
秋季,法國商業與銷售聯盟的成員根據ILO公約並受SA 8000標準的啟示,提出了“社會條款行動(ICS)”。同時,ICS已經向其他法國零售商開放,並進行了許多審核,受到全球最大的社會貿易機構的關注而不斷


秋季,商業銷售聯盟根據約 標準啟示,提“社款()”。該提案針源製造非食品消費產品供商。始,案附級系統審核調查卷、系統獨審核司。,零售商,審核,球社貿易構注斷完善。




    
All companies joining the Social Clause Initiative must sign the Code of Ethics which involves certain commitments :所有的公司加入社會條款倡議必須簽署道德規範涉及某些承諾:
The company must commission and pay for audits of its suppliers to be conducted by outside independent auditing firms mandated by the Social Clause Initiative.該公司必須支付傭金和其供應商的審計是由外部獨立審計的社會條款規定的公司進行的倡議。
The external labour audits must be conducted in full accordance with the Social Clause Initiative questionnaire (all 8 chapters must be taken into account).審計的外部勞動力必須進行與社會條款完全按照計劃表(所有8個章節,必須考慮到)。
The company must agree to use the ICS tools provided.該公司必須同意使用ICS的工具提供。
The company must promise to adhere to deadlines in terms of objectives and audit results, and to update the database regularly.該公司必須承諾遵守的目標和審計結果來看,期限,並定期更新資料庫。
The company must agree not to carry out any marketing competition in this area.該公司必須同意不進行任何這方面的市場競爭。
The company, in its communications regarding its ICS labour audit policy, must comply with the shared rules of the existing group, and must systematically refer to its membership of the ICS group.該公司在其通信ICS的勞動就其審計政策,必須遵守現有的組共享的規則,必須有系統是指其對ICS的組成員。
The confidentiality of the information exchanged between the various parties must be respected.在各方之間交換的信息的保密性必須得到尊重。
The company must make an active contribution to works in progress, via the efforts of a competent individual mandated by general management.該公司必須是在工程進展的積極貢獻,通過由一般管理規定的主管個人的努力。
When developing their own strategy, the members of each company can make their own decision regarding the following: 在發展自己的戰略,每個公司的成員可以自行作出決定,就以下內容:
- Criteria for selecting sectors/products/countries/auditing firms -選擇行業標準/產品/國家/審計事務所
- Organisation of internal training and information sessions -內部培訓和信息組織會議
- The method of communicating with factories -與工廠溝通的方法
The members of each company may choose to promote their own values and specificities through the following : 每家公司的成員可以選擇通過以下推廣自己的價值觀和特點:
- Communication of their Codes of conduct -傳播行為守則
- Implementation of specific projects with outside partners -在具體項目的實施與外部夥伴
- Participation in various national and international specialised committees -參加各種國家和國際專門委員會




·PPR Group (Fnac, La redoute, Printemps, Conforama)
·Galeries Lafayette
·Systeme U
·E. Leclerc
·Cora Provera