共找到14條詞條名為後會有期的結果 展開
《後會有期》,是Geoffrey Enthoven執導的一部喜劇片,Pierre De Clercq 編劇,由約翰·海爾登貝格、Gilles De Schrijver 、Robrecht Vanden Thoren 主演。

Three guys in their 20s love wine and women but they are still virgins. They embark on a journey to Spain hoping to have their first sexual experience. Nothing will stop them. Not even their handicaps: one is blind, the other is confined to a wheelchair and the third is completely paralysed.
導演 Director
徠Geoffrey Enthoven
編劇 Writer
Pierre De Clercq
byAsta Philpot
ideaMariano Vanhoof
製作人 Produced by:
Mariano Vanhoof
Jan Vrints
Asta Philpot
攝影 Cinematography:
Gerd Schelfhout
剪輯 Film Editing:
Philippe Ravoet
美術設計 Art Direction by:
Kurt Rigolle
角色 | 演員 |
Maarten | 約翰·海爾登貝格 |
Lars | Gilles De Schrijver |
Philip | Robrecht Vanden Thoren |
Jozef | Tom Audenaert |
Sommelière | Xandra Van Welden |
Claude | Isabelle de Hertogh |
Wijnhandelaar | Luc Verhoeven |
Yoni | Kimke Desart |
Lisbet | Karlijn Sileghem |
An | Katelijne Verbeke |
Geert | Karel Vingerhoets |
Wine tester | Asta Philpot |
Roger | Tuur De Weert |
Jozef's Mother | Marilou Mermans |
Theo | Ivan Pecnik |
Nurse | 薇兒拉·貝坦絲 |
Hotel waiter | Alexandre Chouvalov |
Dutch man | Manou Kersting |
Hotel Manager | Philippe Rasse |
Reina | Itziar Luengo |
Lars' Prostitute | Kristina Petriasova |