共找到47條詞條名為吳俊的結果 展開
- 大連紅旗足球公園隊主教練
- 勁牌公司普通工人
- 李常傑
- 貴州省黔南州人大常委會原副主任
- 吳川市人大常委會副主任
- 南京農業大學園藝學院教授
- 清代書畫家
- 合肥市公路局原副局長
- 上海市金融服務辦公室副主任
- 安徽青年畫家
- 陝西省書法名家
- 貴州師範學院教授
- 上海市普陀區萬里街道辦事處副主任
- 杭州市老年病醫院執行院長
- 江蘇揚州市公安局團委書記
- 中華民國將領
- 舒城縣市場監督管理局工作人員
- 安徽農業大學經濟管理學院教師
- 四川省成都市青羊區新華西路街道辦事處主任
- 昆明市社會保險局局長
- 重慶大學經濟與工商管理學院副教授
- 同濟大學計算機系博士生導師
- 原新浪網視頻編輯
- 綜藝主持人
- 廣西壯族自治區工藝品進出口公司總經理
- 清華大學馬克思主義學院副教授
- 湖北浠水縣公安局巴河水陸派出所副教導員
- 中共黨員
- 四川省資陽市統計局總統計師
- 寧夏食品工業辦公室人員
- 桂林青年攝影師
- 北京郵電大學經濟管理學院副教授
- 銅仁職業技術學院副教授
- 南京大學文學院教授
- 華南農業大學老師
- 成都市青羊區人民防空辦公室主任
- 縣公安局科員
- 廣西師範學院外國語學院教授
- 曲靖市羅平縣疾病預防控制中心黨支部書記
- 革命烈士
- 安徽師範大學數計學院教授
- 修水縣電局農水股副股長
- 中國華夏萬里行書畫家協會會員
- 杭州市臨安區疾病預防控制中心黨支部委員、副主任
- 浙江省海鹽縣望海街道優秀共產黨員
- 計算機音樂研究者
- 芒果超媒股份有限公司董事會秘書
已發表相關研究論文130餘篇,其中SCI論文42篇;近5年以第一或通訊作者發表論文46篇,其中SCI論文19篇,論文最高影響因子14.3 (是國際上有關梨研究的IF大於10.0的唯一論文);以第一發明人申請發明專利13項,已獲得授權的6項;主持或參與制定省級地方標準14 項;作為主要成員選育梨新品種4 個,參編專著7 部(2部為副主編)。作為主要完成人獲國家科技進步二等獎1項(第4完成人),教育部技術發明一等獎1項(第2完成人),教育部科技進步二等獎1項(第2完成人),江蘇省科技進步二等獎1項(第7完成人),中國園藝學會華耐園藝科技團隊獎 (排名第2)。同時,獲得“十三屆中國青年科技獎”、江蘇省教科系統“五一巾幗標兵”稱號;入選教育部“新世紀優秀人才”,江蘇省“青藍工程”科技創新團隊帶頭人,江蘇省“333”高層次人才工程,以及南京農業大學“133重點人才工程”優秀青年教師培養對象。已培養研究生20名,在讀研究生15名(留學生1名),其中與美國伊利諾伊大學、美國康奈爾大學聯合培養研究生各1名。
發表的主要論文 (*為通訊作者)
Li X, Xue C, Li J, et al. Genome-wide identification, evolution and functional divergence of MYB transcription factors in Chinese white pear (Pyrus bretschneideri)[J]. Plant and Cell Physiology, 2016: pcw029.
Liu L, Chen C X, Zhu Y F, et al. Maternal inheritance has impact on organic acid content in progeny of pear (Pyrus spp.) fruit[J]. Euphytica, 1-17.
Li JM, Huang XS, Li LT, Zheng DM, Xue C, Zhang SL, Wu J*. Proteome analysis of pear reveals key genes associated with fruit development and quality. Planta. 2015, 241:1363-1379.
