

杜平,女,南開大學周恩來政府管理學院講師.2011/12 獲得香港中文大學徠社會學系 哲學博士(社會學專業),主要研究性別分析還是女性主義研究。



1999/09 - 2003/07 南開大學社會學系 法學學士(社會學專業)。
2003/09 - 2006/07 南開大學社會學系 法學碩士(人口學專業)。
2006/08 - 2011/12 香港中文大學社會學系 哲學博士(社會學專業)。


2011/12 - 現今 南開大學社會工作與社會政策系。





蔡玉萍、杜平,2011,《不平等中的不平等:社會性別視角下的中國農民工》,Occasional Paper No. 214,香港:香港亞太研究所(轉載於《女性:人力資源與開發》,岳素蘭、魏國英主編,2012,北京:北京大學出版社)
杜平,2009,《女性主義與社會性別理論:福利國家研究的新取向》,載於《西方社會福利理論前沿:論國家、社會、體制與政策》,彭華民等著,第七章第二節,Pp. 167-183,北京:中國社會出版社
杜平,2007,《農村流動人口就業的性別差異:以天津市調查為基礎》,載於《社會學的敘述與視野:理解過去,想像未來——第八屆香港社會學學會周年會議論文集》,張少強、Harold Traver、李秀國主編 (Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference of Hong Kong Sociological Association: Narratives and Perspectives in Sociology: Understanding the Past, Envisaging the Future, Edited by Cheung Siu Keung, Harold Traver, & Li Xinguo),Pp. 157-182,香港:香港樹仁大學


Du Ping, Marginalization and Subordination: Understanding Masculinities of Chinese Male Migrant Workers, 7th Annual Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong, Co-organized by the Contemporary China Research Centre at Hong Kong Shue Yan University, and the Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, March 2-3 20012.
Du Ping, Who Migrates to the City: Gendered Allocation of Household Resources, 11th Hong Kong Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Organized by Hong Kong Sociological Association, Hosted by Department of Sociology, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, December 5 2009.
Du Ping, Gender and Generation: Migration Becomes Destiny for Rural People in Chinese mainland, 12th Annual Harvard East Asia Society Graduate Student Conference, Organized by Harvard University, U.S., February 27-March 1, 2009.
Du徠 Ping, Bringing Gender in: Rural-Urban Migration Process in Contemporary China, 8th Annual East-West Center International Graduate Student Conference on the Asia Pacific Region, Organized by East-West Center, Hawaii, U.S., February 12-14, 2009.
Du Ping (Poster), Gendered Connection: Migrant Workers and Families in place of Origin, Gender & Family in East Asia International Conference 2008, Organized by Gender Research Centre & Gender Studies Programme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Co-organized by Women's Studies Centre, Peking University and Institute for Women's Studies, Keimyung University, Hong Kong, December 12-13 2008.
Du Ping, Gender, Marital Status and Family Ties among Migrant Workers in Pearl River Delta, China, 10th Hong Kong Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Organized by Hong Kong Sociological Association, Hosted by Department of Sociology and Social Policy, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, December 6 2008.
Du Ping (Presenter) & Choi Yuk Ping, Double Marginalization: Migrant Workers in China through the Lens of Gender, Research Postgraduate Conference 2008, Organized by Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, Hon Kong, April 26 2008.
Du Ping, Gender Differences in Human and Social Capital among “Floating Rural Populations” in Tianjin, 8th Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Sociological Association 2006, Organized by Hong Kong Sociological Association, Hosted by Department of Sociology, Hong Kong Shue Yan College, Hong Kong, December 2 2006.

