

林路(1958.4-)理學博士,教授,博士生導師。分別在湖南邵陽學院數學系、華中科技大學數學系和南開大學數學院學習, 2001年6月博士畢業,獲理學博士學位。







2011 年)
Lu Lin, Feng Li, Lixing, Zhu (2011). Simulation-based consistent inference for biased working model of non-sparse high-dimensional linear regression. Journal of Statistical Planningand Inference, 141, 3780–3792.
Lu Lin, Qi Zhang, Feng Li, Xia Cui. Simulation-based two-stage estimation for multiple nonparametric regression. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2011, 55(3), 1367-1378.
Yujie Gaia, Lu Lin, and Xiuli Wang. (2011). Consistent inference for biased sub-model of high-dimensional partially linear model. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 141, 1888-1898.
Zhu, L. Lin, L*. Cui, X., Li, G. R. (2010). Bias-corrected empirical likelihood in a multi-link semiparametric model. J. Multivariate Anal. 101, 850-868. (SCI)
Qiang Chen, Lu Lin* and Zhu, L. X. (2010). Bias-corrected smoothed score function for single-index models. Metrika, 71, 45-58. (SCI)
Chen, X. and Lin, L*. (2010). Nonparametric estimation for FBSDEs models with applications in finance. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 39, 2492 - 251. (SCI)
Lu Lin, Xia Cui and Lixing Zhu. (2009). An adaptive two-stage estimation method for additive models. Scand. J. Statist. 36, 248-269. (SCI)
Cui,X., Guo, W. S., Lin, L. and Zhu, L. X. (2009). Covariate-adjusted nonlinear regression. Annals of Statistics, 37, 1839-1870. (SCI)
徠Su, X. and Lin, L. (2009). Semi-parametric estimation of F-BSDE. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods. 38, 1759-1775. (SCI)
Wang, K. P., Lin L. and Qi Ruihua. (2009). Multiplicative adjustment method for semiparametric regression with mixing dependent data. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods. 38, 3654-3665. (SCI)
Lin, L., and Li Feng. (2008). Stable and bias-corrected estimation for nonparametric regression models. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 20, 283-303. (SCI)
Lin, L., Tan, L. (2008). Proper Bayesian estimating equation based on Hilbert Space method. Statistics and Probability Letters. 78,1119-1127. (SCI)
Lin, L. Fan, Y. Z., Tan, L. (2008) Blockwise bootstrap wavelet estimation for nonparametric regression with weakly dependent processes. Metrika 67, 31-48. (SCI)
Wang, K. P. and Lin, L. (2008). Semiparametric Density Estimation for Time Series with Multiplicative Adjustment. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 37, 1274-1283. (SCI)
Cui, X.,Lin, L. and Yamg,G. R.(2008). An extended projection data depth and its applications to discrimination. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Method. 37,(14), 2276--2290 (SCI)
Yang, G. J., Lin, L. and Zhang, R. C. (2007). Unbiased quasi-regression. China. Ann. Math. 28(B) (2),177-186. (SCI)
Lin, L. and Cui, X. (2006). Stahel-Donoho kernel estimation for fixed design nonparametric regression models. Science inChinaSeries A: Mathematics, 49(12), 1879-1896. (SCI)
Lin, L. and Chen, M. H. (2006). Robust Estimating Equation Based on Statistical Depth. Statistical Papers, 47, 263-278. (SCI)
Lin, L.(2006).Quasi Baysian likelihood. Statistical Methodology, 3,444-455.
Lin, L., Zhu, L. X. and Yuen, K. C. (2005) Profile empirical likelihood for parametric and semi-parametric models. Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. 57(3), 485-505.(SCI)
Lin, L. (2005). Robust depth-weighted wavelet for nonparametric regression models. Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 21, 585 - 592. (SCI)
Lin, L., Fan, Y. Z., Du, J. and Yuan, Y. (2005). Iterative quasi likelihood for seemingly unrelated regression systems. Chin. Ann. Math. 26(B)(3),335-346. (SCI)
Lin, L.(2004). Generalized Quasi likelihood. Statistical Papers, 45,529-544. (SCI)
Lin, L. and Zhang, R. C. (2004). Bootstrap Wavelet for Nonlinear Regression Models with Weakly Dependent Processes. Acta Mathematica Scientia, 24B, 61-70.(SCI)
Lin, L. (2003). Maximum Information and Optimum Estimating Function. Chin. Ann. Math. 24B, 349-358. (SCI)
Lin, L. and Zhang, R. C. (2002). Profile Quasi-likelihood. Statistics and Probability Letters. 56, 147-154. (SCI)
林 路. (2002). 相依非線性回歸系統中的附加信息Bayes擬似然. 數學學報. 6,1227-1234.
林 路, 張潤楚. (2002).三種兩樣本經驗Euclidean似然方法及其比較. 應用概率統計.4,393-399.
Lin, L. and Zhang, R. C. (2001). Bloclwise Euclidean Empirical Likelihood for Weakly Dependent Processes. Statistics and Probability Letters. 53, 143-152. (SCI)
林 路, 張潤楚. (2001). 假設檢驗的相對穩定性. 應用數學學報. 4, 616-622.


7] 2012-2015. 主持國家自然科學基金項目:非稀疏高維模型的重建和相合統計推斷的研究。40萬。
2010-2012. 主持山東省自然科學基金重點項目:高維複雜統計模型的基礎理論及應用研究。8萬。
2008-2010. 主持國家自然科學基金項目:高維非參數和半參數統計模型中自適應方法的研究。21萬。
2008-2010. 主持博士點基金項目:倒向隨機微分方程中的統計推斷問題。6萬。
2007-2009. 主持山東省自然科學基金項目:倒向隨機微分方程中的統計估計和檢驗問題的研究。4. 5萬。
2007-2011. 國家973項目的主要成員。
2004-2006. 主持國家自然科學基金項目:有討厭參數模型的經驗似然和擬似然及基本有效性的研究。16萬。
獨立或以第一作者在國內外學術刊物,如《中國科學》(中英文)、《數學學報》(中英文)、《數學年刊》(英文)、Ann. Inst. Statist. Math,Statistics and Probability Letters,Statistical Papers等發表論文30餘篇; 主持國家自然科學基金課題一項, 主持山東省自然科學基金課題一項, 獨立完成國家統計局科研課題一項, 參與國家自然科學基金課題兩項, 參與國家統計局科研課題一項。


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