Li JM, Zheng DM, Li LT, Qiao X, Wei SW, Bai B, Zhang SL, Wu J*. Genome-Wide Function, Evolutionary Characterization and Expression Analysis of Sugar Transporter Family Genes in Pear (Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd). Plant Cell and Physiology. 2015.
Liu QW, Song Y, Liu L, Zhang MY, Sun JM, Zhang SL, Wu J*. Genetic diversity and population structure of pear (Pyrus spp.) collections revealed by a set of core genome-wide SSR markers. Tree Genetics & Genomes.
Zhang QJ, Tao ST, Li M, Qi XX, Wu J, Yin H, Deng JL, Zhang SL*. Identification of differentially expressed genes using digital gene expression profiles in Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai cv. Hosui bud release following early defoliation. Tree Genetics & Genomes. 2015. 11:34.
Sun JM, Yin H, Li LT, Song Y, Fan L, Zhang SL, Wu J*. 2015. Evaluation of new IRAP markers of pear and their potential application in differentiating bud sports and other Rosaceae species. Tree Genetics & Genomes. 2015, 11: 25.
Yang YN, Yao GF, Zheng DM, Zhang SL, Wang C, Zhang MY, Wu J*. Expression differences of anthocyanin biosynthesis genes reveal regulation patterns for red pear coloration. Plant Cell Reporters. 2015, 34:189-198.
Yanan Yang, Gaifang Yao, Wenquan Yue, Shaoling Zhang, Jun Wu*. Transcriptome profiling reveals differential gene expression in proanthocyanidin biosynthesis associated with red/green skin color mutant of pear (Pyrus communisL.). Front. Plant Sci.
李曉龍,王超,李甲明,劉倫,吳俊*. 拉枝處理對‘翠冠’梨成花的影響及其調控機制. 西北植物學報,2015,35(1):89-97.
劉清文, 宋躍, 李甲明, 張明月, 齊開傑, 張紹鈴, 吳俊*. 利用核心簡單重複序列(SSR)標記分析西洋梨品種資源遺傳多樣性. 農業生物技術學報, 2015, 23(5): 579~587.
劉倫,王超,姚改芳,王德孚,吳俊*.外源生長調節劑處理對‘滿天紅’ב碭山酥梨’後代成花的影響。南京農業大學學報. 2015,38( 3) : 381-388
滕美貞,陳利彬,劉 倫,齊開傑,張紹鈴,吳 俊*.南京地區梨種質資源開花與坐果特性調查分析。果樹學報. 2015,32(4) : 572-582
Jun Wu(吳俊), Lei-Ting Li, Meng Li, M. Awais Khan,Xiu-Gen Li, Hui Chen,Hao Yin, Shao-Ling Zhang. High-density genetic linkage map construction and identification of fruit-related QTLs in pear using SNP and SSR markers.J EXP BOT, 2014,DOI:10.1093/jxb/ eru311
Hui Chen, Yue Song ,Lei-Ting Li, M. Awais Khan , Xiu-Gen Li, Schuyler S. Korban,Jun Wu *(吳俊), Shao-Ling Zhang*. Construction of a High-Density Simple Sequence Repeat Consensus Genetic Map for Pear (Pyrus spp.).Plant Mol Biol Rep, 2014,DOI 10.1007/s11105-014-0745-x
MY Zhang, L Fan, QZ Liu, S Yue, SW Wei, S L Zhang,J. Wu*(吳俊).A Novel Set of EST-derived SSR Markers for Pear and Cross-species Transferability in Rosaceae.Plant Mol Biol Rep,2014, 32(1):290-302
Chao Gu; Qing-Zhong Liu; M. Awais Khan;Jun Wu*(吳俊); Shao-Ling Zhang*. Hetero-diploid pollen grains that represent self-compatibility are incompatible with non-self receptors in tetraploid Chinese cherry (Prunus pseudocerasus Lindl).Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2014,10:619–625
Yue Song, Lian Fan, Hui Chen, Mingyue Zhang, Qianqian Ma, Shaoling Zhang,Jun Wu*(吳俊). Identifying genetic diversity and a preliminary core collection of Pyrus pyrifolia cultivars by a genome-wide set of SSR markers.Scientia Horticulturae, 2014,167(6): 5–16
Jun Wu(吳俊), Zhiwen Wang Zebin Shi, Shu Zhang, Ray Ming, Shilin ZhuShaoling Zhang*.The genome of pear (Pyrus bretschneideriRehd.).Genome Research,2013,23:396-408
