



講授6門研究生課程,包括服務計算與系統、應用開發與運作平台、管理與信息系統等。主要研究方向包括軟體服務工程、服務計算、雲計算、情境計算、工作流、企業信息化等,承擔了多項國家項目、國際合作項目及企業合作項目,包括國家科技支撐計劃項目、國家863項目、自然基金重點項目、丹麥科技創新部項目、北京市項目、IBM公司項目等,發表論文六十餘篇,獲發明專利一項,軟體著作權二項。獲得2012年北京大學教學成果一等獎,2008、2011年度“IBM中國優秀教師獎”獲得者,獲得教育部-IBM 高校合作項目優秀教師獎。擔任中國計算機學會服務計算專業委員會委員,全國自動化系統與集成標準化技術委員會(SAC/TC159/SC5)委員。擔任信息與控制期刊編委,International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology (IJSSMET) 期刊編委,分別擔任ICSS/ICWS/ICEBE/CCF NCSC等會議的程序委員會委員、組委會主席、分會主席、Panel List等。


中國科學院瀋陽自動化研究所 博士
IBM CRL 訪問學者






基於本體的集成服務系統,國家高技術研究發展計劃( 863計劃)項目,課題負責人,2007.10-2009.9
Services in Context(情境感知服務),丹麥科技創新部資助項目,課題負責人,2010.1-2013.4
Context services for supporting IoT Application on IBM SaaS platform,IBM China Research Lab項目, 課題負責人,2011.1-2012.1
IBM SaaS平台上支持IoT應用的情境感知服務,IBM 中國研究院項目,課題負責人,2010.9-2011.8
An investigation for hosted development platforms and tools,IBM China Research Lab項目, 課題負責人,2009.9-2010.8
Call for Implementation,IBM China Research Lab項目,課題負責人,2007.7-2008.6
CRL Operation Transformation Solutions based on IBM products,IBM China Research Lab項目, 課題負責人,2005.5-2006.12


支持SaaS業務配置與服務協同的流程與規則引擎研發, 電子信息產業發展基金, 課題骨幹,2009-2010


2010教育部-IBM 高校合作項目“優秀教師獎”


