高視闊步,漢語成語,拼音是gāo shì kuò bù,意思是行走時眼睛向上看,步子邁得很大。形容氣概不凡或態度傲慢。出自《隋書·盧思道傳》。
出 處 《隋書·盧思道傳》:“俄而抵掌揚眉,高視闊步。”人教七下19課冰心的《觀舞記》:“如蓮花的花開瓣顫、小鹿的疾走驚躍、孔雀的高視闊步,都能形容盡致,盡態極妍!
示 例 那黑貓是不能久在矮牆上~的了,我決定的想。於是又不由的一瞥那藏在書箱里的一瓶青酸鉀。(魯迅《吶喊·兔和貓》)
如蓮花的花開瓣顫,小鹿的疾走驚躍、孔雀的 高視闊步,都能形容盡致,盡態極妍!(冰心《觀舞記》)
她昂著頭, 高視闊步地走出了房間。
She stalkedout of the room, her head high.
支持木盆的金屬 高視闊步。
Metal strutssupporting the tub.
我曾經哭泣,但現在的我 高視闊步。
I used to cry but now I holdmy head up high.
樂意 高視闊步邁入地獄只為一個神聖使命!
To be willing to marchinto hell for a heavenly cause!
她接著就 高視闊步的走出房間,弄得我們又羞愧又狼狽,不知如何是好。
She then stalksout of the room. We are left ashamed and wretched and do not know which way to look.
行走的姿態似 高視闊步,並帶有特徵性的點頭動作。
Strutlike walking posture, with a characteristic move his head.
一個傢伙 高視闊步進入旅館的一座電梯,而當電梯往上移動時,開始想要留下印象給那年輕漂亮的操作員。
A fellow swaggeredinto a hotel elevator and, as it moved upward, started trying to impress the pretty young operator.
因為她雖說是 高視闊步,但在人們逼視的目光下,每邁出一步都要經歷一番痛苦,似乎她的心已經給拋到滿心,任憑所有的人碾踩踐踏。
For, haughty as her demeanourwas, she perchance underwent an agony from every footstep of those that thronged to see her, as if her heart had been flung into the street for them all to spurn and trample upon.
她昂著頭 高視闊步走出了房間。
She stalkedout of the room.
喬伊斯先生在教室里 高視闊步,尋找犧牲品。
Mr joyce stalkedaround the classroom, looking for a victim.
那些官員 高視闊步地在大街上行走。
The officers stalkedalong the street.
"She stalkedout of the room, her head high."