

莫西語(英語:Mossi / 莫西語:Mòoré)是尼日—剛果語系古爾語分支的一種語言,在布吉納法索有600萬使用者,在馬里多哥有6萬多使用者,在布吉納法索,莫西語是當地的官方語言之一,並且和達戈姆巴語十分接近。




英語 莫西語
WelcomeNe y kena
Hello (General greeting)Ne y windiga
Hello(on phone)
How are you?
Laafi bala?
Laafi beme?
Yibeog kibaré? (How is your morning?)
Windiga kibaré? (How is your day?)
Zabré kibaré? (How is your evening?)
Reply to 'How are you?'Laafi bala
Long time no seeYaa rasem yiibu ("It's been two days")
What's your name?
Yamb yʋʋr la a boẽ? (frm)
Fo yʋʋr la a boẽ? (inf)
My name is ...Mam yʋʋr la a ...
Where are you from?
Yamb yita yɛ? (frm)
Fo yita yɛ? (inf)
I'm from ...Mam yita ...
Pleased to meet you
Good morning
(Morning greeting)
Ne y beoogo
Ne y yibeogo
Good afternoon
(Afternoon greeting)
Ne y wĩndga
Good evening
(Evening greeting)
Ne y zaabre
Good night
Ne y yungo
Ni youngo
(Parting phrases)
Wend na kon-d nindaare
Bilfou (See you)
Beogo (See you tomorrow)
Good luck!
Wend na loke (God provide)
Wend na song y (God help you)
Cheers! Good Health!
(Toasts used when drinking)
Have a nice dayWend na sõnsg laafi
Bon appetit /
Have a nice meal
Wend na yiki laafi
Bon voyage /
Have a good journey
Wend na siki laafi (God bless your voyage)
Ay ay
I don't knowMam ka mi yé
I understandMam wumdame
I don't understandMam pa wumd ye
Please speak more slowlyGom y masg masga
Please say that again
Please write it down
Do you speak English?
Do you speakMossi?
Yes, a little
(reply to 'Do you speak ...?')
Speak to me inMossi
How do you say ... inMossi?
Excuse meY gafara
How much is this?Kada ligid yaa wana?
Mam sugri
Y gafara
Thank you
Barka woussogo
Reply to thank you
Pa sek ye
Ka sek ye
Where's the toilet?A WC be yɛ? Twalet be yɛ?
This gentleman will pay for everything
This lady will pay for everything
Would you like to dance with me?
Do you come here often?
I miss you
I love youMam nonga fo (inf)
Get well soonWend na kõd laafi (God give you health)
Go away!
Leave me alone!Bas mam n loogame
Help!Song y mam!
Call the police!
Christmas and New Year greetingsWẽnd na kõ-d vẽere (Happy New Year)
Easter greetings
Birthday greetings
One language is never enough
My hovercraft is full of eels
Why this phrase?


Ninsaalbã fãa sã n doge, ned fãa so a menga, ned pa rogd n yaa yamb ye, nebã fãa zema taab b yel-segdɩ la b burkĩndlem wɛɛngẽ. Nebã fãa tara yam la tagsgo, ned fãa togame n vɩɩnd ne a to saam-biir pʊgẽ.