Jun Wu(吳俊),Chao Gu, M. Awais Khan, Juyou Wu, Yongbing Gao, Chunlei Wang, Schuyler S. Korban, Shaoling Zhang*.Molecular determinants and mechanisms of gametophytic self-incompatibility in fruit trees of Rosaceae.Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences,2013,32:53-68
L. Fan, M.-Y. Zhang ,Q.-Z. Liu ,L.-T. Li ,Y. Song ,L.-F. Wang ,S.-L. Zhang,J. Wu*(吳俊). Transferability of Newly Developed Pear SSR Markers to Other Rosaceae Species.Plant Mol Biol Rep, 2013, 31:1271–1282
Ya-nan Yang, Guang Zhao, Wen-quan Yue,Shao-ling Zhang ,Chao Gu ,Jun Wu*(吳俊).Molecular cloning and gene expression differences of the anthocyanin biosynthesis-related genes in the red/green skin color mutant of pear (Pyrus communis L.).Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2013, 9:1351–1360
Jun Wu*(吳俊), Guang Zhao, Ya-Nan Yang, Wen-Quan Le,Muhammad Awais Khan,Shao-Ling Zhang,Chao Gu,Wen-Jiang Huang. Identification of differentially expressed genes related to coloration in red/green mutant pear (Pyrus communisL.).Tree Genetics & Genomes.2013, 9:75–83
Xiaoxiao Qi,Jun Wu*(吳俊),Lifen Wang,Leiting Li,Yufen Cao,Luming Tian, Xingguang Dong ,Shaoling Zhang*.Identifying the candidate genes involved in the calyx abscission process of 'Kuerlexiangli' (Pyrus sinkiangensisYu) by digital transcript abundance measurements.BMC
Genomics,2013, 14(1):727 doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-727
Chao Gu, Qing-Zhong Liu , Ya-Nan Yang , Shu-Jun Zhang , Muhammad Awais Khan,Jun Wu*(吳俊)and Shao-Ling Zhang*. Inheritance of hetero-diploid pollen S-haplotype in self-compatible tetraploid Chinese cherry (Prunus pseudocerasusLindl).PLoS ONE,2013,8(4): e61219. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0061219
C. Gu ,J. Wu*(吳俊), Y.-H. Du , Y.-N. Yang , S.-L. Zhang*.Two Different Prunus SFB Alleles Have the Same Function in the Self-incompatibility Reaction.Plant Mol BiolRep, 2013,31: 425-434
Zhang R P,Wu Jun*(吳俊), LiX G,Khan M A, ChenH,.Korban S S, ZhangSL*.An AFLP, SRAP, and SSR Genetic Linkage Map and Identification of QTLs for Fruit Traits in Pear(Pyrus L.)Plant Mol Biol Rep, 2013, 31(3):678-687
Chao Gu,Jun Wu*(吳俊), Shu-Jun Zhang, Ya-Nan Yang, Hua-Qing Wu, Shu-Tian Tao, Shao-Ling Zhang*. Characterization of the S-RNase genomic DNA allele sequence inPrunus speciosaandP. pseudocerasus.Scientia Horticulturae,2012,144,93-101
J. Wu(吳俊), C. Gu, Y.-H. Du, H.-Q. Wu, W.-S. Liu, N. Liu, J. Lu, S.-L. Zhang. Self-compatibility of ‘Katy’ apricot (Prunus armeniacaL.) is associated with pollen-part mutations.Sexual Plant Reproduction, 2011,24:23-35
Chao Gu,Jun Wu(吳俊,共同一作), Shu-Jun Zhang, Ya-Nan Yang, Hua-Qing Wu, M Awais Khan, Shao-Ling Zhang*, Qing-Zhong Liu*, Molecular analysis of eight SFB alleles and a new SFB-like gene inPrunus pseudocerasusandPrunus speciosa.Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2011, 7(5): 891-902
Chao Gu, Shao-Ling Zhang, Shao-Xi Huang, Wei Heng, Qing-Zhong Liu, Hua-Qing Wu,Jun Wu*(吳俊). Identification of S-genotypes in Chinese cherry cultivars (Prunus pseudocerasusLindl.).Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2010: 6:579–590
J. Wu(吳俊), C. Gu, S.L. Zhang, S.J. Zhang, H.Q. Wu, W. Heng. Identification of S-genotype-specific S-RNase and SFB alleles in native Chinese apricot (Prunus armeniacaL.).Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 2009,84(6): 645-652.
