



2021年4月23日,入選中國工程院2021年院士增選有效候選人名單, 6月2日,進入第二輪評審候選人名單。


1999.6-2000.6,美國The University of Akron,訪問學者
2000.6-2001.5,美國Case Western Reserve University,博士后


教育部第六屆科技委國防科技學部委員、中國輪胎產業技術創新聯盟技術委員會主任、中國化工學會理事(橡膠專業委員會副主任委員、橡塑產品綠色製造專業委員會主任委員)、中國材料研究學會理事(高分子材料工程專業委員會副主任委員)、中國複合材料學會榮譽理事(微納米複合材料專業委員會副主任委員)、中國化工新材料專業委員會常務理事。《高分子通報》副主編、《橡膠工業》編委會副主任委員、《彈性體》編委會副主任委員、《特種橡膠製品》編委會副主任委員,《複合材料學報》、《材料工程》、《材料科學與工藝》、《高分子材料科學與工程》、《世界橡膠工業》、《合成橡膠工業》、《中國塑料》、《塑料》、《工程塑料與應用》、《功能材料》、《熱固性樹脂》編委。SCI期刊《Science Bulletin》副主編,《Composites Science and Technology》、《Rubber Chemistry and Technology》、《Express Polymer Letters》、《Mini Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry》、《Journal of Applied Polymer Science》、《Plastics, Rubber and Composites: Molecular Engineering》、《Composite Communication》、《Functional Composite Materials》、《Nano Materials Science》編委。




獲得全國優秀科技工作者、國務院頒發的政府特殊津貼、第九屆中國青年科技獎、中國橡膠工業協會優秀科技創新帶頭人、第十八屆茅以升科技獎、何梁何利基金青年創新獎、中國石油和化學聯合會青年科技突出貢獻獎、光華工程科技獎第九屆青年獎、教育部高校青年教師獎、中國化工學會侯德榜化工科學技術獎等。還獲得了美國化學會橡膠分會Sparks-Thomas科技獎(每屆全球1名)、日本化學工學會SCEJ亞洲研究獎(每屆亞洲2名)、國際聚合物加工學會Morand Lambla Award(每屆全球1名)、國際橡膠會議組織獎章IRCO Medal(每屆全球1名)。


