoderma. 149:325-334. 3. Jeremy L. Darilek, Biao Huang*, Zhigang Wang, Yanbing Qi, Zhiquan Gu, and Xuezheng Shi. 2009. Changes in Soil Fertility Parameters and the Environmental Effects in a Rapidly Developing Region of China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 129:286-292. 4. Hong-Jie Wang, Biao Huang*, Xue-Zheng Shi, Jeremy Landon Darilek, Dong-Sheng Yu, Wei-Xia Sun, Yong-Cun Zhao, Qing Chang, Ingrid Öborn. 2008. Major nutrient balances in small-scale vegetable farming systems in peri-urban areas, China. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 81:203-218. 5. Biao Huang, Weixia Sun, Yongcun Zhao, Jing Zhu, Rongqing Yang, Zhong Zou, Feng Ding, and Jianping Su, 2007. Temporal and spatial variability of soil organic matter and total nitrogen in an agricultural ecosystem as affected by farming practices. Geoderma, 139(3-4):336-445. 6. Huang, Biao, Zitong Gong, and Guoan Gu. 2006. Element Geochemistry of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau soils in China - An example from the unpopulated Kekexili region. Geochemical Journal. 40:211-218. 7. Huang, Biao, Xuezheng Shi, Dongsheng Yu, Ingrid Öborn, Karin Blombäck, Timothy F. Pagella, Hongjie Wang, Weixia Sun, and Fergus L. Sinclair. 2006. Environmental Assessment of Small-scale Vegetable Farming Systems in Peri-Urban Areas of the Yangtze Delta River Region, China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 112:391-402.
8. Huang, B., S. Kuo, and R. Bembenek. 2005. Availability to lettuce of arsenic and lead from trace element fertilizers in soil. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 164:223-239. 9. Huang, Biao, Zitong Gong. 2005. Geochemical barriers and element retention in soils in different landscapes of the Tianshan Mountain area, Xinjiang, China. Geoderma, 126:337-351.