李偉平,王武生,莫同,張志超,褚偉傑,吳中海,情境計算研究綜述,計算機研究與發展,2015,52(2), 542-552.
Li Weiping, Mo Tong, Chu Weijie, Huang Ying, A Study of the Education Practice of Software Service Engineering as a Discipline, ICSS 2013, April 11, Shenzhen, China.pp155-159. (EI)
Wang Wusheng,Li Weiping and Wu Zhonghai,A Process Calculus for Context-aware Systems, SCC 2013(EI)
Zhichao Zhang_, Shaoqiu Zheng_y, Weiping Liz, Ying Tan_y, Zhonghai Wuz, Wei Tan, Genetic Algorithm for Context-Aware Service Composition Based on Context Space Model, ICWS 2013 (EI)
褚偉傑,李偉平,張丹武,張煒琛,一個感測器網路服務網關的設計與實現, 計算機技術與發展,2013.1,13-17
莫同, 王雪麗, 褚偉傑, 李偉平, 吳中海,情境感知環境下一種基於擴展FP-TREE的服務推薦方法,華中科技大學學報,已錄用
Zhichao Zhang, Shaoqiu Zheng, Weiping Li, Ying Tan, Zhonghai Wu, Wei Tan, Leveraging Genetic Algorithm to Compose Web Services in a Context-Aware Environment, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, (SMC2013), the Cybernetics track, October 13–16, 2013, Manchester, UK,to be appear.
李偉平,林慧蘋,孫亞紅, 基於規則引擎的情境感知供應鏈採購決策研究, 計算機工程,2012,Vol.38 No.6,7-9
Chu Weijie, Mo Tong, Cui Jie, Wang Yuan, Xu Jingmin, Li Weiping, etc, A Context-aware Services Development Model, International Joint Conference of Service Sciences, 2012 (IJCSS2012) (EI)
Zhichao Zhang, Weiping Li, Zhonghai Wu, Wei Tan, Towards an Automata-based Semantic Web Services Composition Method in Context-aware Environment, 2012 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Services Computing(scc 2012), 320-327. (EI)
莫同,褚偉傑, 李偉平, 吳中海,一種基於超圖的微博群落感知方法,西安交通大學學報,2012, vol 46, no.11
John Paulin Hansen, Arne John Glenstrup, Wang Wusheng, Li Weiping, Wu Zhonghai, Collecting location-based voice messages on a TalkingBadge, NordiCHI ’12, October 14-17, 2012 Copenhagen, Denmark
李偉平,褚偉傑,楊維強,劉詩童,一種支持SOA系統開發的服務註冊庫,小型微型計算機系統,2011,Vo 32,No. 1,pp34-38
李偉平,高福亮,祝旭巍等,一種基於語義的服務搜索方法,小型微型計算機系統,2011,Vol.32,No.9, pp1728-1733.
Li Weiping, Lin Huiping, Context-aware Services for Supply Chain Collaboration, The 6th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA2011), June 21 -23, 2011, Beijing, China (EI )
李偉平,情境感知服務創造智慧生活,中國計算機學會通訊,2011 年 6 月,第 7 卷 第 6 期, 12-15.
李偉平,王忠傑,服務聯網:網路功能新形態,北大商業評論,2011 No.87,PP20-24
莫同, 李偉平, 吳中海, 褚偉傑,一種情境感知服務系統框,計算機學報,2010(11),pp2084—2092. (EI)
Wang Wusheng, Li Weiping, Wu Zhonghai, Chu Weijie, Mo Tong,An Ontology-based Context Model for Building Context-aware Services, Second International conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and Simulation, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, January 24, 2011 (EI)
Huiping Lin, Xuwei Zhu, Weiping Li, and et al. SCCS-A Supply Chain Collaboration Service. Applied Mechanics and Materials. Accepted. 3rd International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, ICMTMA 2011, January 6, 2011 - January 7, 2011, Shanghai, China(EI)
Jie Cui, Jing Min Xu, Huiping Lin, Weiping Li, Zi Mu Sun: A Study of Rapid Business Application Development in the Cloud. HCI (9) 14th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 9-14 July 2011, Orlando, Florida, USA ,398-407(EI)
Weijie Chu, Weiping Li, Tong Mo, Zhonghai Wu, "A Context-Source Abstraction Layer for Context-aware Middleware, 2011 Eighth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations(ITNG2011), Las Vegas, Nevada USA ,2011, April 11- 13 pp. 1064-1065(EI)
Huiping Lin, Xuwei Zhu, Pengfei Wang, Xiaohui Dong, and Weiping Li, A Service Oriented Supply Chain CollaborationSystem for SMEs, The 6th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA2011), June 21 -23, 2011, Beijing, China (EI)
Tong Mo, Weiping Li, Weijie Chu, Zhonghai Wu,An Event Driven Model for Context-aware Service,icws 2011, Washington DC, USA,7/4-7/9, 2011:740-741 (EI)
莫同, 褚偉傑,李偉平等, 一種基於情境感知事件的主動服務發現方法,軟體學報,2011,22(zk2):41-51.(EI)
Li Weiping, Chu Weijie, Frank Tung, Wu Zhonghai,An integrated practice lab course for service engineering,IEEE電子商務與電子政務國際會議(ICEE2010), May 7-9, 2010, guangzhou, China (EI)
Weiping Li, Zhichao Zhang, Si Wu, Zhonghai Wu,An implementation of the SaaS Level-3 maturity model for A Credit Bank Information System,ICSS 2010, 2010, May13-14,Hangzhou,(EI)
Weiping Li, Weijie Chu, Frank Tung, Zhonghai Wu , A Uniform Device Information Access for Context-aware Middleware, 2010 IEEE 8th International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2010), July 5-10, 2010, Miami, Florida, USA (EI)
Ni Yulin,Si Huayou, Li Weiping, Chen Zhong, PDUS: P2P-based Distributed UDDI Service Discovery Approach, ICSS 2010, 2010, May13-14,Hangzhou,(EI)
