吉恩·懷爾德 Gene Wilder ....Willy Wonka
傑克·艾伯森 Jack Albertson ....Grandpa Joe
彼得·奧斯圖姆 Peter Ostrum ....Charlie Bucket
Roy Kinnear ....Mr. Salt
Julie Dawn Cole ....Veruca Salt
Leonard Stone ....Mr. Beauregarde
Denise Nickerson ....Violet Beauregarde
Nora Denney ....Mrs. Teevee (as Dodo Denney)
Paris Themmen ....Mike Teevee
Ursula Reit ....Mrs. Gloop
Michael Bollner ....Augustus Gloop
Diana Sowle ....Mrs. Bucket
Aubrey Woods ....Bill
David Battley ....Mr. Turkentine
Günter Meisner ....Mr. Slugworth (as Gunter Meisner)
Peter Capell ....The Tinker
Werner Heyking ....Mr. Jopeck
Peter Stuart ....Winkelmann
Dora Altmann ....Grandma Georgina (uncredited)
Rudy Borgstaller ....Oompa Loompa (uncredited)
Tim Brooke-Taylor ....Computer Operator (uncredited)
George Claydon ....Oompa Loompa (uncredited)
Pat Coombs ....Henrietta Salt (uncredited)
Frank Delfino ....Auctioneer (uncredited)
Malcolm Dixon ....Oompa Loompa (uncredited)
Stephen Dunne ....Stanley Kael - Second Newscaster (uncredited)
Rusty Goffe ....Oompa Loompa (uncredited)
Shin Hamano ....Japanese Candy Store Owner (uncredited)
Ismed Hassan ....Oompa Loompa (uncredited)
Franziska Liebing ....Grandma Josephine (uncredited)
Gloria Manon ....Mrs. Curtis (uncredited)
Norman McGlen ....Oompa Loompa (uncredited)
Angelo Muscat ....Oompa Loompa (uncredited)
Ed Peck ....FBI Agent (uncredited)
Pepe Poupee ....Oompa Loompa (uncredited)
Marcus Powell ....Oompa Loompa (uncredited)
Clete Roberts ....First Newscaster (uncredited)
Bob Roe ....Peter Goff (uncredited)
Madeline Stuart ....Girl in Classroom (uncredited)
Albert Wilkinson ....Oompa Loompa (uncredited)
Ernst Ziegler ....Grandpa George (uncredited)
Michael Gahr ....Reporter in Germany (uncredited)
Kurt Großkurth ....Mr. Gloop (uncredited)
Jack Latham ....First Newscaster (uncredited)
Victor Beaumont ....Doctor (uncredited)
導演:梅爾·斯圖亞特 Mel Stuart
羅爾德·達爾 Roald Dahl ....(screenplay)/(book "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory")
David Seltzer ....(screenplay) uncredited
大衛·L·沃爾泊 David L. Wolper ....producer
Stan Margulies ....producer
攝影:Arthur Ibbetson ....(director of photography)
剪輯:David Saxon
美術設計:Harper Goff
服裝設計:Helen Colvig
沃爾夫岡·格萊斯 Wolfgang Glattes ....assistant director
Jack Roe ....assistant director
Stefan Zürcher ....second assistant director (uncredited)
製作公司:David L. Wolper Productions [美國]
Warner Home Vídeo [巴西] (Brazil) (DVD)
華納家庭視頻公司 [美國] (USA) (DVD)
派拉蒙影業公司 [美國] (1971) (USA)
Chapel Distribution(1997) (Australia) (theatrical)
Cinema International Corporation (CIC)(1971) (Finland) (theatrical)
華納兄弟影片公司 [美國] (1984) (USA) (theatrical) (re-release)
NBC電視台 [美國] (1974) (USA) (TV) (original airing)
The Quaker Oats Companyfunding
Selway Baker Ltd. [英國] casting: London
Marion Dougherty Associatescasting: New York
法國 France1971年9月15日
義大利 Italy1971年10月22日
西德 West Germany1971年12月25日
