


主持國家自然科學基金、湖北省自然科學基金、中國博士后科學研究基金等課題。在Physics of Fluids,Ocean Modelling,Coastal Engineering,Computers & Fluids等期刊發表SCI收錄論文十餘篇。


2004-2008:武漢大學水利水電學院學士; 2008-2013:武漢大學水利水電學院博士; 2011-2013:美國Johns Hopkins University訪學。
2013-2015:武漢大學水利水電學院講師; 2015至今武漢大學副教授、碩士生導師。




1.Numerical simulation of sediment suspension and transport under plunging breaking waves. Zixuan Yang, Xinhua Lu, Xin Guo, et al.Computers & Fluids:2017
2.Conventional versus pre-balanced forms of the shallow-water equations solved using finite-volume method. Xinhua Lu*, Shengbai Xie.Ocean Modelling:2016,101,113-120
3.Depth-averaged non-hydrostatic numerical modeling of nearshore wave propagations based on the FORCE scheme. Xinhua Lu*, Shengbai Xie.Coastal Engineering:2016,114,208-219
4. 明渠湍流泥沙運動的大渦數值模擬. 盧新華*, 楊芳麗, 董炳江, et al.武漢大學學報(工學版):2016,49(3),352-358
5.A two-dimensional depth-integrated non-hydrostatic numerical model for nearshore wave propagation. Xinhua Lu*, Bingjiang Dong, Bing Mao, et al.Ocean Modelling:2015,96,187-202
6.. Effect of thermal stratification on interflow travel time in stratified reservoir. Xiaofeng Zhang, Shi Ren*, Junqing Lu, Xinhua Lu.Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A:2015,16(4),265-278
7.Numerical simulation of breaking wave generated sediment suspension and transport process based on CLSVOF algorithm. Xinhua Lu*, Xiao-feng Zhang,Jun-qing Lu, et al.China Ocean Engineering:2014,28(5),701-712
8.Unstructured mixed grid and SIMPLE algorithm based model for 2D-SWE. Xinhua Lu*, Bingjiang Dong,Bing Mao,et al.Procedia Engineering:2012,28,117-121
9. Idealized numerical simulation of breaking water wave propagating over a viscous mud layer. Yi Hu, Xin Guo, Xinhua Lu, Yi, Liu, Robert A Dalrymple, LianShen*.Physics of Fluids:2012,24,112104