Tong Mo, Weiping Li, Weijie Chu, Zhonghai Wu, CABS3: Context-awareness Based Smart Service System, In proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Wireless communications, Neworking & Mobile Computing, September 23-25, 2010, Chengdu, China. (EI)
Li Weiping, Chu Weijie, Gao Fuliang, etc., A Framework for ontology-based service discovery and composition, ICSS2009, 2009, 14-15 May, Beijing. (EI)
Li Weiping, Chu Weijie, Liu Ying, Call For Implementation: a new software development mode for leveraging the resources of open community, Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2009, Vol2. No.1., :34-39
Weiping Li, Yushun Fan,A time management method in workflow management system, Proceedings of the Workshop at Conference Grid and Pervasive Computing 2009, 4-8 May 2009, pp.3-10, Geneva, Switzerland(EI 收錄 20093712306007)
Li Weiping, Chu Weijie, Liu Li, Gao Fuliang, "A Semantically Enhanced Service Repository for Service Oriented Application System Development," services-2, pp.41-48, 2009 World Conference on Services - II, September 21-25, 2009, Bangalore, India (EI 收錄 20095312586281)
Li Weiping, An analysis of new features for workflow system in the SaaS software, Proceeding of 2009 International Conference on Interaction Sciences: Information Technology, Culture and Human (2 nd ICIS), 2009, 11, Seoul, Korea, pp110-114
Huiping Lin, Weiping Li, Wu Si, Service in Education: Education Credit Bank System , ICSS2009, 2009, 14-15 May, Beijing. (The Best paper of ICSS 2009)
Jørgen Staunstrup, Frank Tung, Yu Lian, Li Weiping, etc., Services in Context,ICSS2009, 2009, 14-15 May, Beijing.
Li Weiping, Chu Weijie, Zhou Nan, etc.,A Case Study on Call For Implementation,2008 International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering,Wuhan,2008,1213-14. (EI)
褚偉傑,李偉平,Study of integrating RFID middleware with enterprise applications based on SOA,International Conference on Engineering Management and Service Sciences 2008 10,dalian(EI)
褚偉傑,李偉平,基於SOA的RFID中間件集成應用,計算機工程2008年7月,Vol 34, No.14, 84-86
Frank C. Tung, Li Weiping, and William Chan, A Software Engineering Curriculum for Logistics/Supply Chain Management, The Third China-Europe International Symposium on Software Industry-Oriented Education (CEIS-SIOE 2007), Dublin, Feb 6-7, 2007.
李偉平,用SOA實現企業應用集成,企業應用集成系統與技術學術研究會論文集 , 2006 年,昆明
Weiping Li, Haiqi Liang, Wei Sun, Yang Pan, An Empirical Study of SOA Solution Development with Open Source Software,2006 亞太地區服務科學、管理與工程研討會,December 1-1, 2006
李偉平,范玉順,工作流系統的異常處理,高技術通訊,2004, vol. 14, No. 12, 50-54.(EI)
李偉平,范玉順,工作流技術在ERP系統中的應用,高技術通訊, 2004, Vol. 14, No. 8, 56-61.(EI)
李偉平,范玉順,基於工作流的項目調度研究,清華大學學報(自然科學版),2004, Vol. 44, No. 10, 1384-1388.(EI)
Weiping Li, Yushun Fan,Time constraints in workflow models,International Conference on Agile Manufacture 2003(ICAM2003), 261-266, Beijing, Dec, 2003. (EI)
李偉平,李莉,薛勁松,工作流管理系統實現技術研究,計算機集成製造系統—CIMS,2002,Vol.8, No.3, 202-206. (EI)
Weiping Li, Yushun Fan,Development of ERP systems based on workflow management system, The Third International Conference on Electronic Commerce Engineering(ICeCE2003), 981-984, Hangzhou, Oct. 2003. (ISTP收錄)
李偉平,薛勁松,朱雲龍,敏捷製造環境下集成化工作流管理系統的設計與實現,信息與控制,2001,Vol.30, No.5,398-402
Weiping Li, Jingsong Xue, Yunlong Zhu, The Research on Architecture of Enterprise modeling in workflow system, System Modeling & Simulation, 2002,Vol.1, No.1,11-17
Weiping Li, Jingsong Xue, Yunlong Zhu, The Research on Architecture of Enterprise modeling and modeling method, Proceedings of the International Conference on Modeling and Simulation, Changsha,2001,9
李偉平,薛勁松,朱雲龍,一種支持企業過程建模的工作流管理系統,2001年中國智能自動化會議 ( CIAC'2001 ) 昆明,2001,8
朱雲龍,李偉平,李紅信,薛勁松,業務過程重組分析方法研究,中國機械工程,2002,Vol.13, No.10, 887-890. (EI)
李莉,李偉平,薛勁松,朱雲龍,基於多智能體的虛擬企業的構建及運行研究,中國機械工程,2002,Vol.13, No.6, 477-480. (EI)
朱雲龍,李偉平, 網路製造管理信息系統的現狀與發展趨勢,中國管理科學,2000,Vol.8,485-493
陳靜傑,李偉平,薛勁松,朱雲龍,基於知識的供應鏈決策框架,2001年中國智能自動化會議( CIAC'2001 ),昆明,2001,8




軟體著作權:北軟多租戶電子交易平台系統 著作權號 2008SR 11149 著作權人:北京大學軟體與微電子學院 著作人:李偉平,褚偉傑
軟體著作權:情境感知數據採集平台,著作權號 2013SR 125954 著作權人:北京大學軟體與微電子學院 著作人:李偉平,褚偉傑


IEEE會員,ACM會員,CCF會員,中國計算機學會 服務計算專業委員會 委員
中國計算機學會 服務計算專業委員會委員
International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology (IJSSMET)編委
程序委員會常務主席, International Conference on Service Sciences
組委會主席, 2009,2014 International Conference on Service Sciences
程序委員會委員,2010 IEEE 7th International Conference on e-Business Engineering,2010 IEEE International Conference on Web Services,CCF NCSC 2010-2015,International Conference on Service Sciences(2008-2016),2010 the second International Conference on Service Science and Innovation