



孫雲(Sun Yun),女,漢族,1985年生,山東人,教授,博士生(碩士生)導師,南海海洋資源利用國家重點實驗室骨幹成員,海南大學海洋學院免疫及病害防控研究室骨幹成員,主要從事海洋生物病害防治及免疫方向的工作。2013年中國科學院海洋研究所博士畢業,2015年在中國科學院海洋研究所完成博士后研究工作。




著重於海洋生物的免疫機制、常見海洋病原菌的致病機理研究及疫苗研發的工作。近3年主持國家自然基金1項,海南省重大科技項目子課題1項,海南自然科學基金面上項目1項,中國博士后科學基金1項。在Infect Immun,FishShellfishImmun,Vaccine等雜誌,第一作者及通訊作者身份發表SCI論文10餘篇,影響因子總和近40。


1.徠 Sun Y, Sun L. CsBAFF, a teleost B cell activating factor, promotes pathogen-induced innate immunity and vaccine-induced adaptive immunity. PLos One,2015,10(8)
2.Sun Y, Hu YH. Cell-penetrating peptide-mediated subunit vaccine generates a potent immune response and protection against Streptococcus iniae in Japanese ?ounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology,2015,167(3):96-103
3. Sun Y, Zheng WJ, Hu YH, Sun BG, Sun L.Edwardsiella tarda Eta1, an In Vivo-Induced Antigen That Is Involved in Host Infection. Infect Immun 2012;80:2948-55.
4. Sun Y, Zhang M Liu CS, Qiu R, Sun L. A divalent DNA vaccine based on Sia10 and OmpU induces cross protection againstStreptococcus iniae andVibrio anguillarum in Japanese flounder. FishShellfishImmun 2012;32:1216–22.
5. Sun Y, Hu YH, Liu CS, Sun L. Construction and comparative study of monovalent and multivalent DNA vaccines againstStreptococcus iniae. FishShellfishImmun 2012;33:1303–10.
6.Sun Y, Liu CS, Sun L. Comparative study of the immune effect of anEdwardsiella tarda antigen in two forms: Subunit vaccine vs DNA vaccine. Vaccine 2011;29:2051–7.