

光纖通信(第三版) 特色及評論\


光纖通信(第三版) 特色及評論

* The operating principles of wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) and the components needed for its realization. * Descriptions of the architectures and the performance characteristics of optical networks for connecting USERS having a wide range of transmission needs. * Discussions of advanced optical communication techniques such as Soliton transmission, optical CDMA, and ultrafast optical time-division multiplexing. * An entire chapter devoted to measurement standards, basic test equipment and techniques for verifying the operational characteristics of components and links. * A modeling and simulation program on CD-ROM, which is adapted for student use from Virtual Photonics' "Photonic Transmission Design Suite". This Windows based program allows students to examine the performance of key components and of basic links consisting of these components.

光纖通信(第三版) 內容簡介

A comprehensive treatment of optical-link constituents such as optical fibers, light sources, photo detectors, connecting and coupling devices, and optical amplifiers. The design principles of digital and analog optical fiber transmission links, including optical power budgets, signal rise times, line coding, and noise effects on system performance. 原名《OPTICAL FIBER COMMUNICATIONS 3rd W/CD ROM》。

光纖通信(第三版) 本書目錄

1 Overview of Optical Fiber Communications2 Optical Fibers: Structures, Waveguiding, and Fabrication 3 Signal Degradation in Optical Fibers 4 Optical Sources 5 Power Launching and Coupling 6 Photodetectors 7 Optical Receiver Operation 8 Digital Transmission Systems 9 Analog Systems 10 WDM Concepts and Components 11 Optical Amplifiers 12 Optical Networks 13 Measurements