共找到2條詞條名為真相背後的結果 展開
- 2016年科特妮·亨特執導的電影
- David Baldacci所著的長篇小說
David Baldacci所著的長篇小說
"As this very varied dramatis personae suggests, we are in the presence of an ambitious global thriller here, with a host of elements juggled to facilitate an ever-accelerating plot. Baldacci -- a writer who prefers the straight-ahead effect rather than the more nuanced touch -- is an absolute master of the blockbuster thriller, and as well as keeping the narrative on the boil, manages to delineate his cast of characters with a sure touch. The Whole Truth is Baldacci's most entertaining novel yet."
--Barry Forshaw
"I need a war ..." Nicolas Creel, a super-rich arms dealer, decides that the best way to boost his business is to start a new cold war - and he won't let anything or anyone get in his way. As international tensions rise and the superpowers line up against each other, the lives of three very different people will never be the same again. As intelligence agent Shaw, academic Anna Fischer and ambitious journalist Katie James are all drawn into Creel's games, can anything stop the world from spiralling out of control? This terrifying global thriller delivers all the twists and turns, emotional drama, unforgettable characters and can't-put-it-down pacing that Baldacci fans expect - and still goes beyond anything he's written before.
David Baldacci is the fourteen-times New York Times bestselling author of Absolute Power, Total Control, The Winner, The Simple Truth, Saving Faith, Wish You Well, Last Man Standing, The Christmas Train, Split Second, Hour Game, The Camel Club, The Collectors, Simple Genius and Stone Cold. He lives in his native state of Virginia.
主演:Eamonn Anthony Ruivivar
這是一部Jerry Bruckheimer作品。Jerry Bruckheimer的金字招牌(《犯罪現場調查》系列、《加勒比海盜》系列等)給該劇增加了不少人氣。
每一場官司都有兩面--站在檢控方陣營里,你得想方設法讓法官和陪審團相信被告人罪大惡極,不懲不快;而站在辯護人陣營里,你得想方設法替被告人洗脫罪名,還他清白。 ABC新律政劇《真相背後》將邀請觀眾走進律師們的辦公室,近距離感受一起案件審理的全過程,了解庭審現場背後的故事。追蹤真相,解碼真相,這工作說起來容易,做起來卻很難。每一次審判都會牽涉到很多人的命運。當受害人和被告人焦急等待宣判結果的時候,律師們也在台前幕後緊張忙碌著。雖然法律程序極其繁雜,雖然檢察官和辯護律師使用的方法手段迥異,雖然他們努力的方向正好相反,但他們的目標只有一個--讓正義得到伸張。至少……是他們心目中的「正義」。