Wu Jun(吳俊), Shu Huairui, Zhang Kaichun, Jiang Lijie. Development of molecular markers linked to the traits of non-acid/acid fruit of peach.Acta Horticulturae, 2007,763,131-137
Hao Yin, Jianchang Du, Leiting Li, Cong Jin, Lian Fan, Meng Li,Jun Wu(吳俊), Shaoling Zhang. Comparative genomic analysis reveals multiple long terminal repeats, lineage-specific amplification and frequent inter-element recombination for Cassandra retrotransposon in pear (Pyrus bretschneideriRehd.).Genome Biology and Evolution Advance, 2014, doi:10.1093/gbe/ evu114
Hu, Lan-Ying; Hu, Shu-Li;Wu, Jun(吳俊); Li, Yan-Hong; Zheng, Ji-Lian; Wei, Zhao-Jun; Liu, Jian; Wang, Hui-Li; Liu, Yong-Sheng; Zhang, Hua *. Hydrogen Sulfide Prolongs Postharvest Shelf Life of Strawberry and Plays an Antioxidative Role in Fruits.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,2012, 60(35), 8684-8693
Ju-You Wu, Hai-Yong Qu, Zhong-Lin Shang, Shu-Tian Tao, Guo-Hua Xu,Jun Wu(吳俊), Hua-Qing Wu and Shao-Ling Zhang*. Reciprocal regulation of Ca2+-activated outward K+channels ofPyrus pyrifoliapollen by heme and carbon monoxide.New Phytologis,2011, 189: 1060-1068
Wei Heng,Jun Wu(吳俊),Huaqing Wu, Yufen Cao, Takeshi Nishio, Shao-Ling Zhang*, Recognition specificity of self-incompatibility in Pyrus and Malus.Mol Breeding,2011,28(4):549-557
Yong-Jie Qi, Hua-Qing Wu, Yu-Feng Cao,Jun Wu(吳俊), Shu-Tian Tao, Shao-Ling Zhang*, Heteroallelic diploid pollen led to self-compatibility in tetraploid cultivar ‘Sha 01’ (Pyrus sinkiangensisYü).Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2011,7(4):685-695
Zhang, S J,Wu J(吳俊), Chen H, Gu C, Tao S T, Wu JY, Zhang SL *. Identification of differentially expressed genes in a spontaneous mutant of 'Nanguoli' pear (Pyrus ussuriensisMaxim) with large fruit.Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 2011, 86(6):595-602
J.Y. Wu, Z.L. Shang,J. Wu(吳俊), X.T. Jiang, P.N. Moschou, W.D. Sun, K.A. Roubelakis-Angelakis, S.L. Zhang, Spermidine oxidase-derived HOregulates pollen plasma membrane hyperpolarization-activated Ca-permeable channels and pollen tube growth.The Plant Journal, 2010, 63: 1042-1053.
