Matthew Knight
Matthew Knight
《女巫的命運The Good Witch's Destiny》(2013)....Brandon Russell
《R.L. Stine's The Haunting Hour》(2013)....Jeremy(Episode: "Alien Candy")

Matthew Knight
《吸血鬼保姆My Babysitter's a Vampire》(電視劇)(2012)....Ethan Morgan
《吸血鬼保姆My Babysitter's a Vampire》(電視劇)(2011)....Ethan Morgan
《女巫家族The Good Witch's Family》(2011)....Brandon Russell
《R.L. Stine's The Haunting Hour》(2011)....Greg(Episode: "Checking Out")
《吸血鬼保姆My Babysitter's a Vampire》(2010)....Ethan Morgan
《女巫的禮物The Good Witch's Gift》(2010)....Brandon Russell
《A Heartland Christmas》(2010)....Sam Hawke
《Heartland》(2010)....Sam Hawke

Matthew Knight
《美版咒怨3The Grudge 3》(2009)....Jake
《巫婆不壞2 Good Witch 2》(2009)....Brandon Russell
《巫婆不壞Good Witch》(2009)....Brandon Russell
《Cartoon Gene》(2009)....Gene
《飛行中的芬蘭人Finn on the Fly》(2008)....Ben Soledad
《靈異檔案The Dresden Files》(2007)....Young Harry Dresden(2007-2008,3 épisodes)
《好人都結婚了All the Good Ones Are Married》(2007)....Luke Gold
《神奇的聖誕之旅Christmas in Wonderland》(2007)....Brian Saunders
《Super Why!》(2007)....Humpty Dumpty (voice role)
《Intimate Stranger》(2006)....Justin Reese
《新天地Skyland》(2006)....voix de Spencer(1 épisode)
《美版咒怨2 The Grudge 2》(2006).....Jake
《For the Love of a Child》(2006)....Jacob Fletcher
《兒女一籮筐2 Cheaper by the Dozen 2》(2005).....Theatre Kid
《那些最偉大的比賽The Greatest Game Ever Played》(2005)....Young Francis Ouimet
《偵探科傑克Kojak》(2005)....Paulie Wagner(Episodes: "Kind of Blue" and "Hit Man")
《小鳥趣事多Peep and the Big Wide World》(2004)....Tom the Cat (unknown episodes)
《Big Spender》(2003)....Will Burton
《第六感尋人1-800-Missing》(2003)....Peter Melnyk(saison 1 épisode 12)
《同志亦凡人第二季Queer as Folk Season 2》(2002)....Peter(Episode: "Accentuate the Positive")
青年藝術家獎(Young Artist Award) Best Performance in a TV Movie, Miniseries or Special(Comedy or Drama)- Leading Young Actor 《當舊愛來攪局》(2006)
青年藝術家獎(Young Artist Award)Best Performance in a DVD Film- 《精靈古比Gooby》(2008)
青年藝術家獎(Young Artist Award)Best Performance in a TV Movie, Miniseries or Special - Supporting Young Actor(提名)-《巫婆不壞》(2008)
青年藝術家獎(Young Artist Award)Best Performance in a DVD Film(提名)-《神奇的聖誕之旅Christmas in Wonderland》(2007)
青年藝術家獎(Young Artist Award)Best Performance in a TV Movie, Miniseries or Special - Supporting Young Actor(提名)-《女巫的禮物The Good Witch's Gift》(2010)
青年藝術家獎(Young Artist Award)Best Performance in a TV Movie, Miniseries or Special - Supporting Young Actor(提名)-《女巫家族The Good Witch's Family》(2011)
青年藝術家獎(Young Artist Award)Best Performance in a TV series - Leading Young Actor(提名)-《吸血鬼保姆My Babysitter's a Vampire》(2011-2012)