共找到49條詞條名為張志華的結果 展開







• Zhihua Zhang. The Matrix Ridge Approximation: Algorithms and Applications.Machine Learning, 97: 227-258, 2014.
• Zhihua Zhang, Dakan Wang, Guang Dai, and Michael I. Jordan. Matrix-Variate Dirichlet Process Priors with Applications.Bayesian Analysis, 9:259-286, 2014.
• Shusen Wang andZhihua Zhang. Improving CUR Matrix Decomposition and the Nystrom Approximation via Adaptive Sampling.Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), 14: 2729-2769, 2013.
• Zhihua Zhang, Dehua Liu, Guang Dai and Michael I. Jordan. Coherence Functions with Applications in Large-Margin Classification Methods.Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), 13: 2705-2734, 2012.
• Zhihua Zhang, Shusen Wang, Dehua Liu and Michael I. Jordan. EP-GIG priors and applications in Bayesian sparse learning.Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), 13: 2031-2061, 2012.
• Zhihua Zhang, G. Dai and M. I. Jordan. Bayesian generalized kernel mixed models.Journal of Machine Learning Research, 12, 31-59, 2011.
• Zhihua Zhang, G. Dai, C. Xu and M. I. Jordan. Regularized Discriminant Analysis, Ridge Regression and Beyond.Journal of Machine Learning Research, 11, 2199-2228, 2010.