共找到9條詞條名為倪軍的結果 展開
時間 | 院校 | 專業 | 學位 |
xx—1982年 | Shanghai Jiao Tong University | Mechanical Eng | 學士 |
xx—1984年 | Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison | Mechanical Eng | 碩士 |
xx—1987年 | Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison | Mechanical Eng | 博士 |
製造工程專家、美國國家科學基金會智能維護系統中心(IMS Center)主任、密西根大學吳賢銘製造科學冠名教授、吳賢銘製造研究中心主任,上海交通大學校長特聘顧問、密西根學院院長、美國機械工程師學會會士。

1.J. Tao, A. J. Shih, J. Ni, 2008, “Experimental Study of the Dry and Near-Dry Electrical Discharge Milling Processes,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 130(1), pp. 1-9
2.Z. Huang, A.J. Shih, and J. Ni, 2007, “Laser Interferometry Hologram Registration for Three-Dimensional Precision Measurements,” ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 128, pp. 1006-1013.
3.H. S. Kim, M. Koc, and J. Ni, 2007, “A hybrid multi-fidelity approach to the optimal design of warm forming process using a knowledge-based artificial neural network”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 47, No. 2, pp. 211-222
4.Kim, G.Y. Koc, M., Mayor, R., and Ni, J., 2007,"Modeling of the Semi-solid Material Behavior and Analysis of Micro/meso-scale Feature Forming", ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 129, No. 2, pp.237-245
5.Z. Yang, Q. Chang, D. Djurdjanovic, J. Ni, and J. Lee, 2007, “Maintenance Priority Assignment using On-line Production Information,” ASME Transaction, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 129, No. 2, pp.435-446
6.H. Choi, M. Koc, and J. Ni, 2007, “A Study on the Analytical Modeling for Warm Hydro-mechanical Deep Drawing of Lightweight Materials,” in International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol 47, No.11, pp. 1752-1766
7.Q. Chang, J. Ni, P. Bandyopadhyay, S. Biller, G. Xiao, 2007, “Maintenance Staffing Management,” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol 18, pp. 351-360.
8.Z. Yang, D. Djurdjanovic, and J. Ni, 2007, “Maintenance Scheduling in Manufacturing Systems Based on Predicted Machine Degradation,” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol. 19, pp.87-98
9.J. Liu, D. Djurdjanovic, J. Ni, N. Casoettto, and J. Lee, 2007, “Similarity Based Method for Manufacturing Process Performance Prediction and Diagnosis,” Computers in Industry, Vol. 58 (6), pp.558-566
10.Y. Lei, D. Djurdjanovic, J. Ni, J. Lee, G. Xiao, and J. R. Mayor, 2006, “System Level Optimization of Predictive Maintenance in Industrial Automation Systems,” Transaction of NAMRI/SME, Vol. 34, pp.79-86
11.H. S. Kim, M. Koc, J. Ni, and A. Ghosh, 2006, “Finite Element Modeling and Analysis for Warm Forming of Aluminum Alloys – Validation Through Comparisons with Experiments and Determination of a Failure Criterion,” ASME Transaction, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 128, No.3, pp. 613-621
12.D. Djurdjanovic and J. Ni, 2006, “Stream of Variation (SOV) Based Measurement Scheme Analysis in Multi-Station Machining Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. 3, No.4, pp. 407-422 (13)
13.Zhenhua Huang, Albert Shih and Jun Ni, 2006, “Phase Unwrapping for Large Depth-of-field 3D Laser Holographic Interferometry Measurement of Laterally Discontinuous Surfaces,” Measurement Science and Technology. Vol. 17, pp. 3110-3119
14.Feng Ke, Jun Ni, and David Stephenson, 2006, “Chip-Thickening in Deep-Hole Drilling,” International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacturing, Vol. 46, No. 12-13, pp. 1500-1507
15.J. Lee, J. Ni, D. Djurdjanovic, H. Qiu, and H. Liao, 2006, “Intelligent Prognostics Tools and E-Maintenance,” Computers in Industry, Special Issue on e-Maintenance, Vol. 57, No. 6, pp.476-489, August
16.H. Yang, and J. Ni, 2005, “Adaptive model estimation of machine-tool thermal errors based on recursive dynamic modeling strategy,” International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacturing, Vol. 45, pp. 1-11
17.G.Y. Kim, R. Mayor, and J. Ni, 2005, “Parametric Study of Microreator Design for Water Gas Shift Reactor using an integrated reaction and heat exchange model,” Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 110, pp. 1-10
18.S. W. Lee, R. Mayor, and J. Ni, 2005, “Development of a Six-Degree-of-Freedom Geometric Error Measurement System for a Meso-Scale Machine Tool,” ASME Transaction, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 127, pp.857-865
19.J. Lee, J. Ni, D. Djurdjanovic, H. Qiu, and H. Liao, 2005, “Intelligent Prognostics Tools and E-Maintenance,” Computers in Industry, Vol. 57, pp. 476-489
