







1. 國家自然科學基金項目“排序和路線問題:複雜性和在線演演算法”(10771067)。
2.國家自然科學基金項目“NP困難排序問題的可近似性” (10101007)。
4. 入選2003年度“上海高校優秀青年教師後備人選”。


1. Z. Liu, T.C.E. Cheng, Minimizing total completion time subject to job release dates and preemption penalties, Journal of Scheduling, forthcoming.
2. T.C.E. Cheng, C.T. Ng, J.J. Yuan, Z. Liu, Single-machine scheduling to minimize total weighted tardiness, European Journal of Operational Research, forthcoming.
3. T.C.E. Cheng, C.T. Ng, J.J. Yuan, Z. Liu, Single machine parallel batch scheduling subject to precedence constraints, Naval Research Logistics, forthcoming.
4. T.C.E. Cheng, Z. Liu, Parallel machine scheduling to minimize the sum of quadratic completion times, IIE Transactions 36, 11-17, 2004.
5. J.J. Yuan, Z. Liu, C.T. Ng, T.C.E. Cheng, The unbounded single machine parallel batch scheduling problem with family jobs and release dates to minimize makespan, Theoretical Computer Science 320, 199-212, 2004.
6. Z. Liu, J.J. Yuan, T.C.E. Cheng, On scheduling an unbounded batch machine, Operations Research Letters 31, 42-48, 2003.
7. T.C.E. Cheng, Z. Liu, 3/2-approximation for two-machine no-wait flowshop scheduling with availability constraints, Information Processing Letters 88, 161-165, 2003.
8. T.C.E. Cheng, Z. Liu, Approximability of two-machine no-wait flowshop scheduling with availability constraints, Operations Research Letters 31, 319-322, 2003.
9. C.T. Ng, T.C.E. Cheng, J.J. Yuan, Z. Liu, On the single machine serial batching scheduling problem to minimize total completion time with precedence constraints, release dates and identical processing times, Operations Research Letters 31, 323-326, 2003.
10. Z. Liu, T.C.E. Cheng, Scheduling with job release dates, delivery times and preemption penalties, Information Processing Letters 82, 107-111, 2002.
11. T.C.E. Cheng, Z. Liu, Y.M. Shafransky, A note on the complexity of family scheduling to minimize the number of late jobs, Journal of Scheduling 4, 225-229, 2001.
12. T.C.E. Cheng, Z. Liu, W. Yu, Scheduling jobs with release dates and deadlines on a batch processing machine, IIE Transactions 33, 685-690, 2001.
13. 劉朝暉,俞文魮,無容量限制的批處理機時間表問題,華東理工大學學報,27 卷 4 期,431-433,2001.
14. 劉朝暉,俞文魮,關於工件組的兩機自由作業時間表問題,華東理工大學學報,26 卷 6 期,665-669,2000.
15. Z. Liu, W. Yu, Scheduling one batch processor subject to job release dates, Discrete Applied Mathematics 105, 129-136, 2000.
16. Z. Liu, W. Yu, NP-hardness of some special cases of the three-machine flow-shop problem, OR Transactions 4, 43-49, 2000.
17. Z. Liu, W. Yu, Minimizing the number of late jobs under the group technology assumption, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 3, 5-15, 1999.
18. Z. Liu, W. Yu, T.C.E. Cheng, Scheduling groups of unit length jobs on two identical parallel machines, Information Processing Letters 69, 275-281, 1999.
19. 俞文魮,劉朝暉,兩台機器若干作業問題的雙向排序法,華東理工大學學報,25 卷 6 期,629-633,1999.
20. 劉朝暉,俞文魮,鏈式先後關係下的單機分批排序問題,運籌學學報,3 卷 1 期,65-68,1999.
21. 劉朝暉,俞文魮,成組加工的單機延誤工件個數問題,華東理工大學學報,24 卷 2 期,235-242,1998.
22. 孫世傑,A.Boadi,劉朝暉,單機分批加工最大遲后問題的一個多項式時間演演算法,應用科學學報,16 卷 1 期,18-23,1998.
23. 俞文魮,劉朝暉,總延誤問題順時安排法的性能比,運籌學學報,1 卷 1 期,89-96,1997.
24. 劉朝暉,極小化延誤工件個數的單機分組排序問題,華東理工大學學報,23 卷 5 期,626-631,1997.