




曾在航天工業總公司一院從事光纖陀螺的預研工作。課題負責人,院學科帶頭人。現為北京航空航天大學光電所 研究員,863-409課題副總師。負責光纖陀螺中光電器件:Y波導集成光學器件、大功率SLD光源和低雜訊的PIN光電探測器(PIN+FET)的研究及產業化工作。擔任北京市科技計劃重點項目《通信用高速光收發一體模塊產業化》的負責人。先後發表光纖感測器、光纖陀螺及光電器件的論文、技術報告及工藝研究論文等幾十篇。
1、Li Y., Xiao W., and Pan F., Phase unwrapping method based on multiple recording distances for digital holographic microscopy. [J]. Optics Communications, 2015, Vol. 346:38-42.
徠2、Li Y., Xiao W., and Pan F., Multiple wavelengths scanning based phase unwrapping method for digital holographic microscopy [J]. Applied Optics, 2014, Vol. 53(5): 979-987.
3、Li Y., Xiao W., Pan F., and Rong L., Phase retrieval from double axially displaced holograms for dual-wavelength in-line holography [J]. Chinese Optics Letters, 2014, Vol.12(2): 020901-1-4.
4、Lin Cong,Wen Xiao, Lu Rong, Feng Pan,Jianyi Li, Fanjing Wang, Zhaohai Zhang. Long distance real-time measurement of multi-points micro-vibration in region by digital holography [J]. Optik, 2014, 125(10):2369–2373.
5、Liu S., Xiao W., and Pan F. Automatic compensation of phase aberrations in digital holographic microscopy for living cells investigation by using spectral energy analysis [J].Optics and Laser Technology, 2014, 57(4): 169-174.
6、Rong L., Xiao W., Pan F., Liu S., and Wang F., Iterative solution to twin image problem in in-line digital holography [J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2013, 51(5):553–559.
7、Feng Pan, Wen Xiao, Shuo Liu, and Lu Rong, Application of three-dimensional spatial correlation properties of coherent noise in phase noise suppression for digital holographic microscopy [J], Optics and Laser Technology, Vol.51, pp.67-71, 2013.
8、Feng Pan, WenXiao, Shuo Liu, and LuRong, Coherent noise reduction in digital holographic microscopy by laterally shifting camera [J], Optics Communications, Vol.292, pp.68-72, 2013.
9、Liu S., Xiao W., Pan F., Wang F., and Cong L. Complex-amplitude-based phase unwrapping method for digital holographic microscopy [J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2012, 50(3): 322-327.
10、Pan F., Liu S., Wang Z., Shang P., and Xiao W. Digital holographic microscopy long-term and real-time monitoring of cell division and changes under simulated zero gravity [J].Optics Express, 2012, 20(10): 11496-11505.