20.H. Chen, R. Mayor, and J. Ni, 2004, “Automated Structural Configuration Generation and Kinematic Error Analysis for Meso-Scale Machine Tools,” Transaction of NAMRI, Vol. 32, pp.327-334
21.Dragan Djurdjanovic and Jun Ni, 2004, “Measurement Scheme Synthesis in Multi-Station Machining Systems” ASME Transaction, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 126, No. 1, pp.178-189 (11)
22.S. Zhou, K. Shin, S. Dyer, J. Shi, and J. Ni, 2004, “Extended Influence Coefficient Methods for Rotor Active Balancing during Acceleration,” ASME Transaction, Journal of Dynamics Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol. 126, pp. 219-223
23.Yizhu Zhang, Jiangqi Zhou, Zhongqing Lin, and Jun Ni, 2003, “Automatic process planning and subassembly detection for auto-body assembly,” Journal of Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics, Vol. 15(6), pp. 680-684
24.K. Shin and J. Ni, 2003, "Adaptive Control of Multi-Plane Active Balancing Systems for Speed-Varying Rotors," ASME J. of Dyn. Sys. Measurement and Control, Vol. 125, pp. 372-281
25.Dragan Djurdjanovic, Jay Lee, and Jun Ni, 2003,”Watchdog Agent—an infotronics-based prognostics approach for product performance degradation assessment and prediction,” Advanced Engineering Informatics, Vol. 17, pp. 109-125 (27)
26.Dragan Djurdjanovic and Jun Ni, 2003, “Bayesian Approach to Measurement Scheme Analysis in Multi-Station Machining System,” Journal of Engineering Manufacturing, Vol., No. B8, pp. 1117-1130 (2)
27.B. Zhang, and J. Ni, 2001, “Relative Probability Index Crp – An Alternative Process Capability Index,” Quality Engineering, Vol. 14(2), pp.265-276
28.C. Gong, J. Yuan, and J. Ni, 2000, “A Self-calibration Method for Robotic Measurement System,” ASME ASME Transaction, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 122, No. 1, pp 174-181 (16)
29)A. Khan, D. Ceglarek, J. Shi, J. Ni, and T. C. Woo, 1999, "Sensor Optimization for Fault Diagnosis in Single Fixture Systems: A Methodology," ASME Transactions, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol.121, No.1, pp. 109-117 (17)
30)J. Yuan and J. Ni, 1998, “The Real-Time Error Compensation Technique for CNC Machining Systems.” Journal of Mechatronics, Vol. 8, No. 3. pp. 359-380. (42)
31)J. C. Liang, H. F. Li, J. X. Yuan, and J. Ni, 1997, “A Comprehensive Error Compensation System for Correcting Geometric, Thermal, and Cutting Force-Induced Errors,” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 13, pp. 708-712 (2)
32)E. Lu, J. Ni, and S.M. Wu, 1996, "An Integrated Lattice Filter Adaptive Control System for Time-Varying CMM Structural Vibration Control, Part I: Theory and Simulation", ASME Transaction, Journal of Engineering for Industry, Vol. 118, No.1, p 67-76, and also presented at 1992 ASME WAM (1)
33)P.S. Huang, and J. Ni, 1995, "On-line error compensation of coordinate measuring machines", International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 35, No. 5 , pp. 725-738.
34)Y.D. Chen, X.J. Tang, J. Ni, and S.M. Wu, 1994, "Automatic Digitization of Free-Form Curve by Coordinate Measuring Machines", International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 32, No. 11, pp.2603-2612, also in Proceedings of ASME WAM, Anaheim, CA 1992 (5)
35)J. Ni and S.M.Wu, 1993, "An On-Line Measurement Technique for Machine Volumetric Error Compensation", ASME Transaction, Journal of Engineering for Industry, Feb., Vol. 115, No.1, pp.85-92 (6)
36)J.S. Chen, J.X. Yuan, J. Ni and S.M. Wu, 1992, "Compensation of Non-rigid Body Kinematic Effect on a Machining Center", Transaction of NAMRI, Vol. 20, pp.325-329
37)H. Zhang, J. Ni and S.M. Wu, 1990, "Simulation Study of An Improved Scheme for Forecasting Compensatory Control", Transaction of NAMRI , Vol. 18, pp.329-333
38)F. Shen, J. Ni and S.M. Wu, 1989, "Design and Implementation of a Modular Multi-Processor System for Machine Monitoring and Diagnostics", Transaction of NAMRI , Vol. 17, pp.319-324
時間 | 獎項全稱 | 頒獎機構 |
2013年 | 中華人民共和國國際科學技術合作獎 | |
2007年 | 半導體研究協會最佳論文獎 | 半導體研究協會 |
2006年—2007年 | 美國密西根大學工學院傑出教育成就獎 | 美國密西根大學 |
2006年—2011年 | 美國密西根大學工程學院吳賢銘冠名教授 | 美國密西根大學 |
2005年 | 半導體研究協會最佳論文獎 | 半導體研究協會 |
2004年 | 國際設計與製造前沿會議最佳論文獎 | |
2004年 | 美國機械工程學會Fellow | |
2003年 | 上海市政府海外科學家傑出貢獻銀質獎章 | 上海市政府 |
2002年 | 國際設計與製造前沿會議最佳論文獎 | |
2002年 | 製造工程師學會Fellow | |
2002年 | 美國密西根大學工學院傑出研究獎 | 美國密西根大學 |
2001年 | 北美製造研究年會最佳論文獎 | 北美製造研究年會 |
2000年—2001年 | 美國密西根大學傑出教職成就Robert M. Caddell獎 | |
1999年 | 中國國家自然科學基金會海外傑出青年基金 | 中國國家自然科學基金會 |
1994年 | 美國國家科學基金總統教授獎 | 柯林頓總統 |
1991年 | 製造工程師學會傑出青年製造工程師獎 | 製造工程師學會 |