芬蘭 Finland1971年12月31日
荷蘭 Netherlands1972年2月3日
瑞典 Sweden1972年3月27日
丹麥 Denmark1972年12月4日
中國香港 Hong Kong1973年5月18日
菲律賓 Philippines1975年2月6日......(Davao)
美國 USA1996年7月19日......(Chicago, Illinois) (re-release)
美國 USA2003年6月20日......(Los Angeles Film Festival)
德國 Germany2005年7月7日......(DVD premiere) (uncut version)
美國 USA2006年8月14日......(Starz Denver Film Festival)
·片中旺克的很多台詞出自名家名段:其中“Is it my soul that calls me by my name?”出自威廉·莎士比亞的《羅米歐與朱麗葉》;“All I ask is a tall ship and a star to sail her by”出自約翰·梅斯菲爾德的詩作《Sea Fever》;“A thing of beauty is a joy forever”出自約翰·濟慈的《Endymion:A Poetic Romance》;“Round the world and home again,that's the sailor's way!”出自William Allingham的《Homeward Bound》;“The suspense is terrible,I hope it will last”出自奧斯卡·王爾德的《The Importance of Being Earnest》。
·扮演查理的Peter Ostrum只出演了這一部電影,後來他成了獸醫,其實在旺克帶領的孩子們中,只有朱莉·唐·科爾(Julie Dawn Cole)仍在表演。
·在影片拍攝期間,丹尼斯·尼克森(Denise Nickerson)和朱莉·唐·科爾都喜歡上了扮演查理的Peter Ostrum。
·片中旺克使用了一種可食用的花形酒杯,實際上酒杯是用蠟製成,扮演旺克的吉恩·懷爾德(Gene Wilder)必須裝模作樣的堅持咀嚼到鏡頭的最後一秒,再將蠟吐出。
·影片最初由桂格燕麥公司(Quaker Oats Company)投資拍攝,該公司希望藉由影片為即將上市的新品糖果作宣傳。當影片上映時,該公司推出了旺克巧克力,可由於配方不妥,這種巧克力極易融化,甚至在貨架上都自身難保,於是桂格燕麥公司決定讓這種巧克力退出市場。後來,該公司將旺克品牌賣給了Sunline公司,旺克糖果在Sunline手中取得成功,即使在現今的美國仍能找到。

·最初扮演威利·旺克的人選是Spike Milligan,Ron Moody也曾被考慮。
·雖然本片是由羅爾德·達爾(Roald Dahl)的小說改編,但他對改編的劇本很不滿意,甚至不屑於看完全片,本片的續集也因此泡湯。
·扮演爺爺的Ernst Ziegler的視力已經喪失殆盡,拍攝中劇組是用紅燈來引導他來表演。
Grandpa Joe:Mr. Wonka?
Willy Wonka:I am extraordinarily busy, sir.
Grandpa Joe:I was just wondering about the chocolate - Uh, the lifetime supply of chocolate... for Charlie. When does he get it?
Willy Wonka:He doesn't.
Grandpa Joe:Why not?
Willy Wonka:Because he broke the rules.
Grandpa Joe:What rules? We didn't see any rules. Did we, Charlie?
Willy Wonka:Wrong, sir! Wrong! Under section 37B of the contract signed by him, it states quite clearly that all offers shall become null and void if - and you can read it for yourself in this photostatic copy - "I, the undersigned, shall forfeit all rights, privileges, and licenses herein and herein contained," et cetera, et cetera..."Fax mentis incendium gloria cultum," et cetera, et cetera..."Memo bis punitor delicatum!" It's all there, black and white, clear as crystal! You stole fizzy lifting drinks. You bumped into the ceiling which now has to be washed and sterilized, so you get nothing! You lose! Good day sir!
Grandpa Joe:You're a crook. You're a cheat and a swindler! How could you do a thing like this, raise up a little boy's hopes and then dash all his dreams to pieces? You're an inhuman monster!
Willy Wonka:I said "Good day!"
It's everybody's non-pollutionary, anti-institutionary, pro-confectionery factory of fun!
It's Scrumdiddlyumptious!
Your golden ticket to imagination and adventure!
Charlie is let loose in the chocolate factory and every kid's dream comes true.
Enter a world of pure imagination.
——《New Times》