C.-L. Wang,J. Wu(吳俊), G.-H. Xu, Y.-B. Gao, G. Chen, J.-Y. Wu, H.-Q. Wu, S.-L. Zhang, S-RNase disrupts tip-localized reactive oxygen species and induces nuclear DNA degradation in incompatible pollen tubes ofPyrus pyrifolia.J Cell Sci, 2010, 123: 4301-4309.
Hiroyasu Kitashiba , Shao Ling Zhang,Jun Wu(吳俊), Kenta Shirasawa , Takeshi Nishio. S genotyping and S screening utilizing SFB gene polymorphism in Japanese plum and sweet cherry by dot-blot analysis.Mol Breeding, 2008, 21:339-349.
S.-X.Huang, H.-Q.Wu, Y.-R.Li ,J. Wu(吳俊), S.-J.Zhang, W.Heng , S.-L.Zhang*.Competitive interaction between two functional S-haplotypes confer self-compatibility on tetraploid Chinese cherry (Prunus pseudocerasus Lindl.CV. Nanjing Chuisi).Plant Cell Rep, 2008, 27:1075–1085.
S. J. Zhang, S. X. Huang,J. Wu(吳俊), W. Heng, H. Q. Wu and S. L. Zhang*.Identification of S-genotypes in 17 Chinese cultivars of Japanese plum (Prunus salicinaLindl.) and molecular characterisation of 13 novel S-alleles.Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology,2008, 83(5): 635-640.
Zhang Y Y,Wu J(吳俊), Zhang S L. Identification of S-Genotypes in Chinese pear cultivars and analysis of nucleotide sequence of new S-alleles.Acta Horticulturae,2007,763,31-3821.
姚改芳,楊志軍,張紹鈴,曹玉芬,劉軍,吳俊﹡.梨不同栽培種果實有機酸組分及含量特徵分析。園藝學報, 2014,41(4)755-764
馬策,肖長城,胡紅菊, 黃小三,張紹鈴,吳俊﹡.不同顏色果袋對‘雲紅梨2號’果皮色澤形成的影響, 應用生態學報, 2014,25(3): 813-818,
肖長城,張紹鈴,胡紅菊,田瑞,吳俊﹡,楊志軍,馬翠雲。套袋和外源5-氨基乙醯丙酸處理對‘雲紅梨2號’著色的影響[J]. :南京農業大學學報, 2012,35(6):25-29
袁江,張紹鈴,曹玉芬,吳俊*,田路明,陶書田,董星光。梨果實酚類物質與酶促褐變底物的研究。園藝學報,2011,38(1): 7-14.
姚改芳,張紹鈴,曹玉芬,劉軍,吳俊*,袁江,張虎平,肖長城。不同栽培種梨果實中可溶性糖組分及含量特徵。中國農業科學,2010,43(20): 4229-4237.
吳俊,谷超,張紹鈴*,張樹軍,宋宏峰,趙習平。中國杏自交不親和花粉特異SFB基因的鑒定與序列分析。園藝學報,2010,37(8): 1329-1338.
張樹軍,張紹鈴,吳俊*,王迎濤,李勇,李曉。與梨黑星病抗性基因連鎖的AFLP標記及SCAR標記轉化。園藝學報,2010,37(7): 1147-1154.
吳俊,束懷瑞,張開春*,張曉明,姜立傑。桃果實非酸/酸性狀SCAR標記的轉化與驗證。園藝學報,2009, 36(8): 1120-1126.
吳俊,谷超,張紹鈴*,張樹軍,宋宏峰,趙習平,劉鐵錚. 11個中國杏品種S-RNase基因的檢測與序列分析。南京農業大學學報,2008, 31(4): 37-42.
吳俊,束懷瑞,張開春,張學寧,姜立傑。桃果實非酸/酸性狀分子標記的篩選。中國農業科學,2004 (12): 1892-1898
吳俊,束懷瑞,張開春,姜立傑,周曉航,辛翠花。桃[Pruns persica(L.) Batsch]分子連鎖圖的構建與分析。園藝學報,2004(5):593-597
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2021年1月3日 | 列入第十七屆中國青年女科學家 |