
1.[格林] Grimm(2011)(TV)...Monroe
2.[火線警告] Burn Notice (2007) (TV)....Seymour
3. The Phobic (2006) .... Vladimir Narcijac
4. Wisteria: The Story of Albert Fish (2006) .... Albert Fish,Jr.

6. [愚人善事] My Name Is Earl (2005 & 2006) (TV) Episode .... Donny Jones
7. Crazy (2006) .... Neal
8. [越獄] Prison Break(2005) (TV) Episode .... Charles "Haywire" Patoshik
9. [犯罪現場調查] CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (2005) (TV) S06E02 .... Willie
10. McBride: Anybody Here Murder Marty? (2005) (TV) .... Joe
11. Strong Medicine (2005) (TV) Episode .... Tv series
12. [鐵證懸案] Cold Case (2003 & 2005) (TV) Episode .... James Hogan - 2003
13. Fathers and Sons (2005) (TV) (uncredited) .... Max
14. Detective (2005) (TV) .... Robbins
15. [犯罪現場調查:紐約] CSI: NY (2005) (TV) Episode .... David Scott
16. JAG (2005) (TV) Episode .... Reese Pardee
17. [靈媒緝兇] Medium (2005) (TV) Episode .... Deranged Husband
18. Heart of the Beholder (2005) .... Lester
19. Life on Liberty Street (2004) (TV) .... Derek
20. [遇見喬丹] Crossing Jordan (2004) (TV) Episode .... Frank Jones/Alastair Dark
21. The Whole Ten Yards (2004) .... Yermo
22. [犯罪現場調查:邁阿密] CSI: Miami (2004) (TV) Episode .... Ralph Durst
23. A Painted House (2003) (TV) .... Jimmy Dale
24. [六尺之下] Six Feet Under (2003) (TV) Episode .... Dion Corelli
25. Boomtown (2002) (TV) Episode .... Erik Sorenson
2徠6. Birds of Prey (2002) (TV) Episode .... Mr. Slick
27. Ethan and Alan (2002) .... Ethan
28. Push,Nevada (2002) (TV) Episode .... Ruhk
29. Johnson County War (2002) (TV) .... Mitch Slaughter
30. Ant (2002) .... Bertrand
31. [24小時] 24 (2002) (TV) Episode .... Eli
32. The Agency (2002) (TV) Episode
33. Rat Race (2001) .... Lloyd
34. Nash Bridges (2000) (TV) Episode .... Roy McNair
35. [紐約重案組] NYPD Blue
- Everybody Plays the Mule (2000) (TV) Episode .... Luke
- Rememberance of Humps Past (1997) (TV) Episode .... Tony
36. [律師本色] The Practice (2000) (TV) Episode .... Anthony Brickman
37. Other Voices (2000) .... Weeping Man
38. Absence of the Good (1999) (TV) .... Jack Gaskin
39. [偽裝者] The Pretender (1999) (TV) Episode .... Luke
40. Inferno (1999/Ⅱ) .... Jesse Hogan
41. [X檔案] The X Files (1999) (TV) Episode .... Dougie
42. Bingo (1999) .... Harry
43. Vengeance Unlimited (1998) (TV) Episode .... Capt. Jesse Fisher
44. Route 9 (1998) (TV) .... Agent Paul Danning
45. [急診室] ER
- Stuck on You (1998) (TV) Episode .... Marcus Hainey
- Ambush (1997) (TV) Episode .... Luis
46. The Patriot (1998) .... Pogue
47. C-16: FBI (1998) (TV) Episode
48. Julian Po (1997) .... Stonewall
49. Sins of the Mind (1997) (TV) .... Anderson
50. Dark Skies (1997) (TV) Episode .... Kuleshov
51. Quicksilver Highway (1997) (TV) .... Bryan Adams
52. Caroline in the City (1997) (TV) Episode .... Louis
53. Private Parts (1997) .... Patient
54. Playing Dangerous 2 (1996) .... Gregor Tarnopol
55. The Marshal (1995) (TV) Episode .... Willy
56. Silk Stalkings (1995) (TV) Episode .... Peter Raymond Wicker.