

張徠文華,男,1982年11月生。南京林業大學土木工程學院,建築工程系,副教授,碩士生導師。2013年畢業於東南大學,獲工學博士學位。現為中國硅酸鹽學會固廢分會青年委員會委員,RILEM(國際材料與結構研究實驗聯合會)會員,國際期刊Construction and Building Materials,Science and Engineering of Composites Materials審稿人。








1.國家自然科學基金面上項目(No. 51678309),2017.01-2020.12,主持
4. 中國博士后基金面上項目,A類,2017.07-2019.9,主持
5. 江蘇省博士后基金面上項目,B類,2017.07-2019.9,主持
6. 東南大學土木工程材料重點試驗室開放基金(CM2013-05),2014.01-2015.12,主持
徠7. 高性能土木工程材料國家重點實驗室開放基金(2013CEM005), 2014.01-2015.12,主持


張雲升,張文華,劉建忠. 超高性能水泥基複合材料[M]. 科學出版社,北京,2014


1.Zhang wenhua, Zhang Yunsheng, Apparatus for monitoring the resistivity of the hydration of cement cured at high temperature, Instrumentation Science & Technology, 2017, 45(2):151-162(SCI/EI)
2.Zhang wenhua, Zhang Yunsheng, Research on the static and dynamic compressive properties of high performance cementitious composites (HPCC) containing coarse aggregate, Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 2015, 15(3): 711-720(SCI/EI)
3. Zhang Yunsheng,Zhang Wenhua,Sun Wei,Li Zongjin,Li Zhiyong,Preparation of metakaolin based geopolymer andits three dimensional pore structural characterization,Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science Edition, 2015, 30(3): 55-59.(SCI/EI)
4. Liu Laibao,Zhang Yunsheng,Zhang Wenhua,Liu Zhiyong,Zhang Lihua,Investigating the influence of basalt as mineral admixture on hydration and microstructure formation mechanism of cement,Construction and Building Materials, 2013, 48: 434-440.(SCI/EI)
5. Liu Zhiyong, Zhang Yunshng, Jiang Qian,Zhang Wenhua. Solid phases percolation and capillary pores depercolation in hydrating cement pastes. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2013, 26(12): 04014090.(SCI/EI)
6. Zhang wenhua, Zhang Yunsheng, Zhang Guorong, Investigation of the influence of curing temperature and silica fume content on setting and hardening process of the blended cement paste by an improved ultrasonic apparatus, Construction and Building materials, 33, pp32-40, 2012(SCI/EI)
7. Zhang wenhua, Zhang Yunsheng, Zhang Guorong, Single and multiple dynamic impacts behaviour of ultra-high performance cementitious composite, Journal of WUHAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHANOLOGY MATERIAL SCIENCE, 26(6), pp1227-1234, 2011(SCI/EI)
8. Zhang wenhua,Zhang Yunsheng, Zhang Guorong, Static, dynamic mechanical properties and microstructure characteristics of ultra-high performance cementitious composite, Science and Engineering of Composites Materials, 19, pp237-245, 2012.(SCI/EI)
9. Yunsheng Zhang, Wenhua Zhang, WeiShe, LiguoMa, WeiweiZhu, Ultrasound monitoring of setting and hardening process of ultra-high performance cementitious materials, NDT&E International, 47, pp177-184, 2012(SCI/EI)
10. Zhang Wenhua, Zhang Yunsheng, Experiment Study on Resistance of Ultra-high Performance Fiber Reinforced Cementitious Composites Subjected to the Deep Penetration Scaled Earth Penetrator, Advance Materials Research, 163, pp4585-4589, 2011(EI)
11.Zhang Wenhua, Zhang Yunsheng, Sun Guowen, She Wei, Li Zongjin, Continuous in-situ monitoring the early hydration process of ultra-high performance cement-based materials by a new designed ultrasonic apparatus and XRD, THE 7th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CEMENT & CONCRETE, Jinan, 2010.(ISTP)
12. 張文華, 張雲升. 超高性能水泥基複合材料抗爆炸試驗及數值模擬分析. 混凝土, 2015, (11): 31-34.
13. 張文華, 張雲升. 超高性能水泥基複合材料動態衝擊性能及數值模擬, 混凝土, 2015,(10): 60-63.
14. 張文華, 張雲升. 高溫條件下超高性能水泥基複合材料水化放熱研究.硅酸鹽通報, 2015, 34(4):951-954 .
15. 張文華, 張雲升. 高溫條件下現代水泥基材料水化、硬化及微結構形成機理研究進展. 硅酸鹽通報, 2015, 34(1):149-155 .


1.張文華,張雲升. 一種高強、高韌、高抗衝擊、高耐磨水泥基複合材料及其澆築方法, 2014.03.04., 中國, 201410076391.5
2.張雲升,張文華,孫國文. 混凝土早期結構形成過程的監測裝置, 2010.01.13., 中國, 200920036996.6
3.張雲升,張文華,孫國文. 水泥混凝土結構形成過程原位監測裝置及方法, 2009.09.09. , 中國, 200910028456.8