Min Gong, Pengbo Wan, Di Ma, Mengjuan Zhong, Meihong Liao, Jingjing Ye, Rui Shi, Liqun Zhang. Flexible Breathable Nanomesh Electronic Devices for On-Demand Therapy. Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 1902127
Nanying Ning, Shangqing Li, Hanguang Wu, Hongchi Tian, Pengjun Yao, Guohua Hu, Ming Tian, Liqun Zhang. Preparation, Microstructure, and Microstructure-properties Relationship of Thermoplastic Vulcanizates (TPVs): A review. Progress in Polymer Science, 2018, 79, 61-97
Wenjie Wu, Xia Cao, Jingdian Zou, Yong Ma, Xiaohui Wu, Chongzhi Sun, Mei Li, Ning Wang, Zhonglin Wang, Liqun Zhang. Triboelectric Nanogenerator Boosts Smart Green Tires. Advanced Functional Materials, 2018, 1806331
Xuan Qin, Bingyong Han, Jianmin Lu, Zhao Wang, Zheng Sun, Dong Wang, Thomas P. Russell, Liqun Zhang, Jun Liu. Rational Design of Advanced Elastomer Nanocomposites Towards Extremely Energy-saving Tires Based on Macromolecular Assembly Strategy. Nano Energy, 2018, 48, 180-188
Junchi Zheng, Dongli Han, Suhe Zhao, Xin Ye, Yiqing Wang, Youping Wu, Dong Dong, Jun Liu, Xiaohui Wu, Liqun Zhang. Constructing a Multiple Covalent Interface and Isolating a Dispersed Structure in Silica/Rubber Nanocomposites with Excellent Dynamic Performance. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2018, 10(23), 19922-19931
Xuhui Zhang, Jun Liu, Zhiyu Zhang, Siwu Wu, Zhenghai Tang, Baochun Guo, Liqun Zhang. Toughening Elastomers Using Mussel-Inspired Multiphase Design. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10 (28), 23485-23489
Xinxin Zhou, Baochun Guo, Liqun Zhang, Guohua Hu. Progress in Bio-inspired Sacrificial Bonds in Artificial Polymeric Materials. Chemical Society Reviews, 2017, 46(20), 6301-6329
Meihong Liao, Pengbo Wan, Jiangru Wen, Min Gong, Xiaoxuan Wu, Yonggang Wang, Rui Shi, Liqun Zhang. Wearable, Healable, and Adhesive Epidermal Sensors Assembled from Mussel-Inspired Conductive Hybrid Hydrogel Framework. Advanced Functional Materials, 2017, 27(48), 1703852
Jie Liu, Jun Liu, Sheng Wang, Huang Jing, Siwu Wu, Zhenghai Tang, Baochun Guo, Liqun Zhang. an Advanced Elastomer with an Unprecedented Combination of Excellent Mechanical Properties and High Self-healing Capability. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2017, 5(48), 25660-25671
Ye Fu, Congcong Gong, Wencai Wang, Liqun Zhang, Evgenii Ivanov, Yuri Lvov. Antifouling Thermoplastic Composites with Maleimide Encapsulated in Clay Nanotubes. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9(35), 30083-30091
Baochun Guo, Zhenghai Tang, Liqun Zhang. Transport Performance in Novel Elastomer Nanocomposites: Mechanism, Design and Control. Progress in Polymer Science, 2016, 61, 29-66
Jun Liu, Zijian Zheng, Fanzhu Li, Weiwei Lei, Yangyang Gao, Youping Wu, Liqun Zhang, Zhonglin Wang. Nanoparticle Chemically End-linking Elastomer Network with Super-low Hysteresis Loss for Fuel-saving Automobile. Nano Energy, 2016, 28, 87-96
Weiwei Lei, Xinxin Zhou, Thomas P. Russell, Kuo-chih Hua, Xiaoping Yang, He Qiao, Wencai Wang, Fanzhu Li, Runguo Wang, Liqun Zhang. High Performance Bio-based Elastomers: Energy Efficient and Sustainable Materials for Tires. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4(34), 13058-13062
Shuquan Sun, Dong Wang, Thomas P. Russell, and Liqun Zhang. Nanomechanical Mapping of a Deformed Elastomer: Visualizing a Self-reinforcement Mechanism. ACS Macro Letters, 2016, 5(7), 839-843
Jiajia Xue, Yuzhao Niu, Min Gong, Rui Shi, Dafu Chen, Liqun Zhang, Yuri Lvov. Electrospun Microfiber Membranes Embedded with Drug-Loaded Clay Nanotubes for Sustained Antimicrobial Protection. ACS Nano, 2015, 9(2), 1600-1612.
Dan Yang, Fengxing Ge, Ming Tian, Nanying Ning, Liqun Zhang, Changming Zhao, Kohzo Ito, Toshio Nishi, Huaming Wang, Yunguang Luan. Dielectric Elastomer Actuator with Excellent Electromechanical Performance Using Slide-Ring Materials/Barium Titanate Composites. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3(18) 9468-9479
Ye Fu, Detao Zhao, Pengjun Yao, Wencai Wang, Liqun Zhang, and Yuri Lvov. Highly Aging-Resistant Elastomers Doped with Antioxidant-Loaded Clay Nanotubes. ACS Applied Materials & interfaces, 2015, 7(15), 8156-8165.
Jiajia Xue, Min He, Hao Liu, Yuzhao Niu, Aileen Crawford, Phil D Coates, Dafu Chen, Rui Shi, Liqun Zhang. Drug Loaded Homogeneous Electrospun PCL/Gelatin Hybrid Nanofiber Structures for Anti-Infective Tissue Regeneration Membranes. Biomaterials, 2014, 35(34), 9395-9405.
Chao Zha, Wencai Wang, Yonglai Lu, Liqun Zhang. Constructing Covalent Interface in Rubber/Clay Nanocomposite by Combining Structural Modification and Interlamellar Silylation of Montmorillonite. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2014, 6(21), 18769−18779.
Jun Liu, Yong-Lai Lu, Ming Tian, Fen Li, Shen Jianxiang, Yangyang Gao, Liqun Zhang. The Interesting Influence of Nanosprings on the Viscoelasticity of Elastomeric Polymer Materials: Simulation and Experiment. Advanced Functional Materials, 2013, 23(9): 1156-1163


發表文章400餘篇,作為第一作者或通訊聯繫人的SCI收錄文章300餘篇,入選2014-2019年Elsevier中國高被引學者(Most Cited Chinese Researchers)榜單。100餘次被邀在大型國際會議上做大會報告、邀請報告、大會共同主席和分會主席。主持翻譯國際著作1部,主編國內著作2部。獲得中國發明專利200餘項。以第一獲獎人獲得國家技術發明二等獎兩項、國家科技進步二等獎一項。

