Inspired by real events, BAD COUNTRY is a gritty Louisiana set crime drama. Detective Bud Carter's investigations lead to the arrest of Jesse Weiland, a contract killer from a criminal syndicate. Weiland, facing life in prison and losing his family, puts his trust in Carter and becomes an informant. The case attracts the FBI, who in turn, wrestles control from Carter. When a sting goes bad, the syndicate boss, Lutin Adams uses crooked politicians and lawyers to identify Weiland as the 'rat.' His family is executed, setting Weiland on a path of revenge executing targets on a manhunt for Lutin. Carter takes control, pursuing the syndicate to the French Quarter. The climax explodes as Carter, Weiland and Lutin are caught in a triangular crossfire.
角色 | 演員 | 備註 |
威廉·達福 | Bud Carter | |
艾米·斯馬特 | Lynn Weiland | |
馬特·狄龍 | Jesse Weiland | |
尼爾·麥克唐納 | Kiersey |
導演:Chris Brinker
編劇: Jonathan Hirschbein / Tom Abernathy
本片根據80年代真實事件改編,描述路易斯安那州的資的探員巴德卡特(威廉·達福飾),說服殺手傑西威德(馬特·狄龍 飾)為線人卧底在南方最大的黑道組織里,但因為身分曝光讓他們成為被追殺的目標……本片《神鬼尖兵》製片克里斯布爾克執導,《偷天搶地》馬特·狄龍、《蜘蛛人3》威廉·達福等硬底子巨星演出,火爆的動作場面,替觀眾揭開一場殺戮遊戲。
1.CB Productions
2.ANA Media
3.Mandalay Vision
4.Wilmor Entertainment
5.Whiskey Bay
1.Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc.[日本](2014) (Japan) (DVD)
2.Sony Pictures Home Entertainment[德國](2014) (Germany) (DVD)/(2014) (Germany) (Blu-ray) (DVD)
3.Sony Pictures Home Entertainment[英國](2014) (UK) (DVD)
4.Sony Pictures Home Entertainment(2014) (Netherlands) (DVD)
5.Sony Pictures Home Entertainment[美國](2014) (USA) (DVD)/(2014) (USA) (Blu-ray) (DVD)