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生物化工與食品化工頂級期刊上發表學術論文十餘篇,為Biochem Eng J, Pharm Dev Technol等期刊審稿人,Int J Food Eng現編輯。作會議報告與其他學術報告六次,發表會議文章四篇。作為會議副主席組織第五屆墨爾本中國博士沙龍優秀論文報告會並作大會主持。博士期間兼任蒙納士化工系生物技術與食品工程實驗室主管,並獲得2011年度國家優秀自費留學生獎學金與2011年度蒙納士大學論文發表獎學金等榮譽。




1. Fu, N.,Woo, M.W., Selomulya, C., Chen, X.D., Patel, K., Schuck, P., Jeantet, R., (2012) Drying kinetics of skim milk with 50 wt% initial solids.Journal of Food Engineering, 109: 701-711.
2. Fu, N.,Woo, M.W., Moo, F.T., Chen, X.D., (2012) Microcrystallization of lactose during droplet drying and its effect on the property of the dried particle.Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 90(1): 138-149.
3. Fu, N.,Woo, M.W., Chen, X.D., (2011) Colloidal transport phenomena of milk components during convective droplet drying.Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 87(2): 255-266.
4. Fu, N.,Zhou, Z., Jones, T.B., Tan, T.T.Y., Wu, W.D., Lin, S.X.Q., Chen, X.D., Chan, P.P.Y., (2011) Production of monodisperse epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) microparticles by spray drying for high antioxidant activity retention.International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 413(1-2): 155-166.
5. Fu, N.,Chen, X.D., (2011) Towards a maximal cell survival in convective thermal drying processes.Food Research International, 44(5): 1127-1149.
6. Fu, N.,Woo, M.W., Lin, S.X.Q., Zhou, Z., Chen, X.D., (2011) Reaction Engineering Approach (REA) to model the drying kinetics with different initial sizes – experiments and analyses.Chemical Engineering Science, 66(8): 1738-1747.
7. Woo, M.W., Fu, N.,Chen, X.D., (2011) Evaporation of pure droplets in the convective regime under high mass flux.Drying Technology, 29(14): 1628-1637.
8. Fu, N.,Peiris, P., Markham, J., Bavor, J., (2009) A novel co-culture process withZymomonas mobilisandPichia stipitisfor efficient ethanol production on glucose/xylose mixtures,Enzyme and Microbial technology, 45: 210-217.
9. Fu, N.,Peiris, P. (2008) Co-fermentation of a mixture of glucose and xylose to ethanol by and , , 24(7): 1091-1097.